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Everything posted by blckrevpower

  1. great job! congrats on your wedding and thanks for sharing!
  2. congrats and welcome to the forum!
  3. Hey guys, i just wanted to know if anyone planned their wedding AND bought a house in the same time frame. Our wedding is next year, but we've been looking at houses. We found one, and it's great. My fiance says we should push the wedding back and focus on the house. I say we should just continue with wedding, but on a smaller scale. What should be do? My fiance is concerned because we need to put down a deposit on the resort and provide $ for a down payment on the house in the same time frame. The house doesn't need a lot of work, but we do want to work on small cosmetic things, one at a time. Are we taking on too much? Should we wait another year to get married?
  4. For us, it was the place where we fell in love . . . Again! We always said we would return to get married in Jamaica. It's just something about that island that we love. We've been to the Bahamas, Mexico, and others, but we always compared those trips to Jamaica. We love the all inclusive. Since we don't have children, we're not really into having a great deal of little bits at our wedding or on the resort. So a big place was out of the question. Mo'Bay seems nice, but the plane thing was an issue for us. Negril is peaceful, has a beautiful beach and seems perfect for our destination wedding!
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