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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. I called the government, that would be for the whole province and they told me a translation was NOT required. So unless something has changed in the past year and a half then there is no rule that it must be translated. I had my boss notarize copies for me, just in case they questioned it, but they didn't want those, they wanted the original in Spanish. I did my health card first and then my license and had no problem at all at either place. I then went to the bank, etc... and again not 1 place asked for a translation.

  2. Just so you all know, I changed my name, and so did 3 of my friends, without having the Marriage Certificate translated, it is in Spanish and we all got it changed, not even one of us was told to translate it. I called the government with respect to the name change and they told me it does NOT need to be translated and it will be accepted as is. Now I got married in Cuba and my friends got married in the DR, so I think you should not waste the money having it translated, try to change it first, the way it is. It worked for me and my friends, so give it a try.

  3. I am not sure who I want the father of Sharon's baby to be, but you are right Nick is the easy way out. I think the fans want them back together and so this is how they are doing it. I am also going to guess the baby is a girl.


    I want Adam gone, hate him.


    I really hope Cane is the real deal, I like him, what is up Nina's ass.


    And who is Mary Jane, I wish they would give us hints, but we know she is someone Paul used to like for sure.


    I don't like the new Mac at all and I wish they would replace her with someone better, not sure how I feel about her and Billy getting together, but I do hate Chloe.

  4. I agree with everyone else, its stunning. I am also not a fan of oval diamonds and I love this ring, I would totally wear that and love it. Also you are proposing, she is going to be so happy that you are asking her to spend the rest of your lives together and that you chose something you thought she would love due to its uniqueness how can she not love it. Great choice.

  5. I have not read this whole thread, but we have an H2O mop and its great. My sister bought the Shark and returned it because she hated it, but she loves the H20 (my sister is a clean freak), so we all trusted her and bought it and we love it, its great.

  6. Can you please explain why she said it would be awkward for her to go to your wedding? That might help us to help you figure out why she is doing this. There is something more going on here. Also, I hate to break it to you but a BFF would not tell you she can't come to your wedding via text, that is not a BFF, that is a person who does not care much about you (unless of course you sent her a text first asking about coming to your wedding, then it makes sense but its still not right). Also, why is money an issue if you offered to pay for her to comehuh.gif Again, something else is going on here for sure.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jackobelle View Post
    Jax - Why didn't you get an unofficial cert.? Is that a Blau thing? Do they usually give them out?
    I never got one of these, so I think only certain resorts give them out. Not sure if Varadero is just busier or not, but I got mine in 3 months on the nose.

    Amy, have you emailed your WC and asked, very nicely, if it has arrived there yet? It goes to the resort first and then they mail them out.
  8. Yaly mailed me some pamphlets before my wedding so I could send them out to people and they had a map. Let me see if I can find one, I know I had some left over and if I can I will PM you for your address. Then you could copy it and send it out.

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