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Everything posted by CND_Redhead

  1. Ronsoliman - Images would be awesome!! I'd love some ideas
  2. Hi Everyone, Was wondering if anyone could shed some light for me. I've just been informed by one TA that even if you're doing a symbolic ceremony in Panama (Royal Decameron) you have to have all your documentation translated? A different TA that I've been talking to knew we were looking at a symbolic wedding (with the legal one taking place b/f we leave) but said nothing about the documentation being needed. Can anyone help!!! Thanks Cheers
  3. Thank you for all the great tips! I've been a regular on Tripadvisor lately! haha. I think we've got it narrowed down to Panama or DR. (still finding the best rate for the 3 or 4 resorts we like). Renee, the Majestic Colonial is actually one of our 3or 4 in DR we liked, it is beautiful! All the best in your plannings also! Cheers
  4. If you know when you want to go (a week) and where you can go to selloffvacations.com and they will get you a quote. My FI and I are looking late Jan 2011 but have yet to narrow down a resort. We've been working with a couple different travel agents and they are amazing. They keep going back to the specific tour groups requesting rates. So, you can get the rates but your TA has to call to get them! I asked my TA if I should wait until the prices come out in Spring as the prices may go down, but she didn't figure the prices would drop that much. Plus you take a risk that they won't go up! I'm not to keen on waiting too much longer anyway, I want my guests to have as much time to save and to know where they're going so they can book and arrange holidays and such! Best of luck planning Cheers! Jen
  5. This is a great thread! I started thinking about this myself not too long ago. I'm only 5'4 and my FI is just over 6ft. I LOVE heels and fun coloured shoes. We're probably going to do the ceremony on the beach but I'm finding it very hard to think about altering my dress for flip flops/bare feet We're also doing a reception when we get back, so I think I've found a compromise with wedge heels! BUT... haven't found anything I like yet. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great. I love colour and fun styles, and would want ones with at least a couple inches for the wedge! Its early for spring/summer stuff so I'm going to keep my eyes out to find the best ones! Cheers Jen
  6. Thanks so much for the link! It looks wonderful and a great place for me to start. I'm trying to DIY as much as I can hoping to save some $$ and put a personal touch on things! Cheers Jen
  7. Hi Everyone, I apologize if there is already a thread on this (new to forum) but I'm struggling with our DW location? We're planning Feb/March 2011 wedding and although we've narrowed it down to Panama, Cuba or DR we're having a hard time finding a resort. The constant nice weather in Panama is a plus but I've heard mixed reviews about the Royal Decameron. My fiance and I love Cuba but the weather is an issue. Any suggestions on resorts, either ones you've been to on holidays or actual weddings? Thank you, Jen
  8. Any feedback on the Royal Decameron from newlyweds would be awesome! It's one of the resorts that's on the top of our list but there are so many mixed reviews. I'd love to hear from some newly returned brides/grooms and what the resort is like/wedding service. Thanks Congrats to all!
  9. Hi Everyone, I came across this Forum during my search for info for my upcoming destination wedding. This forum is wonderfu! My name is Jen our wedding is not set in stone (as we're waitng for some info from travel agencies) but we'll looking for Feb/March 2011 and most likely Cuba, DR or Panama. Cheers!
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