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Everything posted by MissBubbles205

  1. What about a white/cream paper band or ribbon with the burlap ribbon (like the burlap in ^above pic).. Okay Spazz moment over.. that's all I can think of for now.
  2. That's awesome!!! Lucky you!! I'm hoping I can stuff our OOT stuff, decor, flowers, etc in to 3 suitcases! Fingers crossed. Alex is going to flip if I mention 2 suitcases.... LOL.. So we just wont tell him until it's almost time to leave. I still refuse to let him walk into my craft room.. (which is where the wedding items have taken over) I need to post you ladies a pic soon.. I'll try to tidy up a bit first.
  3. Just saw something similar on pinterest and was about to say that!!.. Super cute!!.. But aren't the pocket folds tan?..\
  4. Ssshhh.. We don't say that sentence around here.. LOL.. Honestly... Lots of suitcases..I wish I would think of traveling with all these DIY I get the bright idea to start and OOT items I buy. :-/ I've read stories about ladies not receiving their shipped items, so I plan to avoid that route.
  5. I'll be more than happy to! ) I say just go ahead and play around with ideas and see what you like best! ) I'm sure whatever you choose, it will be amazing!. Hmm... Have you thought about white ribbon for the band?... It could be your "lace" fill in.
  6. DANG. ( Ebay?... ) I Love Ebay... hahahahah I've never shipped anything to Canada so I don't know the prices but I'll be willing to if you want and if it's fesible for you. )
  7. Has anyone been in a warrior dash? I'm running (will attempt to run) one this Saturday! I'm excited but I'm not sure what to wear.. My plan was spandex running shorts, sports bra and tank, and old sneakers.. Bottoms... now I'm wondering if shorts are a good idea?.. I'm reading mixed reviews.. Some say shorts because the mudd weighs other articles of clothing down.. and then read that pants are better due to crawling on the ground, etc. Shoes... I have old sneakers... Or wondering if my Fila toe shoes are a better option.. Top... I'm now thinking a sports bra and tight t'shirt. I wanted to be a lil dressed up so thought about vinyling.. "Let's Get Dirty!" on the front or back of my shirt... and tying the small sleeves up with pink ribbon and putting my hair in braided pig tails and wearing a bandana or something.. Im weird about my hair and I know everyone will be muddy and not even care.. but it's just the way I am..lol Thoughts.. Tips... Please share!!! ) If you are reading this and wondering what in the world I'm even talking about.... Check it out! www.warriordash.com
  8. I had these templates, but my external harddrive crashed. (( Luckily I had already printed mine.. but, I did however share the Heart for the first aid kit.. I just don't remember what thread I created or posted in.. :-/ My may be able to find these within the forums by searching.. I'll see if I can find it also. Too much booze, etc.. I've seen this posted several times.. You'll need 150 posts before you can download documents though.. They've done this so ladies will come here and be involved rather than just coming for templates. It's a great site! You'll love it here. ) Happy Planning! and
  9. Great Thread! Hmm.. this is a toughy though.. Spaghetti?... Garlic Bread.. Where are you having your AHR?
  10. hmm... I wonder if they ship to Canada.. I need to go to HL tomorrow, I can look and take pictures for you.. And then you could see if they sale the one you like online. )
  11. My case... I am staying at an All-Inclusive resort and don't expect a tremendous amount of guests, so the non-married friends and family I wrote Mr. XXX and Guest or Ms. XXX and Guest. If we were having to pay per person for our wedding dinner from 1-XX, it would probably be a different case. I know some girls have told single guests to room with other guests if they want but they really didn't have it in the budget to give a +1 to everyone and they didn't feel it was right to pick and chose who could and couldn't, so rather than hurting anyones feelings they really wanted to keep their wedding to close friends and family.
  12. Do yall have a Hobby Lobby? I have seen a TON of lace in the ribbon section. Ivory, Cream white and in a variety of sizes.. ) Here is a link to what they have online.. Usually more items are in store though. http://shop.hobbylobby.com/search/?keyword=lace&match=AND&F_Sort=2&color=White&F_ALL=Y
  13. It seems that many ladies are looking for Photographers for their weddings in Punta Cana for next year. As most of you have seen, I highly recommend my Photographer, Jamie Dimitry! He has been amazing to deal with. he knows the answers to all my questions or if not he finds the answers for me. Questions I have for my WC, I just get directly from him since the communication is a TON better and he is a veteran for these resorts so he knows everything!. ) Here is his email address: [email protected] Here is the link to his website: http://www.jamiedimitry.com/ His facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jamiedimitry He is from Canada but visits Punta Cana often and when he does he stays at the resorts as a guest, so no $300 vendor fee! He will be in Punta Cana for the following dates: November 15th - 27th, 2012 December 11th - 23rd, 2012 January 21st - 28th, 2013 February 10th - 18th, 2013 March 9th - 22nd, 2013 April 3rd - 20th, 2013 May 26th - 31st, 2013 May 29th he has my wedding.. ) May 30th he will be shooting Kelsie's wedding. Tell him Britney recommended him to you! )
  14. Here is Jamie's email. [email protected] I just sent him a PM asking if he would be in Punta Cana on May 6th for you, just to know if he's an option for you. )
  15. No response from the girls yet.. but I'm almost certain I asked my photog this after we had booked our arrangements and he said the can't stop anyone coming into your room. It's mainly the bars, lounge, private pool, etc that they aren't allowed in. I'll keep you posted if anyone replies, or if I can catch up with my photog, I'll ask him. ) Also, you may want to contact your WC at MC just so you have it in writing and there aren't any issues later. )
  16. lol.. that's the spirit.. Or my spirit. bahahaha.. they were a great deal and nicer than any petals I have seen elsewhere. ) Can't wait to see your project begin!!! )
  17. Thank you!! ) I plan to bling out the backside.. but other than that the only other thing I will do is attach 2 dowels to the letter so that it can easily be inserted into the top of the cake. Did I mention I will be making sure I have my glue gun with me in my suitcase?? lol...
  18. Although I bought super cute totes from Old Navy for $1 I wish I would have waited and went the colored paper bag route.. You can dress it up with a monogram stamp or sticker and colored tissue paper. ) Also, OrientalTrading.com had paper like bags that say Welcome to Our wedding... ) so another option. I decided to buy mugs for all of our guests and are worried on how to get them there.. ugh.. ( But I dont think we'll have 100 people.. Fingers crossed. lol. I would def consider lanyards if your staying at an AI. You can get a great deal on these in bulk from Ebay. I have a thread somewhere around here with the sellers page. and those are easy to transport. Def a welcome letter and iteneraries. Maybe a card for a photo share site for people to upload pictures? I'm trying to think simple and light for you.. but def check out the vendors once you get there... If they don't have the quantity of everything you want.. It's possible to do 1/2 quantity of one item and 1/2 of another item. this way they are unique and you have enough "items" for everyone. chapsticks are a good, cheap and light to travel with idea. Maybe some foods and snacks from your DW area. and best thing about the paper bags, these few items are the thought that counts and will fill up the bags!! ) If staying at an AI, you can also request lots of water bottles.. you can include these in your bags and DIY a label to put on once you get there. The Meet and Greet before traveling is also an awesome idea! If my family and my FI's family were in the same states, I would def do this! )
  19. Oh.. and CONGRATS on booking your date and Welcome to the Forums!! ) Search for Majestic Colonial and you would find a ton of helpful ladies. ) I'm getting married at Majestic Elegance next May.
  20. Phil is amazing! I wanted him, but he was not available on our date. ( http://www.steingardstudios.com/ Also, I highly recommend these two. Jamie Dimitry (My Photog) http://www.jamiedimitry.com/ Michael Steingard http://www.michaelsteingard.com/ You can also find all of them on Facebook. Phil's name is Photo Phil though.
  21. Ahhh.. What a great idea!!!! I too need to do this as well. )
  22. D'awww.. Thank You! ) LOL... I know exactly what you mean!!! I get excited about one project and start it and then another DIY catches my eye.. It's tough to stick to one thing at a time and get it completed. I'm all over the place with DIYs. :-/ I need to stop adding things, I wont have any room for my own clothes if I keep it up.
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