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Posts posted by pfeiffla

  1. So, do we have to do something specific to change our status after we reach 150?

    Originally Posted by kymish View Post

    so this is my 153 post and nothing is different :(.. no junior member status and i still cannot open attachments like templates... any ideas as to why ??


  2. I just got goosebumps reading this!  It all seems so real now!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by NaM View Post

    In our quest for wedding knowledge I thought I would pass along 2 great pieces of advice I've recieved lately.
    The first is vasoline for your wedding day. A lady at work said that on your wedding day when you're nervous and hot (esp for all of us in Mexico and the Carribbean) your fingers tend to swell, sometimes substantially. She said to bring a small tub of vasoline and rub it on your ring finger before you walk down the aisle so you don't have the snaffu of not getting the ring to fit durin the ceremony. I haven't read anything on here about that happening so I was wondering for those of you who already are married if this was an issue at all??
    The other thing, which isn't really advice, is a quick non denominational wedding ceremony. It is beautiful and is actually the ceremony my FI (yes I still call him that :)) and had our legal ceremony to. We are going to have the same reading in Mexico with a few changes to encorporate the sand ceremony. I know a lot of you would like to write your own ceremony so I thought this would be useful if you wanted some ideas. Enjoy!!


    Please join with us in this ceremony to unite ___________ and __________ in marriage and may this day be one of happiness and thanksgiving for them as they demonstrate and celebrate their love. We all live in the hope of loving and being loved for love is a miraculous gift and a wedding is a celebration of this gift.

    True marriage is more than joining two persons in the bonds of marriage - it is the uniting of two souls already attuned to each other. When such a true bond already exists between a couple, it is fitting that an outer acknowledgment be made and this acknowledgement is the joyous reason for this ceremony. We are here to bear witness to the entry into the closer relationship of husband and wife of these beloved friends who are already one in spirit.

    _____________ and _____________ you have invited us to be with you today as witnesses to your affirmation of the happiness you have found together and to the pledge through which you publicly express your personal commitment to one another.

    (Let the groom repeat after me) I solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I _____________ may not be joined in matrimony to ___________.

    (Let the bride repeat after me) I solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I ___________ may not be joined in matrimony to _____________.

    This ceremony marks but one step in a continuing process of change and growth in your relationship. Growth is an essential part of marriage as it is an essential part of life. Your relationship will unfold into new dimensions and as you move forward together, your marriage will remain a source of new strength and insight.

    Happiness in marriage is not something we should take for granted. A good marriage must be created. It is one of never being too old to hold hands and it is remembering to say ‘I love you†every day. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is not looking for perfection in each other but cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humour. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget and it is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is finding room for the things of the spirit and is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

    (Let the Bride and Groom join their right hands and let the Groom repeat after me) I call on those present to witness that I (first name) take you (first name) to be my lawful wedded wife, from this day forward, to have and to hold as equal partner in my life, to whom I give my deepest love and respect.

    (Let the Bride repeat after me) I call on those present to witness that I (first name) take you (first name) to be my lawful wedded husband, from this day forward, to have and to hold as equal partner in my life, to whom I give my deepest love and respect.

    (Rings): May your ring(s) be always the symbol of the unbroken circle of love for love freely given has no beginning and no end. May your ring(s) always remind you of the vows you have taken.

    (Let the Groom repeat after me) This ring I give you as a symbol of my love and with my heart I offer to you all that I am. With this ring I marry you and join my life to yours.

    (Let the Bride repeat after me) This ring I give you as a symbol of my love and with my heart I offer to you all that I am. With this ring I marry you and join my life to yours.

    May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitement a marriage should bring and may life continue to grant you patience, understanding and much joy.

    "Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth".

    It is my great pleasure now to pronounce you husband and wife and ________ you may kiss your bride.

    (the signing now takes place, followed by the introduction of the married couple to family and friends)


  3. I had to psych myself into thinking I didn't like it- which I really don't now.  The amount of fat and calories that is in most of it, was the trigger I used to trick myself into thinking I didn't like it (because it really did disgust me) and after all the thoughts that I didn't like it, I now believe myself and don't eat it!  Don't get me wrong, I eat out, but it's never through the drive through and they don't serve my meal in a paper bag :)

  4. I use the brush cleaner from Sephora and it seems to work well.  You definitely want to clean your brushes often, especially if you have acne prone skin.  Even the color-change wipes that Sephora carries, helps.  And after cleaning, lay them flat to dry, not standing on end- it will wreck your brushes!

  5. Thank you!  I've been wondering what to get :)

    Originally Posted by Tropical Imaging View Post

    I have lived in the Caribbean for 15 years, and my youngest daughter is red headed with british white skin. My kids (6 and 9) have NEVER been sunburned despite living here year round and my pediatrician and dermatologist back in the US always rave about the "lack" of sun exposure on their skin. (although my littlest has managed to get a mess of freckles on her face)

    First off I am a firm believer in long sleeve sun shirts/rash guards for intense sun hours (10-4). I love land's end for their kids and women's sun shirts (we have loads of them...lots of colors and very high quality! Best around.

    For Sunscreen, the best for my youngest hands down is an Austrailian creme (can be bought in the US) called Blue Lizard. It's a micronized Zinc Oxide. It's the White stuff of years past except it has been developed to go sheer once rubbed in. UVA and UVB protective and is a barrier creme (it doesn't get absorbed in skin)vs most sunscreens which are absorbed (it's great and safe for babies and children). It's waterproof etc. I was out on Sunday in full sun from 8-2pm in high intense sun (I am fair and blonde) and am not burned in the least.

    The other creme I have had success with (but I find I have to be more diligent with reapplying for myself) is Neutregena with helioplex recommended as well by a dermatologist. The creme is a bit lighter weight and I like that for me if we're going out and about as it's not as heavy, but for water/swim/kayaking/hard core beach time, I go with the blue lizard. Kids don't get a choice, blue lizard it is.

    I additionally buy (you can usually find in supermarket/drugstore) RIT clothing SPF enhance. RIT makes clothing dye you throw into your wash. A while back they created this SPF that you add to your wash of clothes and it adds SPF protection to your clothes up to 40 washes.

    Hope that helps, I would pick up some of both and see which you like. Remember you need to use a shot glass full of sunscreen per application (I go through a bottle at least for my girls per week if we're out and about). And reapplying is really important!!!



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