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Posts posted by pfeiffla

  1. I think it's a great idea!  Everything that I've read for creating a gift bag, says to include something that's relevant to your destination.  Sounds perfect to me! 

    Originally Posted by ayansi08 View Post

    Hi Ladies!


    I wanted to get some feedback on my favor idea.....


    Since I'll be getting married in Paradisus Punta Cana, I wanted to give something to my guests as a keep sake of not only our wedding but of DR.


    So I've been going back and forth on the idea of giving my guests a small bottle of one of the typical rums of DR either Barcelo or Brugal. I figure since my FI and I are getting to DR a few days before the wedding we can purchase them there. I'm guessing they'll be cheaper there as well.


    I'd bring personalized ribbon and a small thank you tag to put on each bottle.


    Is it cheesy to give away rum?????


    Looking forward to hearing your feedback!


    Thank you!!!




    Originally Posted by ska2m View Post


    Leave in 4 days and get married in 8 days! Can't wait, all is set on my end! Just now ready to enjoy the vacation with friends and family and then the wedding day! I'll post an update/review when i get back to the states the week of the 14th! Good luck to all the brides getting married next weekend, i will look out for you when I'm there! 


    This must be so exciting!  After all that planning, to have the time finally come!  I can't wait to read your reviews :)


    Originally Posted by Melissa727 View Post


    Well I'm just finishing my last day of work for 2 weeks! We leave on Monday and get married next Friday the 4th! Still have a lot of packing to do this weekend but other than that everything else is taken care of. Only 1 issue so far, my mom found out today that she has shingles. I'm hoping by the time she comes next Tuesday she is feeling a little better. Hopefully no other issues will arise! Regardless I'm so ready to marry my best friend in a beautiful paradise! Talk to you all when I get back!


    Who doesn't love getting up early when you're leaving on vacation...and getting married on top of it!  Hope everything goes off without a hitch ;)


  3. I honestly thought there would be more mommies on here too, considering how many brides are threading on here!  I guess when we have moments to ourselves, we don't always jump for the computer- you know, with all the laundry, cleaning and other details that need done :)

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  4. One thing that helped for our daughter, was the baby orajel.  I only used it a few times and didn't use very much, but it seemed to give enough relief at the time!

  5. Hey ladies!


    The one thing I found is that you have to make time for yourself!  My daughter is 3 and I'll admit, I haven't done it as much as I should have.  But, my hubby is great about giving me time and telling me to go take a break!  It's hard for me, because when he's home, I want to spend time with them as a family, but I do recognize when I need a few hours to myself :)    Enjoy being a mom!

  6. Dear Ms. Court Commissioner,


    I answered your phone call today, expecting to hear a confirmation of our appointment.  Instead, you tell me that you are now unavailable to perform our ceremony!  It's 3 weeks from today.  Are you kidding me?!  I'm legally getting married on 11-11-11...do you think other people are going to want to be married on that date too?  Probably more people than on the 10th or the 12th?  I figured that would quickly become a busy date, that's why I set my date with you in JANUARY!!!!!  You have to be out of town now?  You had no other weddings that day?  And I really appreciate you asking me if I could switch days?!  mad2.gif   NO, I picked the 11th for a reason!  And NO, I can't change the time to accomodate you, because our airline cancelled our flight and now we need to catch a different flight, after our scheduled ceremony with you!  So, thank you for telling me that you will "have to beg someone to do it for us and get back to me with a name and location".  That was heartfelt and warming.


    Well, Ms. Commissioner....I left you a message, now 5 days after we spoke, and I still haven't heard from you.  Have you found someone else to perform our ceremony?  I need to apply for our marriage license and have limited time to do it.  A response would be appreciated.  wtf.gif


    Ms. Commissioner, another 2 days have passed, and I no longer can wait to give you the opportunity to be a responsible and honest human being.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  A week has passed since you first called and I refuse to leave my destiny in your hands.  I have left messages for others, to see if they can perform our ceremony-you obviously weren't meant to be the one to do it!  Thank you for giving me a four day window to replace you- it has reminded me how resilient and determined I am.  Rest assured, you have not ruined my day or my wedding.  But, if I have something to say about your professionalism, you can count on me leaving my opinion of you, with your boss!


    Make it a great day!




    Blessed Bride ;)

  7. I just wanted to say that it's your day, not his!  I don't think I've ever met a guy that cared so much about what he looked like!  Really?!  Give me a break; there will hardly be any photos of him anyways ;)   


    I hope it worked out.  I would've told him he's out, and found someone else! ;)

  8. HI rae12vb!

    I hope things have gotten better for you since you posted this, but I just wanted to say that the people who are supposed to be there, will be!  Even if that means the 2 of you ;)    


    I would definitely start making decisions based on what you and your FI want and nobody else- it's your day!  It also seems like there are some people that have some growing up to do.  Since I too, know some people like that, we didn't want any money from them!  That way they couldn't hold it over our heads later, for whatever reason!  Good luck :)


    Originally Posted by rae12vb View Post


    So I am dealing with TONS of family drama.

    Travis and I got engaged in October 2010.  We had origionally planned our wedding for 5/26/12.  My mother suggested we move it to a closer date and get married in the fall.  We then set a date for 9/10/11.  We were very excited and began to plan, it was 11 month away!

    6 Months before, my father, who said he was paying for everything, ripped the carpet out from underneath us and told us he just didn't have the money and couldn't afford the wedding.  He was also furious that my mother (my parents went through a brutal divorce ( wasn't paying for anything.) This made him change his mind and suddenly, there were no wedding plans. 


    I was extremely upset.  I, of course, went to my mother for guidance.  She suggested we do the destination wedding.  She suggested that we rented a Villa in the caribbean and get married in a chapel.


    More and more weeks were passing and I still had not made a decision.  I tried speaking to my mother about what to do.  I told her that I felt like I had no one to help me make decisions and I felt on my own.  Right away she concluded that this was because of money.  She got extremely mad and stopped speaking to me.  This was in March and she has yet to speak to me.


    In the meantime we had to make some plans.  We decided to go forward to our wedding at the Moon Palace in Cancun Mexico.

    We booked the resort and sent out the invites.

    Because of the short planning, basically no one is coming.  It's very upsetting to know that even with getting an invite my mother can't get over her own pride to congratulate her daughter.


    I also go a nasty e-mail from my sister, who was married at 16 and divorced by 25. 

    She thinks we're making a mistake.  Although we're a great couple she thinks that we are just going to get divorced. And that we are "rushing" into a marriage.


    I am not sure where this is coming from other than the fact that my mother must me talking behind my back.


    Travis and I have been friends for 10 years, we have dated for 4, we own a house together and we've been engaged for just about 9 months right now.  How can your own family members be so jaded at such an important time in someone's life.


    It's all very hurtful....how are any of your handling family wedding drama?


  9. So, my left eye started watering yesterday.  So, I took an allergy pill hoping that would help, but today it seems worse.  And it's only one eye!  I have no other 'sick' symptoms...is it stress?!  How do I make it stop?  Ever happened to you?!

  10. That is such a good idea!  I never thought of doing it on our anniversary or sometime later!!!!   I would much rather do that as I am starting to feel overwhelmed getting everything finalized just for the wedding!  Thanks for the great idea....you took a load off my shoulders ;)

    Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

    Hi pfeiffla! It's an amazing experience and I'm actually headed down to do mine with Del Sol Photography (my wedding photogs) this November! I wrote a bit about it as well in case you're interested! Trash the Dress


    In my case, we're heading down to Playa del Carmen about a year and a half after we had our destination wedding to celebrate with a TTD session. It's another excuse to put on a wedding dress and capture some incredible moments! It's also another reason to get back to your destination if you aren't able to do it right after your wedding!


    Here are a few images too :) 









  11. My future MIL offered to have a reception later; but not where we live...where her family lives so they all could come!  My FI about flipped a lid when I told him.  He said she's just doing that to make herself feel better for not coming and why would we have a reception where my family would have to drive 7 hours to come to?  He thought that was totally unfair to my family and if we had an AHR where we actually live, his side would only have to drive 45 minutes to attend anyways!  So, I guess that just proves that if you think something is important, you make it happen!  I guess we know where we stand!  ;)


    Originally Posted by yunric View Post

    Absolutely agree.


    Most people who really matter will be there.  I understand there are a few legitimate reasons for not coming to our DW, but when your future sister in law and family aren't coming... It just makes me so sad for my future husband.  He only has one sister and she can't make it.  I know he is upset, but doesn't want to make a big deal of it. 

    Now there's talk of an AHR... Really??  This is why we are going to MEXICO!


    I will soak up the sun, the tequila and the love of family and friends who are there!!


    Best wishes ladies!


  12. I couldn't agree more!


    Originally Posted by Jessica4LUXE View Post

    I hear all of you! No matter what the relationship, these situations are not easy. Generally I always say that the "important" people will always make it to your destination wedding no matter what... but then it's still not always the case. People get pregnant, people hate flying, people don't want to go, people hold grudges... I've seen this scenario many times over. It's hard to please everyone's wishes. Could you offer to spend some of your wedding budget towards their trip (if they truly cannot afford it)? Many of our clients do this as a discreet way of making sure certain guests are in attendance.


    At the end of the day, life is precious and too short to hold grudges. No matter how much this bothers you or hurts your FI inside (even if he doesn't admit it), be supportive of him and try and look at the bright side of things, focus on the positives of who's coming and how amazing your wedding will be!


  13. Maybe that will work, I never had engagment pics done cause I could care less if my hometown knew I was getting married!  I feel the same way about the dress, but I will tell you, as these last 2 weeks are rolling by and we are finalizing airport details, etc, I am starting to feel the anxiousness :)

    Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

    I go through phases.  It feels real one day and then the next it's like ehh.nope.  My dress doesn't make it real either.  I like my dress, but I am not about the clothes if that makes sense.  My photography is what matters to me so maybe after we get engagement pix?


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