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Everything posted by TOESNTHESND

  1. I love them both, I guess I get the best of both world's with having to get invites to the AHR.
  2. Ok so I have some monogram designs but the company put them in PDF file. I may sound like a lamo but can I change it so I can upload it onto photobucket.com?
  3. I am using Baja Weddings and am happy so far. Go with you gut feeling if nothing else.
  4. Ok so I think I am going to order these for Cabo and the second one for our AHR party. Too many options! Creative Montage... For Today's Sophisticated Bride Untitled Document
  5. Let me think, well when I was in college all I wanted to do was be a police officer and run around chasing bad guys and shooting guns. I also could not stand dating guys for about 2 years. My moto was "use them like they use us!" Bitter little girl that I was. Crazy I know and my parents were not thrilled about this either, they said they would pay for me to go to law school but I turned down that offer. Then after I met my FI and got serious all I want to do now is get married and have kids! Ha! I never thought I would say that but I just want a job that will fit with a family and the desire to chase bad guys is gone. And that bitter girl is gone now too, thank goodness I have never been happier! Oh yeah and I have a HUGE family. I have 2 sisters, and 4 brothers.
  6. I did make it to the gym after all last night and did 60 minutes of cardio. My FI is also stepping up his cardio these days, we are trying to keep each other motivated.
  7. So I took last night off, I dont think my body could handled the gym yesterday. I am still sore today, but I am doing just cardio tonight.
  8. Shoot! I always forget to write on this thread. Sunday I helped my brother and SIL move for 6 hours!!! Then monday I helped clean their old place for 4 hours, I was so sore there was no way I could lift weights. Tuesday I did 60 minutes of cardio and last night chest, arms and cardio kickboxing!
  9. It has gotten so bad that every moment at work is spend looking at websites, ideas or emailing the WC. Since I working with mostly men they just say hey you are like an inch away from that computer, you might want to take a break. I tell them shut up I am busy. They never knew I was so girly outside of work with all this wedding stuff.
  10. Ok so I decided I am going to buy lime green ones for one side of chairs and the fushia for the other side. Thanks again for a great find!
  11. I must say it would be twice as hard to go to the gym if it was snowing or freezing temps, so girls you get a huge pat on the back from me for doing an exercise! As for me I was bad and did not work out tues or wed, but I was so busy at work I must of walked 10 miles. My feet were hurting so bad that there was no way I was doing anything. I did 40 minutes of cardio and legs last night. I have been using this drink called endorush. It is seriously crack for gym people! But beware, only drink a small amount at first just to see how your body reacts. I can only drink less than half at a time. And then when I got home I cleaned the kitchen and put away clothes!
  12. Oh no, I have some custom wedding stamps I wanted to use left over from the STD's I sent. I will keep my fingers crossed.
  13. It is kinda bad of me to be having both. Who the heck do I think I am a freakin celebrity or what? But then I look at the other side of things and go well hey this is their only son and they both have money to spend so why not go with it. Besides my FI is a little brat and feels like his dad "owes him" since he was suppose to pay for his college education and didn't. Family drama, what's new!
  14. I know how you feel, like you I have a ways to go 7 months! I wish it were much sooner, so I couldnt help but start buying OOT stuff. I pretty much know I will have 30-35 guests and I figure if I have less then that all the kids can have their own bag too. I also bought the straw fans for the seats at the ceremony. Its hard since I have all the big stuff done too, except the dress. So I am trying to turn my focus towards that
  15. What is the name of the ebay seller? I think I might want some in bright pink....
  16. They also have a bridal bootcamp online to do on your own Welcome to Cynthia Conde's Bridal Bootcamp® - The Official Bridal Bootcamp® Fitness Program! I worked out Friday arms and cardio, yesterday cardiokick and today it is raining so hard I am going home. No gym for me today
  17. Our AHR is going to be one huge party. We have a guest list of almost 200 people. Its mostly for our parents and their friends. I have a huge mexican family so this makes my father very happy. My FI parents are paying for it so we were like sure! I just confirmed the DJ which I got a huge discount on from my MOH. She is pretty much doing all the planning for it, since its her venue we are using. She loves her job, so it works out great. I figure at least I can wear my dress twice!
  18. What a little cutie! I bet he would love to play with your new chair ties!
  19. The canvas bags look great! I would do the DIY bags, but I would probably F them up. So I am just going to order the large bag off of blissweddings, they are more expensive but this way I can't mess them up.
  20. So are these just for the ties? Are you buying the chair covers too?
  21. I say if your going to let Cain put cake in your face then you should be able to pick it. That is the only must of the wedding for me, no cake in the face! Kevin agreed and said he wouldn't want to mess up my makeup, he knows that would send me through the roof. I know I am no fun.
  22. We are doing a welcome dinner, but just a taco bar set up. We are going to pay for food and soft drinks, but do a cash bar for anything else.
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