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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. Sonia there are soo many destinations that you really have to at least narrow it down to a few countries. Our first plan was Costa Rica, but the travel was not idea for our big group so we decided not there. Second was Panama, but the flights only go on Monday's and that was not good for us. Our third was Cuba, as I love Cuba, and there was soo much choice there that we had a hard time narrowing it down to the resort but were so happy with our choice.


    You have to sit down together and think about what you want in a DW and then look for the countries that offer what you want. Its a personal choice and no one can really help you out with that.


    Good luck with your decision, there are a lot of different destinations in this forum and I am sure you will find the place to have your dream wedding.


    Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning.

  2. YES, you are being selfish. Just wait till you decide its your turn to get pregnant and see how excited you are about it and how you want it to happen right away because you are ready for an exciting life changing event. At that point, you will know how selfish you are being right now.


    One of my BM's was 6 months pregnant at my wedding. I was 8 months pregnant as a BM at one of my friends weddings and another friend was 7 months pregnant and a BM at another of our friends weddings, we have all been in the situation with our group of friends, one of us was a pregnant BM for every wedding. Being pregnant is an amazing and great thing, not a bad thing. It will not impede on her MOH abilities, she is still your friend and still the person you want to be your MOH, she just needs a bigger dress.


    Get over it and ask her to be your MOH already and just deal with the fact that she might be pregnant!!!

  3. Welcome to BDW, you will love it here. Its filled with so much great information and so many great people.


    I have never been to the Bahamas (I will get there one day), but I am sure lots of people on here will be more than happy to help you out.


    Happy Planning

  4. I am with you Heather, I love love love Toronto. I loved living there and was so sad to move away, but I did it for my family and I don't regret it.


    Luckily I am still close enough where I can visit Toronto anytime I want to. In fact if I want to do fun cool things, Toronto is always the first place I think of because there is always so much going on at all times.

  5. I was going to say the same thing. My resort said we could have them, but we had to make sure they were cleaned up (all of them) or we would be charged a fee for the cleaning. They are really bad for the fish, so they do not want them blowing into the water and they are also really bad for the environment, so they want to make sure they are all cleaned up.


    My resort offered them for a very cheap price so that we would get real ones and not use the fake ones. So be sure to ask your WC first, before you buy them.

  6. Wow, I can't believe your wedding is almost here, I remember you being here before you were even engaged and now your wedding is coming, that is crazy!!!


    I really hope you get the things done you want, I know you will, and get some custom stuff before the wedding. I love Rain or Swine, its very cleaver.


    I am so excited for you JL.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by becks View Post

    Next quote:
    "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
    Princess Bride, I love love love that movie.

    Q: "Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song. It's a metaphor for big dicks."
  8. I was going to say the same thing, it is totally legal. In fact, if you don't want to change your name you don't have to do anything about it. If you get married in Cuba you are automatically considered married in Canada, it couldn't be easier :)

  9. I was putting CAN in uppercase letters so that you knew that you could in fact do it. As well with the ! it was a Hey, you can do it, I can help you with that if you have not figured it out yet. I was trying to help you, that is all. I am guessing you are usually giving tone to people and that is why you assumed tone first instead of the fact that I wanted to help you out. That is the basis of this whole forum, its to help others, why would you therefore just assume tone, this is not the knot, its BDW, we are all about helping on this forum. Try not to ruin that for people by just assuming everyone is trying to be bitchy instead of meaning what they say.

  10. You did not sense a tone from me, I never gave any tone and in fact I was being nice and trying to help someone I didn't know.


    The tone you got from me was the one I was blatant about where I didn't believe your apology was sincere and obviously I was correct about that. Trust me, my tone is not subtle if I think your being an ass I will flat out tell you.


    Your being an ass!!!

  11. Oh Carly I misunderstood, I was talking about making your friend list, etc.. private. But what you said is true, if you reply to them they do have access to your limited profile for a while, not your full profile though.

  12. You can block your friends list! I am not sure if you figure this out already or not, but you CAN do it. Lots of people do it. You can block your entire existence so that only your friends can see it. So if you have not figured this out, let me know.

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