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About Timelady_

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  1. Congrats!! Happy Planning!
  2. I got my paper supplies at Walmart...the white 60lb cardstock...even for the holder, I didn't have a set colour in mind, so I simply bought the variety colour pack, which worked out fine and dandy.
  3. I think it is ok...it is sometimes difficult to get a general idea of who may join you without asking!
  4. We're getting married on July 1 and I sent out the STDs just over a year in advance...I figured the more time to save the better. I didn't think we would be booking until sometime this fall and then I found out that 2 other brides were going on the same flight as me and had already booked! So, we booked in July. I just finished my invites that I am sending out at the beginning of Sept...which I know is super early, but people need time to plan and my T.A. figures the flight will be sold out before Christmas. On the actual invites I included trip info, and then AHR info (just in case people want to make plans to come to Halifax instead of Cuba), I also made a brochure with all the resort info on one side and AHR stuff on the other side. I did do a website, just a free one from wedding announcer...I'm not too sure what the guests think, but ones who wrote on our guestbook seem to like it...
  5. I am mailing the brochures with the invites and once I know people's plans I am going to send more info on excursions and etc. They are finished really early, but my T.A. says that if people aren't booked by October it could sell out! There are 2 other brides leaving on the same flight as us!
  6. I really have to thank everyone who has posted their boarding pass invites, and/or wording...because these came out of all the wonderful things I have seen on this site. I'll start with our ticket jackets... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3285/...89ebf9f0_m.jpg I used 3 different colours because I bought a multi-colour pack. and then the invites... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3131/...0f07a9e5f3.jpg Again, thanks for the templates and ideas! and then the envelopes... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3013/...b8ef263147.jpg the small one is for the RSVP (I perforated the Reply card so that it will fit) I also created a brochure with all of the travel info and on the back the info for our reception in Halifax... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3113/...f840a3c12a.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3139/...fc2b8e02af.jpg and that is about it!
  7. We booked really early because I found out that there were 2 other brides going on the same flight! Once I realized that one of them had booked with 24 guests, I got right on it! Our T.A. has really been great! We paid the deposit for 10 guests to hold the rate and now I am even sending out the invites early because she thinks the flight will fill up fast!
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