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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. I would be upset as well, I totally understand why you are feeling this way. Yes a lot of deposits are non-refundable but its not your choice not to get married there, you wanted to get married there and have been forced to find another location. Does he expect you and all your guests to fly to the US and then drive into Mexico because the boarders are not closed, that is not feesable at all and totally not what you envisioned for your dream wedding. I think he should have offered you half your deposit back since he has more than enough time to book someone else on your date, you are not canceling the day before or even a week before. So I totally see why you are upset.


    I get that deposits are usually non-refundable, but its just good customer service to refund some of your money when you have to cancel and its beyond your control. I think you should also start a thread telling all the B2B's about the very understanding vendors you were going to use and how kind they have been to refund your deposit. Because that is a company I would prefer to use, not someone who refused to budge at all.

  2. I was just going to tell you that Amy (Amarillis) got married there, but she replied already. Also check through the Cuba threads, there is lots of good info in there.


    Welcome to the Forum and Happy Planning.

  3. I am soo glad to hear you are doing well. I have been thinking about you and kept checking for a post from you. I hope you heal fast and I am so glad to hear you have so much help. Take care of yourself.

  4. So...has Tyra been lying the whole time and she is not really Anna and Devon's aunthuh.gif


    I am so bored with the Adam crap, just get rid of him already. And I have hated gloria since day one, she is a terrible actress and so fugly, how are we supposed to believe she can seduce all these rich men and make them want her, I so don't believe it. And I am so done with Jeff. They should all get into a car accident and die. Adam can drive the car, cause he is trying to get away and because he is partially blind he will hit the car that Gloria and Jeff are in and they all die in a head on collision!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ~Angela~ View Post
    Never heard of it! I checked it out and it looks neat but ......they, of course, don't ship to Canada!!!
    Damn, I have been trying to find out if they ship to us sad.gif
  6. It takes Yaly a while, sometimes more than a week, she is really busy and does not spend a lot of time in front of her computer.


    I recommend, from now on, getting all your thoughts together and putting them all in one email, that way when she does reply she replies to all your questions. She is very thorough and keeps all your emails so she remembers everything for your wedding day. She is really very great at her job and a genuinely nice person who cares about every wedding she does.

  7. Travel Agent was my second step as well. Well, it was sort of my first, but I decided I didn't like the first one, she just kept pushing expensive places instead of trying to work within the budget we had (we didn't want our friends to pay too much to come to our wedding). Then I picked the resort and told the new TA which one I wanted, I think she was happy that I already knew which resort I wanted because its a lot of research for them to help us decide on a location.


    I think you are doing great, get a TA and you will be set :)


    If you get married between May to November and have, I think 10 rooms booked (don't quote me on that), you get the wedding package for free and it comes with a lot of things, the legal stuff is all included, your hair, your flowers, your nails, the photog (we used him as well, because it was free) and lots of other things I can't think of right now.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrystalM View Post
    FI says that bringing in a contract into something like this is going to make me lose friends, but I think it's important for me not to be out that money if someone flakes on me...
    Originally Posted by CrystalM View Post
    I talked to one of the other girls about it today. She thinks it's a good idea. She's also a sm. bus. owner who deals with contracts all day long.
    I think you should listen to your FI and not a friend, for starters its his wedding too and it sounds like he is opposed to this idea. Also, he is right, you WILL lose friends, do not forget about that part.

    Also, you have not told any of us what you plan to do if "someone flakes", are you going to sue them? Is your intention for this contract to be legally binding, if so, you might want to talk to a lawyer about that, because I am pretty positive it will NOT be binding and will not hold up in court.

    I think you should stop putting money before your friends and your relationship with them. My relationship with my BM's is priceless and no amount of money would make me change my mind about that. I had one of my BFF's cancel as a bridesmaid. She put her deposit on the hotel and on her dress and she was willing to lose both because she could not afford to come to my wedding. I, because she means so much to me, got someone to take her place at the resort and pay her the deposit she was out and I also asked another friend to be a BM in her place and she got the dress that my BFF ordered and had it altered to fit her and my BFF got her deposit for the dress back. I am not saying any of those things were required to do, my friend was willing to lose the money, but because she is my friend I wanted to see her get her money back.

    We also had a GM that lost his job after he paid his deposit. So, instead of using the free trip towards our fares, we used it for him. He wanted to be there so badly, but lost his job.

    I could never even remotely consider suing either of these people if we had paid their deposit or anything towards them being there and they had to back out. Life is shitty sometimes and totally unfair, it took our GM a long time to get another job but we are so happy we did what we did or else he would not have been there on our wedding day.
  9. Hi Crystal


    Next step would totally be to get a travel agent, and then once you have those details send out your save the dates. Also make a wedding website, if you want one.


    That is about it, you can relax after that and plan things slowly because you have time.


    I brought my photographer with me. I highly recommend you do the same thing. The resort photographer is not very good and the quality of the pictures is not very good either. But, that all depends on what is important to you, the pictures were one of the most important things to me, so I am very very happy that I brought a photog along.


    We got there on October 20th, 2007 :) Its a great time of the year to get married and it means you get the free wedding package which is an amazing bonus. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.

  10. Question, do you seriously think your contract would hold up in court? Would you sue your friends if they had to back out of being in your wedding for some reasonhuh.gif If so, then your friends know this is the kind of person you are and will probably not be surprised by your contract request.


    If someone asked me to sign a contract like this, I would excuse myself from being in their wedding and I in fact would not go to the wedding and would probably no longer be friends with them.


    This has to be one of the most bridezilla things I have heard to date and I have heard a lot of things.


    Again, if your friends know that this it the kind of person you are then they probably will not be shocked. I think they would assume its a joke though, and not take it seriously, but they might not be offended. We don't know you and so we are just going on how we would react if one of our friends asked us, but your friends know you, so like I said before, they might not be surprised at all.

  11. I am glad to hear that you stood up for yourself with your FI, you need to keep doing that because its not fair to you at all.


    I really hope things get better with your FIL's, I suggest calling them, on your own once in a while and going to visit them for sure. I really don't think they can hate you or be totally opposed to your marriage or they would not be coming to Jamaica for your wedding. Its hard to communicate over email and you may have sensed that she was being mean when she was really just trying to explain why they are not going to host an AHR. Its happened to all of us where people "sense tone" where there is no tone at all :)

  12. I agree with Amarillis (sorry I don't know your name), but she hit the nail on the head, there is some serious issues here with your FI and the things he tells you and that fact that he tells you these things (if they are true). It seems to me like he does not want you to like his family and is not giving any of you a chance. I find that really odd.


    I also agree with the other girls who said you should not have asked someone to host your AHR, if they offer that is one thing, but its a party for you, that you want to have, so therefor you should host it. Its great that your parents are having one for you, but that is not common, usually the bride and groom are the hosts.


    I really don't think you should be offended at all by her saying no. In fact I think your FMIL has more reason to be offended than you do. Sorry to say.

  13. My DH never called me his fiance, he hates that word for some reason so he never used it. He would call me his wife to be sometimes, or just Julie, never my fiance. I find some people just don't use that term, I was even called his wife by some before we were married. I think you are just upset about all the things that are going on and so you are letting this bother you maybe more than it should right now. You could easily correct them if you want to, or just let it go since you know you are his finace, and that is all that matters.


    It really sucks that your families are so far away. Do you think your co-workers or his co-workers will have a shower for you?

  14. Do you have bridesmaids? I ask because can you appoint one of them as your MOH without your SIL knowing? What I would do is ask one of my BM's who I am really close with to step in and plan the things she needs to plan and take over MOH duties. I did this for my best friend. Her sister was her MOH but was not very into it, so I planned everything and went with my BFF to look for dresses, hair trials, literally everything her sister should have done. Her sister was so shitty that the wedding party got together to get a gift for the couple and even though she was MOH, her son was ring bearer and her DH was there as well, she would only donate $50 to the present (to her own f&%#ing sister!!!)


    Sorry to babble there, but if you don't have any BM's, let us know and we can see what other ideas we can come up with.

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