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Everything posted by imnotarunner

  1. oh my gosh you are amazing i never even thought about these projects I am totally borrowing these ideas for our wedding great job
  2. they are gorgeous. I made my own pocketfolds, unfortunately it was an awkward shape, so I had to eyeball it, messed up a few. some were wrong sizes i'm not crafty like you
  3. my friend is mexican and she was apalled that they tried to over charge her as well because she didnt' have a typical hispanic name. i never knew there were different prices, but she said there were
  4. chocotaco : oh my that's crazy I would be pissed too, that's embarassing to have your guests pay for postage. what would they think? GRrrrr I'm glad I didn't have to do that with my invites.
  5. aww that's a great deal!! I won't be needing them in my july wedding
  6. OH I had no idea. I guess I'll play the waiting game, too. I tried so hard to get my numbers to 150 thanks for sharing the info
  7. i was thinking about making bridesmaids bouquets by buying costco flowers in mexico
  8. i plan to bring some while doing my site visit and tasting, and begging the wedding planner to store it(not a lot of stuff just a few things)
  9. whoa you're bringing all that? that's a lot of luggage =$$ i'd dole it out to several bridesmaids/friends/parents to put in their luggage
  10. I wish I lived in Vancouver, it's beautiful!!
  11. Just wanted to warn everyone the discrepancies that happen between different Post Office branches and wanted you ladies to be aware and to save money I went to a local post office to get an idea how much postage would be for my invitation. The guy tells me it's 1.95 each flat rate due to it being cardstock and since it's too stiff to go into their sorter and will get ruined. He proceeds to show me a jacked up sample. WTF? so I said can you double check with someone, the lady says it's true, they have to hand sort it ok. That's a bit high. So I figured that's just how it is. So I go home and gather up all my invitations and go to my mom's local post office because I was in the area anyway...I was ready to pay 1.95 eeach lo and behold she says it's 65 cents each. I'm like really? Are you Sure? Will they go through the sorter and get messed up? I made her repeat back to me they weren't going through the sorter and will not get messed up. HALLELUJAH!!!!
  12. yeah i was completely caught off guard by mexicos prices i guess they know they can get the gringo's money lol thsi is tourist land. Their DJ's cost more than the best dj in my hometown and so are photog's prices
  13. check out Joyce Mnguni super nice and helfpul i [email protected] i am probably going to use her she's quick to respond and very friendly.
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