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Everything posted by cdnbanker

  1. try http://www.justartifacts.com I got some from there then ending up selling them as our resort doesn't allow them! We paid $1 each for them, they were huge (and gorgeous) and free shipping. Check with your resort to see if you can use them. They have a metal ring in them that is not environmentally friendly
  2. We have taken travel mugs with us on several travels, and the bartenders usually rinse them out then at night we washed them in our rooms
  3. I bough aqua lanyard off ebay both cloth ones for he guys and rhinestone ones for the girls
  4. I bought from 2010Mary 6668 (107583) and coobuy (56080)
  5. I bought ours on eBay for $3 each. Had to go to three different sellers to get enough of the right colors but at that price we got one for all the ladies and a few extra for table runners.
  6. If you can't get that deal try www.justartifacts.com for lanterns of all types. I paid $1,00 each for sky lanterns from there.
  7. I looked on ebay and the shipping costs to here are almost the same price as the cameras. $37.99 for 10 cameras and $29 shipping...crazy!
  8. thanks for that but already looked there and they don't ship to Canada
  9. tried the gmail one, hopefully it will work. The other one just bounces back to me.
  10. sent it to you now pay it forward to some one else who needs it!
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