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Everything posted by Diva

  1. Ok so was anyone else in suspense for the ENTIRE 2 hours last night? Was that intense or what? I admit, I am upset that Callie got back with Arizona, and Lexie is so stuck on Alex that she won't give McSteamy another chance...
  2. oo thanks!! I am definitely making a run there this weekend. Worst case I will order online, but I wonder if a case comes with all of those colors, or can you specify?
  3. To my tattooed fellow brides BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU HAVE!! Your future hubbys fell in love with you just the way you are! The tattoos are a part of YOU so why would you cover them up? Who cares what other people think, its YOUR day and the only other person's approval you need will be waiting for you at the end of the aisle regardless So obviously I am not covering mine LOL
  4. do you have pics of the parasols? May be interested in both!
  5. Anybody buy a nice padded hanger from Etsy? I want a nice one for my dress
  6. I was SO in love with the long silk nightdress from La Petit Coquette in NYC on that show that I contacted the store and asked about it. Too bad it costs $225 for the polyester version and $460 for the silk!!!! Not willing to pay that much for wedding night attire that will end up balled up on the floor or lost in the sheets somewhere anyway! May be TMI, but I'm just sayin
  7. its on WE. They have "wedding Sunday"
  8. LOL me too!! I was loving the one that was on today with the Park Avenue type reception. I have been looking for that silk lingerie she bought ever since then!!! Its from La Petite Coquette but I cannot find it on the site grrrrrr
  9. Ok ladies so I purchased the Kinky Curly stuff today and it is not cheap!! The big jar is like $30 from whole foods! I bought the small one for $17 and I will be trying it this week. Maybe ill even take some pics
  10. Hmmm my stepmother has asthma too, so I will definitely let my TA know. Also, are the rooms super outdated?
  11. Trvlrs: I went with Nora Bohanon! She is a BDW vendor and does EXCELLENT work! She books pretty fast, so take a look at her site to see if she is still available for your dates Nora's Wedding Blog International Destination Wedding Photography
  12. I like the paper lantern ideas too!! Saves money on printing individual menus. Thanks for the tips, keep em comin
  13. YES I actually attempted to contact them SEVERAL times and they never got back to me! I ended up going with another photographer, because that is bad customer service, in my opinion.
  14. I am not the artsy/craftsy type AT ALL and I see so many of you are DIY queens which is so cool I am looking for ideas on what to have for my reception centerpieces! I want something fairly inexpensive, since I will probably not use them again anyway. I am not big on flowers, so some floral alternative would be nice Ideas!?
  15. Thanks!!! Can't wait to see your professional pics. Nice to know they set up a dance floor too Also, I read A LOT of negative reviews on TripAdvisor about the quality of the rooms. Most say they are VERY outdated and have a mold/musty smell to them. Have any of you experienced this I am a little concerned
  16. Just sent you a PM back aubrey. PM Karla to be added
  17. any brides have pics of the indoor reception?? The cascade pool receptions look BEAUTIFUL and that is what we were thinking, but Nbulldog's mosquito comments make me rethink the situation... Mosquitos seem to find me wherever I go, so the indoor option would be best. What time did your reception end inside Toscana?
  18. I see. Well we have several Spanish speakers attending (including myself) but I am not translating my owen wedding LOL I think we will be fine if the do not have anyone Ours is a symbolic wedding, we are doing the legal part in the states beforehand
  19. Still working out my Vista Print frustrations... Thanks to Kelly for emailing me some promos she got. It seems to only email me discounts still! I WANT FREE SH*T TOO!! LOL
  20. Looks like most brides had them pinned/attached somehow. The chairs look like they are pretty low at the back.
  21. Lets hope I can get Vista Print to work! Still no luck on the "freebie" emails, only the 25% and 35% off emails...
  22. Thanks Boston!! That is exactly what we are looking for anyway!! He speaks English though right?
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