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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by dewiggy View Post
Hi: I am wondering what to do about the hair and make-up. I am ok with doing my own make-up but would like someone to do my hair. My hair has a will of its own. Natural curly hair in a tropical climate is a b......ch! MY hair looks like a rat made a home in it when ever I go on vacation. What am I going to do!!!! I live up in Western Canada and my hair stays pretty smooth with the amount of product I put in it. I just bought some of those velcro rollers and a new curling iron to do ringlets. Will mess around with them and see what I can do.

I'm worried about this too. My hair is really wavy and when I go down south it's nuts! I have a ton of hair but it's really fine, so it's hard to pin up and it wont hold a curl well if I use a curling iron. I'm thinking about bringing my own bobby pins to the hair stylist down there because of this. Too much product can be bad, too, with baby fine hair. I usually just throw it in a ponytail all day when I'm at the beach but that won't do the trick for the wedding obviously. It's just got a will of it's own.
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Welcome everyone to the thread. And Congrates!!!!

Make-up I'm freaking out a little bit about. Since I will do my own make-up for the TTD session and I'll be buying the BM make-up and applying it myself, or teach one of the girls who to apply it. But I am horrible with Make-up so I have no idea where to start!!! and for their hair is a whole another story. I don't know what to do, but want to keep it simple so they can do it themselves. I will just keep my hair up or down for the TTD, for the wedding day I will go to the spa (in hopes it turns out the way I like it, if not I'd be screwed)

Meghan- Will have you dinner music? Or didn't even think about it?



I never considered meeting up with the FI before the ceremony for pictures. I think that is an amazing idea. I truly want to keep it a suprise all the way up until I walk down the asile. FI wants that too. He doesn't want to have any part of the dress untill then. lol

But if you or the FI don't mind, I think the pictures would turn out just so amazing

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Well I'm in the same boat as you Tracy I think - I rarely to never wear make-up so I have to be really careful that I don't end up looking over-done because even what some women would consider a "light" makeup day is too much for me. Most would probably consider my make-up collection to be quite pitiful really.


I haven't entirely decided what i want to do with my hair but I'm the luckiest girl ever because both my sister (moh) and another BM are hair stylists so I'll have plenty of opportunities beforehand to practice with styles, and not worry about consistency because they're the ones doing my hair in mexico too! Yay me!


And you're totally right - I honestly don't think I had made any connection about playing music during dinner! LOL! See, this is why I have you girls - to remind me of the things I was stupid enough to forget hahaha!


I did have one idea about the song I might walk down the aisle to and it's totally strange so I'm not sure how people will react. It's called Anyone Else and is from the movie Juno (the Michael Cera/Ellen page version). If you don't know it, part of the main chorus is "I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you" and it's just one of those songs that seems to fit FI and I well. Either that or it might be a first (only) dance song but I'm just not sure. Clearly I hadn't given any of it much thought :) We aren't really the "oh its our song" kind of people, but I suppose if we had to make a list, this would be on it!

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meghan, that song sounds adorable! i'll have to download that pronto!!


tonya, i know a ton of people who have done "first looks" before. it's totally personal preference, but not weird at all!! if you'd rather enjoy that minute just the two of you, then go for it!


speaking of which, you mentioned Swing Life Away.. that's actually the song i'm walking down the aisle too... J's best man is going to play it on his guitar for the processional. the BMs will walk to the verse music and then he'll change to the chorus when it's my turn. i have been determined to walk down the aisle to acoustic guitar ever since i saw lily and marshall's wedding on how i met your mother!

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ahahahaha! Erin we watch How I Met Your Mother ALL THE TIME!!! We have tv wars on monday nights because both of us have shows that we want to watch and that's one of them, along with Big Bang Theory. And we always get the season box sets pretty much the day they're release. You two sound so much like us with the music and the tv etc... so funny!

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Meghan, I like the song you picked. It's sooo cute. And no one else would pick it. It's my fav part.

lol yes we are lucky to have each other, for the things we forget, one may not. I love this site and you guys. Have no idea what I would do with out BDW!!!

Your soooo lucky you'll have 2 girls who know what they are doing with hair with you. I'm the opposition, I have no one who is into hair at all coming to my wedding. I will have to invite the girls over one day and do a make-up and hair trial. I'll let you all know how that goes.


HAHA the FI and I are the same way with T.V, I am not sure our relationship would have lasted if it wasn't for PVR lol j/k but we have to watch out How I met your mother. This past Monday was real funny!!!


Erin, I like your song pick. I am like you I picked Canon but in C played in guitar. I would have love for my FI best man to be able to play live. But he wont be able to make it to our wedding, so his is recording it for me. It'll be close enough to live lol.

I am jealous your able to get it played live. May I ask...How is the guy bring his guitar? is it a big hassle to bring it on the plane?

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Sooo I have a dilemma... I picked a photographer here in MTL back when we were planning our wedding here (before we changed our minds to a DW) we had left a deposit. She was nice enough to give our deposit as engagement photos. The end of Oct we finally went and took the pics. I've heard from her once since saying I'd recieve them in a few weeks. Ok, fine... I recently e-mailed her asking her roughly when does she think she would be sending them (by mail) and to inform me more in detail about the boudoir photo session. Well I still haven't heard back from her, and still have no idea when she'd be free to do the session. So I'm freaking out!!! Do I find another photographer?!? I've looked around sent a few e-mails few weeks ago and no reply's.

Anyone know of a photographer that works in this area?!

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
Sooo I have a dilemma... I picked a photographer here in MTL back when we were planning our wedding here (before we changed our minds to a DW) we had left a deposit. She was nice enough to give our deposit as engagement photos. The end of Oct we finally went and took the pics. I've heard from her once since saying I'd recieve them in a few weeks. Ok, fine... I recently e-mailed her asking her roughly when does she think she would be sending them (by mail) and to inform me more in detail about the boudoir photo session. Well I still haven't heard back from her, and still have no idea when she'd be free to do the session. So I'm freaking out!!! Do I find another photographer?!? I've looked around sent a few e-mails few weeks ago and no reply's.
Anyone know of a photographer that works in this area?!
Oh no! How long has it been since you've heard from her- maybe she's away. I hope it works out, if not you'll have to find someone else and try to get your deposit back if she doesn't honour your contract. That would suck, though.
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