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Everything posted by honey740

  1. Maureen, sorry you didn't like my view, but I want to situation to work for me not for the TA, it's business you know?
  2. I didn't say book without a TA- I used a TA, but she wanted to use a third party company to go through to the hotel. Like I said, it adds one more layer to the mix, is un-needed and causes lots of issues. By eliminating that company I was able to go by the hotels rules for booking my group. I used the moon palace and it was super easy, I could have done it by myself if I wanted to but using the TA was nice for keeping everything in order.
  3. I booked directly through the hotel through my TA to avoid this sort of thing. It was not enough notice for my guests and I simply would not do this. My TA isn't making as much money doing it this way, but frankly I don't care. I thought it was wrong to give people less than a month to decided what they wanted to do and get the $ together. Booking with the hotel, we got a block of rooms that were released 45 days prior to the wedding, but people could book at that price at the last minute if needed. Get rid of the 3rd party, it's only hurting you and helping the TA, it's your wedding. Furthermore, I would drop this company all together. They sound terrible.
  4. Nina!!! I am at my last day of work till we leave 6am Monday from CT!!! I am going to have my laptop there so when we have some down time on Monday and Tuesday I will be online periodically. Nina, definitely email me (pm'd you the address) and we'll meet up- maybe @ the rooftop sushi bar at the grand side? Wish me luck packing and finishing my playlist!
  5. I just did receipts myself on the word document, i listed the website, quantity, price per and then total. I have heard from others this has worked for them. I am sure if you have a nice $20 to hand them that will get you by too lol...not even kidding.
  6. I am, I am!! Only 2 more days of work and then packing all weekend. We're working on our playlist tonight. I emailed my WC about cake flavors and style today so she has time to prepare the kitchen, I really have my heart set on cannoli filling with devils food cake, so we'll see! Here's the pic of the cake I am looking @
  7. pxystyx- read the post from colcuba on this thread, i would message her to see if she has any insight http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21569-197
  8. pyxystyx and Eureaka, seriously call the person you were assigned to in Miami. When I didn't hear from mi WC for a few days (during the swine flu thing, I was afraid she got laid off) I called Miami and she contacted the Moon Palace and now it takes 48hrs or less for my WC to get back to me. If I was waiting a week, I would freak out.
  9. those are nice, I have no idea what to expect from the mariachi, I guess I will pick from a list when I get there...from here on out I am adopting a new attitude...just relax because it's not like I can change anything major anyway, we're in the home stretch!! Work is going to be painful this week....
  10. ohhh sorry nina, I didn't see you put songs down. I am having the mariachi band, so I have no idea. Email your WC she should be be able to tell you.
  11. Tina, I don't expect you to answer this but if you check, how long did customs take all together? I am worried about getting attitude from United, but seriously, they know the deal with wedding dresses.
  12. Mine is symbolic, I think everyone still does the paperwork either way. I was told less than 30 minutes.
  13. That is good news!!! I am not sure why I am nervous, possibly b/c I have never been to Moon Palace let alone Cancun before, I just want everyone to have a good time. I am going to start packing too, I just have no idea how everything is making it down there. I am also planning on stowing my dress on board, if they give me an issue (the flight is busy) I am going to really be upset.
  14. Nina- I feel the same way, I keep having nightmares about it. I am sure we are just nervous. Here's to 7 more days till we get to Mexico! I only have 4 more days of work :-)
  15. no, it's quite safe, but I always stick to bottled water. I know they filter it and the ice is safe, but even in the US I filter my own water.
  16. just download some sort of receipt template, just google it. They do want evidence apparently.
  17. pyxystyx- LOL no it's for customs. they don't want you bringing in stuff for re-sale which it could look like if you are making 20+bags. You can make your own receipts: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/te...CT101423521033 it's easy did all mine last night. Just make sure they don't total more than $300/per person and don't register as a family, register as you and then your fiance so you both can take some of the items a receipts and get them counted separately.
  18. CANCUN09- It was me who said I changed the items from the menu, take a look back a few pages, I posted what i am having and the hors d'oeuvres come from like 4 different menus. I am sorry, I am spending a lot of money so I feel they can break out of the mold a little bit. There is only one kitchen @ MP so it's not that much of a pain to accommodate the request.
  19. Shinbinea- our contact is still with the TA too, but I have a copy of it, my TA wanted me to look at it and make sure it looked right before she signed it. I mean, who's getting married? She's definitely not! I really think you need to get a copy of the agreement. I have a very cut and dry personality when it comes to paperwork, contracts and any service I am paying $ for. You ALWAYS get it in writing. I have been burned way too many times. I really say this for your protection. The travel agent isn't going to look out for your well being, so you need to.
  20. aww that's nice, i will be gone for 11 days too...i am a procrastinator, so I won't be packing till next weekend, but we'll get it all done, I hope!
  21. Hey, did you guys know we should have receipts for everything in the OOT bags? Ughhhh just read this in passing on the forum. I downloaded a word template and made my own though
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