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The honest truth about summer in PV...

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Originally Posted by pryzeless View Post
Thanks. Do you think this also applies to the Riviera Maya area?
YES :)

It may not rain as much, but it is a tropical location. We just had the first tropical storm of the season roll through the Yucatan. Even though it wasnt a direct hit on the RM, the outer banks of clouds caused quite a bit of rain and we had a few ceremonies that were moved indoors and a TTD session that had quite a bit of rain.... luckily, we were in a cave :)

HOTNESS, definitely. Holy moly. We actually take most of July-Sept off from the Maya due to the harshness of the weather conditions.

Its really tough on your guests to have an outside ceremony... I'd recommend start time close to 7pm if you insist on having a beach ceremony.

Also, DONT MAKE YOUR GUYS WEAR BLACK SUITS or Jackets.... sheesh, this is absolute punishment. We see it though and wonder why...

Hope this helps!

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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
Thank you so much for this! I am an October PV bride. I am ready for rain if it happens, but still keeping my fingers crossed.

There is that old saying something about it being good luck if it rains on your wedding day.
If it makes you feel better, it DID rain on my wedding day (although we got married in DF and had our honeymoon in PV) and I DO feel like it was lucky :):). Smart to keep your fingers crossed, as I see you are a beg of October bride so it could go either way wink.gif.
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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Okay - what about us November brides? Are we out of the clear? We are having a beach ceremony at 5pm (around sunset) Any advice for me?
You know, I would be highly surprised if it rained - but, last year, we did have scattering showers that lasted well into January. But I feel pretty safe to say that, if it did rain, it would be highly unlikely and not the norm and would be, more than likely, just a spattering of rain.

It should be a lot cooler - this year the weather "broke" the weekend of October 13th. What happens every year is it gets hotter and hotter and hotter and then the weather "breaks." Although, the year before, I don't think the weather broke until December.

In any case, I think (because you're from Denver) you're still going to find the weather fairly warm. I would recommend that you have fans and cold water available for your guests ... once you're out of the sun, you should feel a lot better, because the humidity shouldn't be as fierce in November (like I said - this year, from October 13th on, everything felt great). :):)
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I'm having the same dilemma. I have several immediate family that are professors and some are on semester schedules while others are on quarter. That means finals week is either the 2nd week in May or the 2nd week in June.


My two choices for wedding dates would be the 3rd weekend in May or the 3rd weekend in June. Having the wedding in May means 2 of the guests will have to miss school during a critical time. My true preference is May due to cooler weather, but the best date to satisfy all would be June 20th, 2009. But I'm concerned about the heat in mid-June.


My dad lives in PV so I've been consulting him on the weather and he pretty much confirms everything that's been said. His only other comment was that Nuevo has a nice evening breeze which could help combat the evening heat where PV has no breeze. I'm thinking of a late evening ceremony on the beach around 630-7, just in time for the sunset. Perhaps the heat isn't an issue at that time of night.





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Originally Posted by eskinner View Post
I'm having the same dilemma. I have several immediate family that are professors and some are on semester schedules while others are on quarter. That means finals week is either the 2nd week in May or the 2nd week in June.

My two choices for wedding dates would be the 3rd weekend in May or the 3rd weekend in June. Having the wedding in May means 2 of the guests will have to miss school during a critical time. My true preference is May due to cooler weather, but the best date to satisfy all would be June 20th, 2009. But I'm concerned about the heat in mid-June.

My dad lives in PV so I've been consulting him on the weather and he pretty much confirms everything that's been said. His only other comment was that Nuevo has a nice evening breeze which could help combat the evening heat where PV has no breeze. I'm thinking of a late evening ceremony on the beach around 630-7, just in time for the sunset. Perhaps the heat isn't an issue at that time of night.


Your Dad is right - Nuevo does get a nice breeze (although some of the villas high up in PV get breezes too ... Villa Cresencia comes to mind, for example). My only comment is that you are running the risk of rain - so, as long as you have a back-up contigency plan in case it should rain (the end of June I would say your chances of rain are probably up around 70-80%) for your ceremony and make sure your reception area is covered, than I don't think that's a bad option.

But breeze or no breeze, I'm sorry to say, it will be humid and it will be warm -with or without the sun. For example, I have my air conditioning running right now and, if I were to go run errands around town today, I would be sweaty by the time I was done. I think it's mostly important that you are prepared for that and, then, it's not such a shock. June 20th isn't that far away right now so I would hold off and look at what National and Local Weather Forecast, Radar, Map and Report says about the temperature and weather that day this year and then make your decision, because, more than likely, you'll get similiar weather next year wink.gif.

What about memorial day weekend in may - is that what you mean by the 3rd weekend - would they still miss a lot of school?? My mom's a VP at her school, so I completely understand the whole school schedule thing! :)
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How does this apply to late October? My wedding is scheduled for October 25, 2008 at a private villa called the Villa Mia. Are there other things you would recommend to keep guests cool? Our ceremony and reception will both be outside. Are the chances for rain that high then? And the weather that hot? Do you know of a place where you can rent "misters." My biggest concern is that my guests are comfortable.

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Originally Posted by tnery View Post
How does this apply to late October? My wedding is scheduled for October 25, 2008 at a private villa called the Villa Mia. Are there other things you would recommend to keep guests cool? Our ceremony and reception will both be outside. Are the chances for rain that high then? And the weather that hot? Do you know of a place where you can rent "misters." My biggest concern is that my guests are comfortable.
Love Villa Mia - great villa! I would say that, by end of Oct, your chances of rain go down to 30-40% chances - normally we don't have rain at the end of October but you know how weather is :). I also wouldn't think it would be overly warm. This year the weather broke Oct 13th and, from then on, there was less and less humidity each day. BUT, like I mentioned before, a few year's ago, it was hot and humid up through the end of November and we had scattered rain until February (but not the heavy downpours we get during the summer). So, you just never know.

I, personally, wouldn't worry about it unless, the week of the wedding, there are scattered thunderstorms. Then I would think about renting a tent.

As far as keeping guests cool - I think cold bottled water is great, as are fans. And, as someone else mentioned earlier, just keep your guys out of jackets or, at the very least, provide thin linen ones so they aren't so hot during the ceremony.

I don't know what "misters" are? You got me curious! wink.gif
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Mishja Design:

Here is a link to learn about the misters I am referring to: Patio Misters: What to Know about Patio Misting | Cool-Off


Misters come in all shapes and forms- I've seen them at restaurants, hotel pool areas, and there are some cheaper, smaller scale ones that I've seen at people's homes. They release a cool and sheer water mist to help bring down the overall temperature and provide comfort for the outdoors. I'm looking into other alternatives and will speak to my wedding planner (the woman who owns Villa Mia) about other options. Like I said, the best weddings I have ever been to are those wherein the bride and groom really took care of their guests comforts and needs and so I am most concerned about a great experience for my guests. What "fans" are you referring to and are there places in PV to rent them from? Are they "pretty" or will they clash with a formal wedding?


I'm glad you're familiar with the Villa Mia as no one on this message board seems to have mentioned it. What do you know about it, esp. with reference to weddings? Are you a wedding planner? I went to your website but unfortunately, my Spanish is not good enough to understand it fully.

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