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Everything posted by LisaG

  1. Congratulations Lambert's!! I love your review!! You two look so happy. It makes me even more excited to be there in 16 days...yeah!
  3. It takes so long. I registered on-line first so that when I took my FI he wouldn't get frustrated with having to fill out all he paper work. You can really do most of it on-line. I remember being in Macy's for 3 hours registering....and only got a few towels from there....everything else came from Target - - argh!!!
  4. I think it's "sassy" too. She is going to try it on today or tomorrow. We'll see if she ends up getting it.
  5. So far so good. I was with 2 of them when they bought theirs...2 more to go. This one (above), and I'm going shopping with the last BM on Sunday to find hers. I think all will turn out good.
  6. I just told them coral/orange/pink and told them to get what they want - with my approval.
  7. I don't think mine is super casual, but not super fancy. I think it will be o.k. since she's the MOH. I know the BM's are not going to be as sparkly.
  8. Do you think this is too dressy for a BM? My girls are picking their own dresses and this is the one my MOH wants...
  9. Detailed Description White Finger Starfish 7"-8" Special good through 06/25/07 This is what the site says....are they still offering this price??
  10. The battery is usually good for a few hours, but most adapters charge and play at the same time. I know that's how mine is. So, as long as it's plugged in, it will stay charged.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Clussy75 If you don't mind me asking, did you just have a prescription to CIPRO filled out as a precaution or is it something that someone told you you'd need for Mexico? I just had it filled as a precaution. I called my doc and told him I was going to Mexico for a week and wanted something to take "just in case" I or my FI has stomach issues while there. Maybe a little overboard, but I've never been to Mexico for a week, especially getting married, and I just wanted to make sure I have everything covered for illnesses....(if that's a word...haha!
  12. Wow! That would totally hurt my feelings too, but as everyone knows, I had to fire my MOH, so I'm not very happy with MOH's right now!! That really sucks that she is doing this to you, especially after you paid for her airfare....so sorry!
  13. OMG I had no idea you had to get shots when you're an adult. I went to the doc Monday to get Cipro. He asked if I had been around needles or had multiple piecings....yes to both....so he did a blood test to make sure I don't have Hep C, but NEVER recommended any shots for Mexico. He knew about the trip cause I went for Cipro. Huumm.....
  14. Yeah Nicole saved the day!! That is awesome that it made it to you!!! COngrats and can't wait to hear more about your fab. day!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Wow, I can't believe your wedding is coming up so soon!!!!! How exciting!!! OMG I know!!!! I'm getting nervous....
  16. How did I miss this yesterday?? Aaawww Anny - - You look beautiful!! And wow at all the people. Looked like a very fun group. Can't wait to see more pics!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER Beautiful pics- looks like a great time! Hey, is that our Karen? hmm...she & Jason were getting married at Dreams Tulum, but I thought they were going alone...now i'm curious! No, that's not Karen... I wonder where they are though...and LauraB & Michael....
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 I love the idea of a little treasure box with the rings in it. I would feel much safer with my rings in the box when my little nephews are carrying it than in a shell or on a pillow! Also, the flower boy idea is great. I have 5 nephews and no nieces, so I was trying to think of other roles they could have in the wedding. I thought about a flower boy for one split second then thought of how my nephews would kill me if I asked them to throw flowers. They already hate what they're going to wear....then ask them to throw flowers. I'm afraid it would put them over the top...haha!!
  19. Yah!! Thanks for sharing!! We leave for Dreams Tulum in 22 days...yikes!
  20. Sunscape Tulum resort Mexico: beach photo tour, aerial images This might help.
  21. I'm doing OOT bags and wood fans on the seats at the ceremony - that's it.
  22. Congrats to both of you! I hope everything is perfect!!!
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