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Everything posted by trbutler

  1. It will work, but it is going to take some focus. It also depends on how ":big" of a wedding you are doing. Best wishes and congrats!
  2. Saw these on the B&BW website today...they would be really cute in the OOT bags, they names are based on love. My guess is that they are fore valentine's day. http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/product/index.jsp?productId=28731166&prodFindSrc=cart
  3. I have been looking at my different options for OOT bags, I would like to have a nice beach type bag that people can also before and after. I don't think I'm going to put a logo on it, might just make generic about Aruba. I have looked at several promotional product companies, but most have a minimum of 25 and I believe I'm only going to need around 12. I also thought about looking when retail stores have clearance on their summer items since ,my wedding is in December. Any suggestions?
  4. Anyone know of any travel deals for Aruba in December of 2014?
  5. Does anyone know what the restrictions are?
  6. I'm have a terrible time selecting which location to have my guests stay at.
  7. I wasn't much of a fan of aruba.com, it seemed like most of the people that posted are vendors. I was looking for fellow brides suggestions.
  8. You made it to 150 I see! I see you made it to 150!
  9. They are posted as something we have to download so we can't see them until we hit 150 posts. I see you finally made it to 150 posts!
  10. I should be able to hand deliver most of the bags, might either UPS the others or have them placed in their rooms.
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