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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. im doing an eros ramazotti song and I am not even or do I speak italian lol
  2. I completely agree..this is the only place I feel ok to share every aspect of my planning because everyone is genuinely happy for everyone and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site and am obsessed and addicted to it..BUT at the same time makes me so sad that we have to find a forum and speak to people we dont know to share our excitment because people that are sometimes the closest to us arent as happy as people dont even know us are? just makes you think...........
  3. OMGGGGGGG i feel so bad for you, so sorry that had to happen and its amazing that you talk about it in such good spirits How did it happen? Wish you a speedy recovery!
  4. We are doing that too 6pm ceremony and reception right after..you can take all your pics before and then go straight to the reception..i think sunset is just beautiful..PLUS most resorts are all inclusive so people will be eating all day..and just because they show up at 6 doesnt mean they havent stuffing their faces all day lol..only we are gonna starve..everyone else is on vacation and you know on vacation theres no holds barred when it comes to food
  5. YUP..and I avoid drama as best I can..but not this time they managed to hawk me in lol thanks though
  6. Wow breaking up is kind of harsh..I dont know about all that
  7. LMAO i am with you on that...and i almost wish we could send these morons a personal invite that they have been officially sent to this poor excuse for human beings group kick those bitches with a 6inch heel to the curb lol
  8. you're right yet again so you're saying do nothing and just keep ignoring both and eventually they will go away? lol
  9. Oh so you are just using her as your main TA? and basically everyone is just calling her and making arrangements on their own?
  10. its true..and i thought i did that when she posted the comments, i answered it squashed it and moved on..but now my friend is going crazy and this one is trying to befriend me.and im ignoring them both but its annoying. Thank god i graduated kindergarden and i was blessed with one face not two so i kind of want to tell them both to f*ck off with out saying a word lol
  11. No i appreciate your thoughts..i love book's..i write them so i love to read them lol. I dont even know how to explain how im feeling. its not the fact that they are friends, or the fact that there is lack of enthusiasm..i just think its the fakeness coupled with me being angry at myself for actually thinking she was a friend..i dont know the whole thing is just weird. I dont intend on revoking the invite to my friend..or extending one to the other one..but the whole thing is just stupid, and i know it and it still bothers me.
  12. yikes..be careful because if you include this in your regular invite alot of people might not be inclined to fly and just want to come to the ahr..which depends on how you feel about that may make you happy or sad if you dont have that many people there. I would send the regular invite to the people you def would like to have away, and then have your parents tell their friends they would like to have at the ahr and create little cards for that? i have a situation where my fmil wants to invite alot of friends that she knows from her building and the neighborhood but doesnt feel that close to invite them to the wedding since my fi doesnt know them..so we are having a seperate at home party, when we come back so we can show them pics of the actual wedding and just have a casual celebration his mom can feel like she didnt miss out either..maybe something in her house and we are only going to mention it to her friends.
  13. they are both fake i realize now..what angers me most though is my friend because when i told her it was finally going to happen my dream of having it away( basically before people were doing dw's ever since i was a kid all i dreamed was having a wedding on the beach with my fam, and the roadblock was my fmil is afraid of flying so when she gave the go i called my friend) and she said such nice things i teared up like she would do whatever it took even if it meant coming for a day just to share that day with me, im the sister she never had, well grow old together..like i was so touched my her words i called my mom and repeated everything and teared up like a jerk..then again i cry at commercials so it doesnt take much lol and she was hating on the one that made the comment(they met once through me) so badly that i was even like calm down its not that serious..so now they are friends..the whole thing is bizarre and i know i shouldnt care but its pissing me off..not that they are friends i could care less about that but how its all happening it just disgusting me and now im getting im's from the other one..i dont answer but still lol whats wrong with people??
  14. Update...so this is getting even weirder and im pissed!!..my friend forever has basically stopped talking to me lol, and i have never mentioned anything to her..and the one that said that asked if i got rid?..well shes become my new bff i get new messages all the time now on fb..what the hell?
  15. Dolfin..no havent contacted any here..did you have to leave a deposit for each guest?
  16. what if you just make your reception earlier? or thats out of the question?
  17. Wow thank you they have great stuff how did your logo turn out has anyone else ordered from here?
  18. That is what we were going to do, hand them out as people check in. We actually went to a wedding in jamaica that was the 1st time i'd been to a DW(which i was so insanely excited because as much as it had always been my dream to have one i'd never had the chance to go to one lol) soo...when we checked in they gave us our bag and we were shocked, because it was something people dont expect it just sets off the mood and excitement to be at your wedding, they actually put a lei(spelling?) on us too and gave us our bags..it was like the jumpoff. lol just speaking from a guest perspective that was how we felt
  19. YAY..another elegance bride! congratsss have you been down there yet?
  20. no i think its an awesome idea originally i thought it too..that was just my only though against it. check out another posting this girl had pashminas with their name around it..sooo pretty let me see if i can find it for you..and theres another chapstick idea going around which is awesome..and if there is anything else you're doing let me know because i am at a loss for ideas lol
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