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Everything posted by *Lo*

  1. I think if you are having a good sized DW, then it is totally not required that you have an AHR, especially if you invited those people to your wedding. It is a matter of preference. I kind of feel that it may seem like a gift grab like what people have mentioned...that was my opinion on it. But since we are having a DW with immediate family only, my future husband is insisting on having a reception in Calgary where he is from to celebrate with his friends and family that aren't coming to the wedding. We wouldn't be paying for it though. I know even my mother wants me to have one in Toronto where I am from...many of my relatives have been asking about the wedding and want to be a part of it, but I really want an immediate family, small 10 guest wedding. So I may have to have two AHR's! Either way I am not paying for them so I should suck it up and go along with it if it is what everyone wants. I still get to have MY dream wedding in Hawaii afterall!
  2. WOW!!! Everything looked perfect!! My mouth watered when I saw that cake. So glad you shared your photos! ~Lori
  3. Welcome to the forum! I am getting married in 2010 as well! ~Lori
  4. I'm an accountant. I started out really loving it. But it has gotten to the point where the workload is ridiculous and the firm is short staffed and it is Saturday and I am working all day, working all day tomorrow, after putting in 75 hours already this week. The work is challenging, it pays well, I just do not like feeling so overwhelmed and stressed with these deadlines and I am starting to wonder if this is the right place for me. It's a toss up I guess because I do love the work, I just do not appreciate the volume. Anyone else have that problem?
  5. Welcome! I've only been a member for a few weeks but this forum already helped me choose a destination. So you've come to the right place!
  6. This forum will be such a big help! I've only been here a short while but have found amazing resources and help from the members! Wanted to say hello and welcome!
  7. This makes me so happy that so many people are doing their part! My FI and I have made some changes, most of which have been mentioned like the no bottled water, no plastic bags, etc. We also actually turn our A/C off during the day. We live in one of those new efficient condos so all of the appliances are energy saving. (Although they are condo sized but I have learned to live with a small fridge.) I think the biggest one though is getting rid of our car. We live right downtown, we can walk to everything including work, or if we must, we can take the subway. I am finding that I don't really miss it. If anyone comes up with some new ideas to be 'green' please post!!! ~Lori
  8. We have decided on Kauai...but since we have 2 years to go, I think we are going to wait and see what happens with the Princeville and the conversion to a St. Regis. It is set to reopen in April of 09 I think. I will check back to see if anyone visits post-rennovation to get their opinions and hopefully that will be our venue!
  9. Hi Susan, Welcome!!! Although I have not had a cruise wedding, or been to one, I booked an Eastern Caribbean cruise for January 2009, about two months ago. And I can tell you that they book up FAR in advance!! To have that many guests my advice would be to get on it now!!!!!!! When I booked our vacation cruise, they were actually booking as far as 2011 which I thought was outrageous because who knows what you will be doing in 2011! From the research I did, the cruises stop at each port for less than a day. (sometimes 9-6, sometimes it is more like noon-6) so an onshore wedding would need to be timed JUST RIGHT. And the ships sail pretty much around dinner time, so you couldn't really do a dinner type thing on an island or you will get left behind. I have heard (I briefly looked into it) that onboard weddings can be amazing...the ships have some private banquet type rooms, or perhaps you can reserve an area of an outside deck and i have read that the ships sail at sunset and it is really beautiful. Not too sure about costs though. Goodluck, hopefully you can chat with some other cruise brides to be, and there are some cruise wedding areas in this forum you should check out! ~Lori
  10. From what I gather, in most cities, you don't actually have to have a legal ceremony, you do not have to exchange rings or say "I do's", you just have to sign papers and have a witness. Perhaps you could try explaining that to your FIL's. That they are not missing anything, and they will be present when you have the ceremony. You could say that you understand that they really want to be apart of the process, and you are sorry that they feel like they are being left out, but it's really not the case at all since there is nothing to be left out of. (Sometimes if you appeal to their concerns, it will be less offensive but still get the point across). That is all I can suggest! Good luck! And remember it is YOUR wedding. ~Lori
  11. Getting married in October of 2010!!!! How's that for far away? My husband-to-be is going away for 2 years to get his MBA, so we decided to wait until he is done with that for the wedding. But I know it will take me at least a year to decide on a destination!!! And from what I have read here, there is never enough time for planning.
  12. *Lo*

    New and excited

    Hi everyone, My name is Lori. I am so happy to have found this place! Haven't really started any wedding planning as we have set a date in October of 2010. (Hoping for 10/10/10) But I think it will take me a long time to decide on a resort. Also from my preliminary research many islands will not allow you to get married on a Sunday so that may be a little restrictive. Interested in a very small, family only wedding of about 14 people. Shortlist includes Costa Rica and Hawaii, but I am considering Caribbean islands as well. Looking forward to reading about what everyone is planning and getting some ideas and suggestions! Thanks
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