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Everything posted by ebredhawk

  1. is there a snorkeling excursion? i would definitely love that!
  2. sorry edrbride.. i knew i missed something!! ldeavila... if i overnight it on monday the 3rd (since i won't get back into town until late on the 1st) do you think that will be enough time? also, i believe mrs. kt ellis is now having a wedding at home so there's no worry about the departure date! marryinghimagain.. he looks fantastic!!! your bouquet was gorgeous too!
  3. wow... i'm not even going to try to catch up on what i missed in the last week! my brother got married saturday and along with being a bridesmaid i also made the wedding cake, so needless to say it's been a busy week!! experiencing his wedding though just made me feel 100x better about having a destination wedding... we definitely made the right choice! i saw real quick that someone asked about excursions.. i think we're going to do the sanoa island catamaran... i've heard that is fantastic! either that or the zipline tour.. they run on specific days so i guess we'll have to wait till we get down there to decide. tam, i know there are a ton of different ways they can set up the tables! i've never been a huge fan of the head table if you don't have a ton of guests or a big wedding party. i've seen pictures where people have just them and their spouse at a table.. the reception is a time to socialize!! i'm sure they'll be able to find the best set up for you without a problem!
  4. oh my goodness ladies.. i'm not even going to try to catch up on what i missed in the last week!! i am so glad to be back though and finally able to focus again on my planning my own wedding! experiencing my brother's wedding this weekend just reaffirmed our decision for a destination wedding. i had actually planned to work yesterday, but i was so exhausted and i had been so stressed (about the wedding AND making the cake) that i got sick sunday and took yesterday off and got a massage! nothing like a little pampering to keep us all going! i hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far!! it feels fantastic to be back!
  5. i think this is actually the most updated list for the clear/white starfish... dc22173's clear starfish line-up: 1 ) meli122 - November 7 - Royal, Playa del Carmen 2 ) angruck- December 12 - Dreams Tulum 3 ) cdnvb9- December 29 - Dreams Huatulco 4 ) kpuckrin- January 12 - BlueBeard's Beach, St. Thomas 5 ) ebredhawk - April 28 - Dreams Punta Cana 6 ) future mrs. kt ellis - June 5 - Scottsdale, AZ 7 ) *kerin28* - June 19 - Worcester, MA 8 ) breeze616 - December 10 - Iberostar Rose Hall Beach, Montego Bay ldeavila - when do you leave for your wedding? i think it would leave enough time for you to get it to future mrs. kt ellis as long as i can get it to you first! i return on may 1st. i'd love to get it to you too because my birthday is your wedding day!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 ebredhawk - you didn't order them and they're still holing your designs for you? the ones i didn't order have been held for about a month.. the others were actual orders and they've been there for forever. i LOVE the name martes!! i speak spanish and it didn't even occur to me about the tuesday thing until you said it. still an adorable name though and "tez" as a nickname is very cool and unique! Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 Erin..sounds like you will be having lots of fun and can you fedex me a piece of cake?..oh wait I am dieting...oh well just tell me what flavor and I can imagine how good it would taste..lol..can ya tell I am hungry!!!!! Soooooooo our e-pics are up on our photogs website and here is the link and info how to get to them.... When you open the link..go to Client viewing on right side Once that opens you should see another page that says welcome Go to page 2 & look for engagement smith/parker Click on the box and you should see them…if not call me Brides In Bloom Photography shan, i'd be happy to send you some cake that is if i don't eat it myself first!! also, your pictures are GORGEOUS, you can tell brian is totally into it, even though he's trying not to look too excited! welcome juleswed!!! i love that you're doing april fool's day... it's got some character!! that's my FI's birthday too so we may make it our legal day... gotta have a sense of humor when it comes to getting married, right?! it sounds like you've really got everything under control and quickly!! Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover I got my post cards (invite) for our AHR but I should have thought to use it at our DW tracey, they look great!! you are really on the ball already getting everything set for your AHR! are you going for a formal or informal AHR? i definitely need to do that soon! meghan, your centerpiece inspiration is beautiful! i think it'll look even better in purple, and here's hoping those lights are just what you need! it's funny how our ideas can change as soon as we see a picture of something else. that is the exact reason why this forum is so dangerous!!!
  7. i am SO glad diane's starfish made it to you in time!! let's keep him going ladies!! kt, just keep us posted if you date changes and we can add kerin to the list! dc22173's clear starfish line-up: 1 ) marryinghimagain - October 15 - Dreams Puerto Aventuras 2 ) meli122 - November 7 - Royal, Playa del Carmen 3 ) angruck- December 12 - Dreams Tulum 4 ) cdnvb9- December 29 - Dreams Huatulco 5 ) kpuckrin- January 12 - BlueBeard's Beach, St. Thomas 6 ) ebredhawk - April 28- Dreams Punta Cana 7 ) future mrs. kt ellis - June 19 - Arizona **(tentative: *kerin28* - June 19 - Worcester, MA)** 8 ) breeze616 - December 10 - Iberostar Rose Hall Beach, Montego Bay
  8. ssnm, you are so right! lots of vow renewals! toya, those shoes are GORGEOUS! you are a brave girl! your ceremony is in the gazebo, right?
  9. meghan.. i can't believe what a mess that is! i didn't understand what a pain it is to have an american company ship something to canada until i got on this forum! i'm so sorry that happened and i have my fingers crossed for you that it will be worth it!! and also, CONGRATS on picking your BM dress! very pretty!! suzy.. like tracy said, vistaprint will save your design for a while. i have things that i created several months ago still in my account!
  10. stacey... i think you'll be okay, but you may have to get something off the rack... not a bad option and sometimes cheaper. if it helps you at all, i tried to look at magazines and no particular dress or style really stood out to me. i just went and tried some on and found one that made me feel beautiful! i didn't go in with any pre-conceived notion about what i wanted, which i think can help sometimes! that way you're not so focused on THE dress and you can have an open mind about everything you try on! good luck! i will be pretty MIA this week... my brother gets married on saturday and i'm both a bridesmaid and baking/decorating the wedding cake and i'm taking 1/2 the week off. keeping my mom from going nuts will probably be a full time job as it gets closer!
  11. adrian'smommy.. the 3 hour reception doesn't include the cocktail hour. that's awesome it is included in your package.. what a great option for your guests while you're taking pictures or just waiting for the reception to start!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Erin- Sunday 11/8 noon over cheesecake and martinis IS ON!! You better bring photos from your dress fitting YESS!! i'm pumped.. it's already on my calendar! i will definitely have pictures too! Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 OKKKKAAAAYYYYY!!! We have a queen bed at home and Brian is always under me...I am constantly pushing him back on his side..lol..and we are both tall he is 6'5..i'm 5'11 we just a rolling around hot mess..like some alligators or snakes or something..lmao!!! picturing this in my head made me snort out loud in my quiet office!!! i had to pretend like something accounting-related was really funny! i say you two DEFINITELY deserve a king! Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten We have a King bed - we go to sleep next to each other and when we wake up sometimes it's like we are 2 miles away from each other! as for RSVPs - I haven't gotten one in over a week - I sent out 29 and got back 4!!!! But, the good news is that my TA is going to contact all of my guests to see if they are coming and to see if she can get them to book on the phone with her! YAY!!!!! i think we need a king bed too.. except our whole room would probably be bed then! i don't know what those movies are doing showing couples falling asleep all cuddled up together... unless i'm passed out drunk i don't want anyone touching me when i'm trying to fall asleep! michele, that is AWESOME about your TA!! that way she will get a response from each person too.. that should definitely help give you a better idea of who's coming! yayyy for progress!
  13. toya.. thanks for letting us know, i had no idea her pics were up! tara, it wasn't my original idea either, so no worries there. we're actually using a large wall map that we're going to get framed when we get home. adrian'smommy.. the reception lasts 3 hours, but i believe you can pay a fee to have it last longer. or just take everyone to the disco afterwards!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 I had a great idea, or so I thought, to use fabric/lace from my Mom’s wedding dress to make a garter (my mom would make it not me). Her dress has been hanging in the back of a closet in my grandmother’s spare bedroom for 25 years (not preserved). this is EXACTLY what we had originally planned to do!! unfortunately, the lady who is making my makeup bags for my BMs and my table runners is super busy so i didn't press her any more on it. then my mom randomly finds her and it was perfect! just an fyi for everyone too on the topic of dresses after the wedding.. i've seen some really pretty blankets made out of people's wedding dresses after the fact. i kind of want to do with some fabric from FI's shirt, a BM dress, table runners and chair ties too. does that sound weird? Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Erin- Nov 8 works for me... unless you need some female support to come with you to your dress fitting on the 7th, I'm happy to do that too! If all else fails, we can hit up the Cheesecake Factory in Kenwood, they have an amazing raspberry martini! Is that super far away from where you are? I think your flowers are going to be beautiful!! mmmm i LOVE cheesecake factory and that's a perfect location! is lunch okay? i'm always up for a martini at noon! thanks for the offer on the dress fitting too.. i may have to think about that! right now it's just me and my mom since one BM lives out of town and the other two are working. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 That's hilarious! My FI is really pretty good about listening to me babble on about wedding crap, he's a good man... He just can't wait to get to Mexico and drank some tequila and chill out with all our friends and fam!! I can't wait either...and by the amount of snow we have on the ground I wish it was a little sooner than 6 months...but then I think of what I look like in a bathing suit and think...no, I can wait the 6 months!! lol But good news for Calgary - Saturday is supposed to be a high of 12 degrees Celsius!!! I think we may hit the corn maze and pick a pumpkin!! Oh and big announcement!!!! THIS IS MY #151 POST!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha ) my FI does the SAME thing.. why don't they understand?! when we're all crazies right before, we can blame them for making us wait for things! and CONGRATS!!! that 151 milestone is huge! yayyy for downloading things now! Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 Here is my dilemma: should I have photog do any getting ready shots since it will be just me or just keep him for our shots on the strip? (we had to get an outside photog since venue doesn't allow them) B & I were gonna sleep in separate rooms the night before..should we still because I don't want him to see me until the wedding time. will we look stupid going by ourselves? i don't think you'll look stupid at all!! and i'm all about the "night apart" tradition.. stick with it if it's what you really want to do. no reason it should be any different w/ or w/out guests. as for your photog, if you want pictures of getting ready, then i say do it. the "in the mirror" makeup shots and the guy tying his tie are always really sweet and don't require anyone else. if you want more time on the strip though.. you have that option as well!
  15. tara.. should be on its way! i've also heard that michaels does a great job with bouquets, so that's a good place to try. for my guestbook i actually bought a map of the dominican republic that we're going to have all of our guests sign. there aren't enough people to justify a photo book! i may also do the whiteboard thing, but i haven't quite decided. i think that may be more of an AHR thing.
  16. shan.. i completely forgot to tell you how incredible your jewelry looks!! seriously, the bracelet and earrings are going to look killer together!
  17. meghan.. i bought my stargazers from Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts. they have the best flowers, hands down! and they have great prices too! if you're having trouble finding ones you like, check out that site or Silk Flowers, Silk Wedding Flowers, and Floral Supplies as well.
  18. thanks for the bouquet compliments girls! i get to see it in person this weekend.. i'm always surprised at how heavy bouquets are! hahah toya.. i'm trying to spread out my questions too! i really want to send her an email and ask if we can get cupcakes instead of a cake... i forgot to ask in my last one and i was hitting myself for it!! tam, i bought the flowers from Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts and my mom's creates flower arrangements for her job so she's putting them together for me.
  19. tracy, my package does come with a bouquet, but i can always use that as decoration for the judge's table or something like that. the flowers from there are pretty expensive if i wanted any additional ones, and this way i don't have to worry about my flowers being in season or getting just what i want. it's one of "those things" for me.. i can let other stuff go, but my flowers were my whole inspiration so i want them to look right!
  20. here's my bouquet as of right now and i love it! the stems will eventually be wrapped in strips of fabric from my dress after i get it shortened.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Does anyone feel like they're in a system overload? Lately, I've been trying to gather ideas for my bouquets, then I stumble upon ideas for my centerpieces, then I move onto the judge's table decorations, then shoes, then invitations, then music, then the first dance - to choreograph or not to choreograph, then cake ideas, then flight arrangements, then TTD dress and location, then groom's attire (SO late with this one)... AHHH!!!!! My goodness! Sorry, I'm just venting. I feel like I am getting nowhere with this...Planning has taken a toll on me lol. it all seems to come on at once doesn't it?? every once in a while i've had to take a step back and re-prioritize everything... the good news is that you still have 6 months left which is more than enough time to figure everything out!! you always have us as sounding boards too for any ideas or if you get stressed again! Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Erin- Let's plan on an early weekend in November. Do you have any favorite hotspots around downtown/clifton/hyde park/mason? We could grab a drink/nibble then hit up JoAnn Fabrics or Michaels if there are any crafty things you need to get! I might start buying supplies for my message-in-a-bottle invitations I want to make, my first DIY project! could you do sunday the 8th? i'd do the 7th, but i have my first fitting that day! i'll have to think about where we could go... i don't think i'm real up to date on the "hot spots"! let me know if that date works for you! Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 Hey everybody not much on my home front. I feel you guys about being organized...I have been dreaming that I am gonna forget something when it's time to pack..eeek!! I am thinking of getting Brian a Tungesten band because he is not flashy and doesn't want diamonds or anything in his band..so I am gonna try to get him to look a them tonight so I can get to ordering..since my set came with a band already..although he hid it from me so I can't play with it..lol! I am thinking of using an Etsy vendor for my bc veil...not sure another girl ordered hers from another site and it was pretty too... [/img] i have those panic attacks too shan! i think that was one of my first wedding dreams too! my FI got himself a black tungsten band... we heard it was supposed to be the most durable and they are pretty inexpensive! he actually ordered his from overstock.com and got a GREAT price! i've been looking for my "something old" lately and my mom was cleaning out a closet the other day and found her garter from her wedding. i'm not doing a garter toss or anything, but i think it will be cool to have that of hers! also, my amazing flower lady sent me pictures of her first stab at my bouquet... what do you think? (personally.. i'm in love!) the stems are going to be wrapped in strips of the fabric taken off my dress when it's shortened.
  22. jocy and toya.. i completely agree! there are some little things that i still want to ask my WC about and i will of course update everyone once i get responses from her. it's nice to hear the questions that other people have... you never know when someone else has the same question or may have not even thought to ask it! plus, i love to see things as people finish them! OOT bags, decorations, dresses, BM/GM attire, etc! speaking of which... i got a "first draft" of my bouquet.. i'll post it here shortly! for right now, tam sent me the Dreams wording last night so i'm attaching it here for everyone to see. i think this will be a big help for anyone wondering what the WC will say, esp. if you're having a symbolic ceremony! READING FOR Tamara Tretjakoff & Gerald Litke.doc
  23. tam, i'm so sorry to hear about your TA. it seems like people either have a really great experience, or struggle with it. hopefully she'll be able to help you out and get everyone booked and then you don't have to worry about it! my email is [email protected]
  24. sorry i thought you had!! there was another bride who had a similar user name that got married i think!! it is one of the last resorts, but i've never heard of anyone having issues getting their luggage to the resort from the airport. hopefully the travel agencies and transfer companies take good care of that!
  25. ohhh hahaha... that makes sense now! sorry about that! if anyone is interested though i'm sure it couldn't hurt to put it on here.. even for future reference.
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