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Everything posted by luvtoteachlaw

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine thank you, I teach goverment so I do know all of this, however I think this might be the best chance to test all these laws. Sorry - I didn't mean to sound as if I was responding to you only . . .
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Does that mean the Supreme Court has final say? Depends on which Supreme Court you are referring to. The California Supreme Court is the final decisionmaker on California state law interpretation. The U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to tell the California Supreme Court how to interpret their own constitution. California Supreme Court refused to hear arguments on whether this referendum was unconstitutional this summer. That seems kind of determinative of this issue. If the Court thought there was something wrong with this referendum, they likely would have taken up that issue this summer rather than trying to clean up this mess now.
  3. Marriage is a legal contract, not just a religious term. That being said, many family law issues are governed by state law. Divorce, custody and child support, as well as the requirements for a valid marriage are all based on state law. The U.S. Constitution reserves these rights to the states via the 10th Amendment. I don't know of any case/situation where the issue of marriage has implicated any First Amendment rights. States have the right to determine many things such as capital punishment and restrictions on abortion. These are normally submitted to the population of the state via a referundum. New Jersey recently repealed their capital punishment law and no longer have it as a possible sentence. The Defense of Marriage Act, passed in 1996 and signed by Mr. Bill Clinton, provided that as far as the federal government is concerned, marriage is between a man and a woman. This law has survived numerous constitutional challenges, and appeals to the Supreme Court regarding this law have been rejected by the Court.
  4. Username: luvtoteachlaw Name: Heather and Stephen Location: Bluefields Bay Villas Date of Wedding: July 17, 2009 In Jamaica: July 12 - 19, 2009
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I guess I'm in the minority, but I didn't think Palin looked nervous at all. The beginning with Alec was dead, but he couldn't remove his eyes of the prompter. I mean really- he's an actor. He couldn't remember those few lines. I think that's why it fell flat- at least for me. Mark was funny (& cute.) I agree with you. I was surprised at how nervous Baldwin seemed to be. However, he did give Palin high marks in the press for her willingness to appear on the show and her professional attitude (and he is pretty anti-republican, if I remember correctly!). I mean, really, that show has been pretty horrid to her, and she still was a good sport about it. I don't know if I could do something like that!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Thanks for the info. I'm actually leaning more toward Xcaret myself, but I have a few guests who really want to do the dolphin swim and it looks like its better at Xelha as far as the interaction you get with them. Personally its not something I'm into, but if guests really want to do it I'm not opposed to that you know? That's the only thing making my decision between the two harder. I have seen the dolphin swim at numerous locations in Mexico, and while I have never done it myself, it all looked very similar in nature. One of the reasons that I didn't do it was that it was really, really expensive for a very short interaction. I don't know if cost is a factor (if you are paying for them or they are paying for this fee), but that was a primary reason that I didn't do it. The dolphins basically drag you around an enclosed area a few times (at least that is what I remember). To me, that experience was available several places, but no other place had an underground river like the one in Xcaret, because Xcaret has one of the few natural underground rivers of this type in the world.
  7. I think it is always good when people can be good sports and laugh at themselves. McCain has been on several times and he was actually pretty funny in his cameo appearances (his performance as John Ashcroft on "Hardball" was hillarious!). I didn't get the feeling that she was that uncomfortable. I think maybe she was thinking about how much she should really participate in the whole skit (God knows I would be if I were in an election and the show was hyped up!). Certainly too much of a carefree attitude probably wouldn't be a good thing. The bit in the beginning about calling her "Caribou Barbie" was too funny!
  8. I have been to both. Personally, I LOVED Xcaret!! However, I think both areas have become more commercial since I have visited them. The reason that I loved Xcaret is that there really are so many different things to do there - from snorkling, to horseback riding among the ruins, to floating down the "underground" river (which isn't at Xelha), to simply lounging on the nice inlet area. They had really cool evening events, too. To of my most favorite things in the three times that I have been to Mexico have been at Xcaret - the horseback riding and the snorkling. Xelha was beautiful, too, but I just liked the wide range of activities at Xcaret. I think when I went, Xcaret was cheaper, too. Tulum was awesome, too, because of all the cool ruins, but there really isn't as much to do there as at the other places. I hope I was able to help. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  9. I had a full blown panic attack about 6 or so years ago and went to the doctor who prescribed zoloft and ativan (short term until zoloft kicked in). They were a god-send for me. At that time in my life, I was under so much stress that my body just decided it was going to freak out and the more I tried to relax and gain control the worse the anxiety became! For me, it was a situational stressor, and I needed something to help clear my head and even me out for that time. Zoloft was ok for the anxiety, but it had some sexual side effects (zero desire), so I didn't want to be on it long term. Ativan can be habit forming if you are on it for a longer period of time. I have a few tablets, but only have it handy when I fly.
  10. Dear "Asshole-who-thinks-he-is-qualified-to-be-Director-of-Education-at-my-college": Stop conspiring to get all the strong, independent, intelligent and confident women who work in administration transitioned into positions where you can argue that their jobs can be eliminated. You are screwing over my friends who are actually more qualified for your job than you are. You know that I am watching you, and guess what . . . you are right. You are in over your head, and I know it. Grow a pair and stop feeling threatened by these women who are excellent educators, co-workers and friends. I wish I was in a position to be honest with the Director about all the crap that you have done . . .
  11. I am getting married at Bluefields Bay Villas, which is a top notch location with reasonable prices, IMO, on the south cost of Jamaica. It is about 30 minutes from Negril: Villas on Bluefields Bay, Jamaica - Private Luxury Waterfront Villas I looked at many villas before making this choice, and found it to be the most reasonable and flexible. You truly have the ability to pick and choose what you want to do in terms of ceremony, reception, etc. Plus, it is ranked #1 on trip advisor. I visited there last July for a site visit and cannot tell you how impressed I am. I would highly reccommend it to anyone!
  12. I highly reccommend Bare Escentuals foundation. Prior to finding this foundation, I never really had worn foundation because I like to be natural and I hate heavy crap on my face. I have tried so many liquid foundations and never found one that I liked. I also never really wore eyeshadow prior to using bare escentuals. Bare Escentuals foundation is ranked as the #1 foundation by Allure Magazine, which beat out all others. It goes on as a powder and blends really nicely so it looks like your own skin. Check into the "Get Started Kit" - you can find that on ebay or on qvc.com or on bareescentuals.com. Now, I actually have become a makeup freak because I love the makeup so much!
  13. I wondered about this, too. Also, what about bringing back your bouquet to freeze dry? You can't bring plants back into the U.S., so I don't know how this would be handled.
  14. So . . . was this diet worth it? I have the book, but have yet to commit to it due to my busy schedule. I do need to do a cleanse of some sort . . . but I get sick if I don't eat on a regular basis.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 Thanks everyone! I've calmed down somewhat but now have some paperwork to do! luv - I don't know what the "rules" are here..but I know there are some that have had difficult times getting a restraining order put on their husbands/ex's due to violence so I find it hard to believe that he will get what he wants. I know that I am not a danger or threat to him..he's just being a dork! I often wonder if perhaps he just wants to be controlling..who knows..he's just being a dink! He's costing me money by having to take time off work to file the papers and go to court..perhaps I should mention that in my affidavit! Based on what appears on this site, I doubt his accusations could ever rise to this level for him to get an order against you. Peace Bonds & Restraining Orders It doesn't even appear that violations of such orders are even enforced unless there is some threat of physical harm against the person who filed for the order. In PA, people use them all the time to get some advantage in divorce and custody actions (I practiced family law for 6 years before transitioning to teaching). It is shameful how people use this process for their own selfish interests that have nothing to do with serious threats of harm. On the other hand, a co-worker of mine watched her daughter get murdered by the daughter's soon to be ex. She had a restraining order against him and he was still able to get a firearm and kill her at a custody exchange.
  16. What is the standard for a restraining order in Canada? Here in PA, you have to be in "imminent threat of bodily harm" to get one granted to you by the judge. It would never be used for a situation such as trying to prevent someone from being at a particular place at a particular time.
  17. The hotel name and logo are trademark items. It really makes no difference if you are using the logo or the name because each are unique to the Riu hotel chain and distinguish them from other hotel chains. Technically, the use of someone's brand name or logo is off limits, but chances are there won't be an issue because it won't be worth the time or money to pursue a trademark infringement case.
  18. I had planned on getting married in St. Lucia, but due to ridiculous airfare costs, we changed the location to a private villa in Jamaica. I am getting so much more for the price in Jamaica, and the travel time is reasonable, IMO. I am actually very pleased with the location in Jamaica, and now feel that it is even nicer than what I could find in St. Lucia. We are going to St. Lucia for the honeymoon, instead. Good luck in your choice - check out Jamaica, if you still want an island wedding for a reasonable price.
  19. Our guests will be paying $1,200.00 per person for 8 days/7 nights at an all-inclusive, fully staffed private villa on the South Coast of Jamaica. Airfare is expected to be about $400 more per person. I think our price is very reasonable considering the unique and private location for our wedding celebration.
  20. My fiancee lost his mom to cancer when he was 12. Her loss, even 25 years later, is so upsetting to him. I purchased and antique gold picture locket from England on ebay and had it shipped here. I am going to have our jeweler put a picture of his mom in it and put a fastener on it so I can attach it to his boutineer. That way she will be close to his heart the entire day.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Aww that sucks! Sorry to hear it! I guess I lucked out. Sounds like she is jealous of you. Maybe you remind her of your FI's Mom and it gets to her. Sounds like you two are better off without her. I am sorry your FI has to deal with it though it is probably already sad for him to go through such a monumental thing without his Mom. Just be patient for him and let her comments bounce off your back. And if you need back up, I am only a short plane ride away and I have nothing to loose in the relationship! Thanks for your support! Speaking of flights . . . this just gets crazier . . . Tonight my fiancee got a call from his dad and step mom. They are asking him to HELP them find a flight for this Key West extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fiancee is a pilot for Delta, and they get some travel benefits due to his job (they fly standby and pay taxes and fees only). So they call him to have him arrange this flight for them!!! The thing is, they can never, ever fly standby because they can't deal with not being in control (in other words, having to wait to see if you can get on the plane and take an empty seat). They will think they can fly this way, and then as the date approaches, they freak out and end up buying a regular ticket anyway (which at the last minute is ridiculously expensive - it is currently $1,300.00 for a ticket from PA to Key West). So, basically, they are going to bother my fiancee to death until they actually get on a plane and go to Key West. Every day it will be, "Do you think we will make it on the plane?", even though you don't know anything for sure until you get to the gate at the airport. This is just a further twist of ridiculousness.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Im sorry. People suck!! But im sorry that it has to be your future family. I really think that we should write a destination wedding book. Chapter 3 will go something like this: PEOPLE SUCK 1. Family will make you mad 2. Brides maids will drop out last minute. 3. Grooms men......well they suck too. 4. Freinds will avoid you the list goes on and on. Yes - I think it could be a best seller!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 You know what?? Screw them! I know it hurts some what but you don't need negative people around you. If they want to constantly bring you down maybe it is better that they don't come! I just want to beat people like that. That makes me so mad I seriously could poke their eyes out Yes! The sad thing is my fiancee really doesn't like his stepmother anyway, so there is already a lot of tension there. His mom died when he was 12 and the woman he calls step mom was there waiting in the wings until his mom died. She got married to his dad one year after my fiancee's mom died. He has never looked at her as a mother figure. I have to give my fiancee credit - he has already basically told her that she isn't his mother, so she doesn't have to come anyway if she thinks it is "too much" for her. She doesn't have any kind of filter and just says whatever she thinks without thinking about what she is doing. It drives me mad . . . it does just make his mother's absence that much more upsetting to him. My take is that she is just pissed that we aren't having a wedding in New York so she can parade around in front of all her country club friends. She is into the whole "show" and that is the exact opposite of what we want our wedding to be. We are doing what we want to do no matter what!
  24. People can be so unbelieveable . . . When we first announced our wedding plans for Jamaica, future step mother in law had a cow. Constant criticism about how selfish it was, and how dare we expect people to use their vacation time for our wedding, and how dare we make people pay to go, etc. She even told me that fiancee's dad isn't sure he has enough vacation time for the wedding (which is an absolute lie - the man never takes vacation and probably has months and months accumulated in his vacation bank). So . . . . I find out this week that my fiancee's brother's best friend is getting married and they are having a "destination wedding" in Key West. I use the quotes because the bride and groom already live in Florida. And fiancee's step mother and his dad are invited to the wedding. Don't you know they think it is the BEST thing and immediate made plans to book their room and flights to go to this wedding set for Valentines Day (so even less time to prep than our wedding scheduled for July 17th). For this weekend wedding it will cost them MORE than it will cost to go to Jamaica for a week for our wedding. And to top it off, the people who are getting married in Key West make over $500,000.00 a year. My fiancee and I found out about this because we were informed to go look at their wedding website (meaning it was more fancy than ours). I can just see and hear it now . . . all the comparisons that will be made between their wedding in Key West and our wedding in Jamaica. And mind you, we are renting out five fully staffed beachfront private villas for our wedding, so it isn't like we are doing anything cheap. You know, this destination wedding stuff really brings out the true colors in some people!
  25. A legally married gay couple? My fiancee's cousin is from MA where gay marriage is legal. I am in a position where I don't know exactly if his spouse took the cousin's last name, or how to properly address the save the date cards. I mean, for hetero couples, it is "Mr. and Mrs" . . . what do you do for a "Mr. and Mr." if they are married? Thanks in advance for your help!
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