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Posts posted by pfeiffla

  1. I have had the legs/bikini wax done and I wish I would've known about taking the meds before hand!  I also didn't get the results I was expecting...they weren't smooth like they are after shaving and the lady told me it's because I didn't exfoliate!  You would think they would tell you to do that upon setting up the appointment if it makes a difference and they want return business!!!

  2. I've done the spray tan before too and loved the results.  I wasn't swimming afterwards though.  My sister said that if I do the spray tan before the wedding, it would come off and look weird when I get my pedicure!  Will it scrub off?  This could be bad!

    Originally Posted by ammorris17 View Post

    I love spray tan! It's fast and easy!


  3. Thanks for sharing!  I can't wait to explore it some more :)

    Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post

    I just found this site! I would rather not spend a ton on the books. Some of this stuff maybe on their site but I am using WW but attending a meeting at my sisters house rather than paying for them.

    When you


  4. Thanks for the idea!  I wonder if it would work with any carbonated beverage (for those of us that don't drink soda)?.....  :)

    Originally Posted by FutureMrs.L View Post

    So, I made cup cakes this weekend with a receipe I was given. All you do is mix a package of the Dunkin Heins devils food chocolate mix and one can of diet coke. Can you believe it. Then you put them in the oven on 350 for about 20-25 minutes. They are soo good and moist. If you want a topping put the fat free cool whip on it. Needless to say, I have been eating cupcakes for 3 days now, guiltfreecheer2.gif


  5. Thanks for sharing!

    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post

    At my WW meeting our leader gave out the most amazing soup recipe. it basically tastes like chili I guess and even Dan liked it!

    It is 1 point/cup (makes 15 cups) and is also core:

    1 large onion chopped
    a few garlic cloves
    1 package taco seasoning (I used Lawry's "Hot" taco seasoning packet)
    2 cups whole kernal corn (frozen)
    1 can fat free chicken broth (or Veg. broth))
    1 can black beans undrained
    1 can kidney beans undrained or great northern beans undrained
    1 can fat free refried beans
    1 can diced tomatoes
    1 can spicy seasoned tomatoes - like tomatoes with jalapenos
    cooking spray
    salt & pepper to taste (you may not need it)
    2 stalks chopped celery

    Saute the onion and crushed garlic until soft in a LARGE pot sprayed with cooking spray. Add the other ingredients to the pot and simmer for 30 - 45 minutes.

    I LOVED it and it was so filling. I had 3 bowls (1 cup each) and for 3 points I was SO full. Fantastic!


  6. Yay for you!  I can't wait to try the Laughing Cows...I love good stuff :)

    Originally Posted by Kristy! View Post

    Just wanted to report back that I love this program!  I have lost 6.6 pounds in 3 weeks, and one of those weeks I spent a good portion of away at a ski house.  My next weigh-in is tonight (before V-Day dinner), and I'm hoping to lose 1.6.  Wish me luck!


    Oh, have you tried the new Laughing Cow flavors.  Yummy!


  7. I was a member years ago too and didn't know they had adjusted the program!  I'd be interested to know what is so different!

    Originally Posted by tlogan00 View Post

    I was once a member using the old plan and I recently joined again. I'm trying to adjusted to the new plan.


  8. Hi Mssanders111111!


    Just remember, all you can do is all you can do!  But taking a picture of what you looked like when you met and putting it on the fridge helps too! ;)

    Originally Posted by Mssanders111111 View Post

    Hello there my 2011 brides! Like you I feel that i still have enough time b4 the wedding to loss the weight that i want so that i can look my best. Look the way that i did when he first met me.LOL year @143 5'10 oh do i miss that body. I truly have been out of shape for 5-6 years. Since college I am now 25 @245 pound. I only tell you guys this so you can get the image of what my Hubby to be feel in love with. I dont want to scare him with the till death do us part and he looks up and do the math. (HMM if she gain double her weight in the first five years what will she be in the next five.) LOL and also I have two sisters who are young and sexy. I dont want to be the Kloe Kardashion(SP?) of my own wedding. SO maybe if there are some brides who has just started or on the ww track plan, maybe we can talk to each other with out the fear of judgement and get to our goal line together. SO my first question how do you guys go shopping for the week? Im a teacher and enjoy the the smartones and ww items but most need to be heated and iam inside a class and cant do it. I try to keep like apples grapes oranges at reach but there is only so much of the same thing you can eat over and over again.


  9. Hi BusyBee123!


    I know what you mean about it seeming like it takes forever to come off.  I also workout 5-6 days a week and for the first month or two, I was at the exact same weight before I started working out!  I didn't understand how that could be, but I aso realized that sometimes when we workout, we also cheat a little more with our eating because we say, "well, I worked out today so I can eat this!"  Anyways, the gym I belong to has a BMI machine that I used when I expressed my frustration to one of the trainers there.  I found out that I had lost 1% of bodyfat the first month, over 1% the second month and 1.8% the third month!  So, the scale only shows 6 lbs less, but I have a ton of lean muscle and am down a pant size!  So, don't get discouraged with the number on the scale...and remember, you do have to 'treat' yourself sometimes or you'll end up bingeing when you deprive yourself of what you like :)

    Originally Posted by BusyBee123 View Post

    Hey Ladies...


    So I'm in need of some extra motivation with my wedding now being under 3 months away! Yikes!  Its funny how you plan and plan for months and then all of a sudden it seems to sneak up on you!  


    So I posted ages ago that my goal was to lose 30lbs for my wedding in January.  I did really really well initially and the first 10lbs came off pretty easily.  Then of course, I lost motivation and took a bad food and no work out break!  What was I thinking?!?  I've been back on track for the last month, but the weight is creeping off SO SLOWLY!  I'm now only down a total of 15lbs from my starting point, and my goal of 30lbs is starting to seem out of reach.  I'm working out 5 days a week cardio and weights, and eating super low carb (no breads, pastas, rice, etc) and sticking to lean protein, fruit and veg.  I even got through Canadian Thanksgiving without a single cheat.  I just wish the results were there! 


    I don't mean to complain, because I know that I have accomplished something, but its so frustrating to get on the scale and not see any movement!  


  10. Hi Raq87!


    We arrive on November 12!  I can't believe how quickly it is coming up!  I emailed the spa at

    [email protected].  It took a couple days for a response, but I had no issues.  No worries!!!!  Congratulations and have a blessed wedding day :)



    Originally Posted by Raq87 View Post

    Hi Pfeiffla! I'm getting married on November 16th! When do you guys arrive?

    Also, how did your make your spa appointments? Do you have the email address? I'm worried because I haven't made appointments yet......



  11. Melissa727-

    Carolina is my WC is she is great!  She is excellent with communication and on top of things; Don't worry! 


    Originally Posted by Melissa727 View Post

    Ok so I finally heard back from one of the coordinators, Carolina, regarding last minute info they needed from me. I was just informed that my previous wedding coordinator, Jennifer Castro, no longer works there. Great to find that out 1 week before I leave! I really am nervous about things getting messed up the communication from Dreams has been absolutely awful and I really hope I made the right decision choosing this resort. Guess it's too late to do anything about it now!


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