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Mrs. Martin

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Everything posted by Mrs. Martin

  1. Congrats Amy!!! It was my pleasure to help! Glad to hear everything went well! I'm going to check out your review right now....
  2. Congrats to all the new mommies and mommies-to-be! Andrea and Kat- Congrats on your new baby girls, they are both so beautiful. I hope you both are getting plenty of rest! Sorry I've been MIA for so long. My DH and I moved into a new house right before the baby was born and believe it or not, we are still trying to get everything unpacked and organinzed- and throwing a baby in to the mix left very little time for me to do anything. Now, I'm back to work and I have a little more DWF time! Matt is doing great. He's 3 1/2 months and now sleeping through the night (8-9 hours). He's a very happy baby and only gets fussy when he's bored or sleepy, other than that he just kind of chills. Here are a few pics of him: Halloween: Posing with his favorite toy:
  3. Tlseege and Geminilibra-your girls are beautiful! Congrats to you both! I hope you both are getting plenty of rest (if possible)! Kelly-Sorry to hear you have to go back to work! I'm going to be in tears the day I go back!! Good luck I hope everyone else is doing well!! Matthew is 1 month old today- I cant believe it! He's still keeping us at night and sleeping during the day so we are trying to change that. He's much more alert now and throws out more smiles here and there. I'm starting to give him formula because I'm not making enough milk for his demand. With that he's been exta gassy and has been a bit fussy because of it. Other than that we are all doing very well! I've just been so busy I cant even remember to shower sometimes!! Here are some pics from my phone: Matt's first mohawk- Waking up very alert-
  4. Congrats Geminilibra on being a new mommy! I hope you are getting some sleep! Congrats Danielle! HOw have you been feeling? Thanks everyone on the nice comments. I have not had much sleep, so sorry I'm so late posting more pics. I still havent even downloaded the ones from my camera, these are still from my phone!! Matt is doing well and jaundice is going away. He's a bit fussy at night waking up everyone 1 1/2 - 2 hours , but the important thing is that he's eating much, much more now! Here is what he is looking like at 2 weeks old now. daddy and Matt
  5. Hi! I'm a finally a mommy to a handsome baby boy, Matthew. He was 21 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces. Here's how he came in to the world: Last Friday morning around 4 am (and thank goodness my DH had just gotten home from work) I felt like I had to go to the bathroom more than usual. During that night I had been having contractions, but they were so far apart I figured they were false. So, I finally went the the restroom and noticed a bunch of blood and then I passed my plug (which looked really gross). I wouldn't stop bleeding so we rushed to the hospital. When I got there, I was already 3 cm dilated. The doc said I was bleeding more than normal, so he assumed I had a tear in the placenta. Since the baby's HB was fine he figured he would let me dilate naturally as long as I didn't continue to bleed too much. Well, 8 hours went by and I couldn't take my contractions any more, so I asked for an epi. Thank goodness I did because for a while I thought I would go all the way without one. Well, I had one put in but it moved so I was able to feel contractions (not too strong though) on the right side of my body but not the left. They tried fixing it and it worked for a few minutes, then it just favored my left again. Around 6:00 I was checked and had only dilated to 6 cm. So, they broke my bag of water and gave me petocin to start dilating more. At 10:00 pm I was 10 cm dilated and the pushing began. I was so scared and I stared freaking out and I asked them for a c-section-I couldn't get over the fact I was about to pop out a baby! But, I started pushing and it wasn't as bad as I thought. You feel sort of strange because when you push you feel like you have to take a big poop! My DH was helping holding my leg so he was close to all the action. He did a great job as a coach, I was very proud of him. Finally, they get a mirror for me and I see the baby's head. After 1 hr and 15 minutes the baby is here and he's so cute! He didn't cry until they started to clean him up. He was actually quiet for the rest of the night. I was ripped, so I had to get 2 stitches, which I didn't feel at all. I was exhausted and threw up a bit through out that night because I was so hungry. At the hospital, he was having trouble latching on to my breast, so we finally had to start pumping and also give him some formula. As soon as we got home, he didn't want to latch on at all, so I started pumping and became super engorged (and it's so painful). So, I had to start using a nipple shield and it worked, but the problem with Matt is that he falls asleep because he has jaundice, so the warmth of my body knocks him out. He wasn't getting enough to eat and that was causing the jaundice to get worse, so I've been pumping in order to be able to keep track and give him more milk. He got checked today and he gained a bit more weight and his jaundice level lowered, but he's still having to use a light therapy jacket through out the day to help out. But, other than that he is a very strong and stubborn boy that has completely melted my heart. Here are a few pics of him and of his nursery (which still hasn't been completed!). Please forgive me for the quality of all these pics because they were taken on my iphone. I look a mess (after 18 hours of labor...) The color of these pics look a bit funky, but the true colors are from the pics above.
  6. hi girls! I'm still at the hospital and I'm not sure if I'll be released today or not because I just had my first successful feeding this morning and they require @least 3 before releasing patients. Matt and I were not seeing eye to eye on the latching part, so I had to pump all day yesterday in order to feed him. But, he did well today & hopefully will remain to do so. I'm in tears right now because matt just left to get his circumcision done and I feel horrible about it. He left crying and now I won't stop myself. I'm still using the Internet on my phone, so as soon as I have access to a computer I'll share pics and the birthing story of Matthew. I hope everone is feeling well!
  7. Hi ladies, so the walking worked because I'm at the hospital. I've been in labor since 5 this morning. I'm 5-6 cm dilated and I just had an epi so I'm feeling better now. I'm just here on my phone waiting for labor! I'll keep u all posted after Matthew is born.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Mrs. Martin, your next I've been checking every day to hear that you have had the baby. Nope, no baby yet!! I just got back from my appt and I'm only 1 cm dilated She gave me the same advise- just keep walking and do lots of squats. She did take me off work though because my swelling has just been getting worse. So, today will be my last day here. I'm actually not looking forward to staying home because I'm afraid I'm just going to gain more weight. I gained 4 more pounds this week (which brings to to a total of 45 pounds) and I really shouldn't be gaining anything else. So, I'll just have to keep busy!! I hope all you other ladies are feeling well!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 Los Angeles , CA 90014 Ibex International 836 South Los Angeles Street Phone: (213) 627-7532 Map Los Angeles , CA 90013 Minguita's Bridal 210 West 3Rd Street Phone: (213) 626-7858 Los Angeles , CA 90025 The Image 2130 Sawtelle Boulevard #209 Phone: (310) 312-5500 Los Angeles , CA 90010 Wilshire Bridal 3818-22 Wilshire Boulevard Phone: (213) 388-2297 Los Angeles , CA 90013 Young Angels Inc. 514 South Broadway Phone: (213) 614-0742 Those are the LA locations for Maggie dresses! If you go to maggiesottero.com and go to store locator just click california and it will list every store they are sold at! Hope that helps! Although I didn't get a Maggie dress, I did buy mine at Wilshire Bridal. They don't have a huge selection to choose from, but I did like the dresses they did carry.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments! The WC mentioned 2 scenerios incase it rained. 1) If it wasn't raining too hard the ceremony could be done on the same patio/terrace where my cocktail hour was (you mentioned you saw my pics, so it's the place where DH and I were dancing). It's very pretty there, so that would be a nice option. 2) If the rain was strong, the wedding could be done inside the hotel lobby in front of a beautiful mirror they have. I wasn't so excited about that option but I guess it would work if it really did rain that hard.
  11. Hi, Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I got married there last September. There was a thread started (which I added below) and it talks about all 3 RIU's in Cancun. They are all close together (well, Riu Cancun and Las Americas are next to each other, Caribe is a bit farther) and use the same coordinator, so the rules and information provided are good for all three hotels. Checkout the info and let me know if you have any additional questions on that thread! Good luck with your planning! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20448
  12. I totally get all of you. I think it's soooo rude for 1) to be bombarded with that question and 2) everyone feeling that they can give you their opinion on when/if you should have kids. Both my DH and I come from very traditional Mexican families where everyone starts having kids at 18-20 years old. So when I finally got engaged, that was the first question out of everyone's mouth- When are you having kids?! Even though DH and I knew we wanted to have kids right away, I didn't care to explain to everyone our plans because it' s our business only. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I haven't even given birth to this baby yet and I'm already being asked "when are you having your second?!" Can you believe this?! It will never end....
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I was just thinking about you! I hope you get going soon! I hope I get going too, I'm going to start doing a whole lot of lunges and squats the next few days! Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride Mrs. Martin - Thank you for thinking of me. The migraines are still coming about every other day, varying intensity. I am taking the Fioricet that my OB prescribed for now, but only half the recommended dose if tylenol doesn't work first. When I feel it coming I take the Tylenol, if 4 hours later its still there or worse, I will take one more tylenol and one of the Fioricet instead of 2, takes a little while to help but it eventually eases up. I go back for my second appt. on Aug 3 and we are suppose to discuss it more. I hope you are feeling okay and start to see some progress soon. I know it can be frustrating, I was two weeks late with my first and prayed to hear I was dilated at each appt. but no such luck, I hope it goes better for you. You're having a boy right? Boys tend to get comfy and want to stay put : ) Sorry to hear you are having so many migraines! That's terrible; I can't even imagine how you are feeling! Good luck at your next appt. Yes, I'm having a boy so I hope he doesn't get to comfty like you said because his momma isn't quite comfty anymore.....
  14. You look amazing and all your pics are soooo beautiful!!!!!!! I can see why you adored your aisle, it's perfect and it doesn't look like anyone else's I have seen. And BTW- I love your dress, I have always loved dresses with just the one shoulder strap. Congrats on a beautiful wedding!
  15. Reluctant Beach Bride- How are the migraines going? What did you end up taking for them? I hope what ever it was it helped!! Summer, Kelly, & Shea- Your girls are adorable!! I love all the little outfits and accessories baby girls can wear!! Summer- thanks for the breast feeding feedback. I'm sure I'm stressing over nothing! It just seems so overwhelming even thinking about it! Tlseege- I'm assuming you had your baby this weekend/today; I hope you are doing well!! As for me, no baby just yet! I got checked on Thursday and I wasn't even dilated! I thought I would be dilated at least a bit because I have been having a lot of contractions, but nada!! All I got out that appt were some horrible looking thigh-high stockings that I'm suppose to wear to help with the swelling and circulation. I am not putting those things on, it's way too hot out here!
  16. Sorry I'm so late looking at your pics, but they are BEAUTIFUL!!! You look like a model from the bridal magazines!! Congratulations, everything looked amazing!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by CrystalM Mrs. Martin, we're looking for a house that costs as much as your downpayment!!! I guess that's the perk of not living in SoCal though. Yeah, it's crazy expensive out here even during this economy. But, we still got the house for a steal though because it was previously sold in 2005 for $700K and we purchased it for $391K. So, it was a great price for what we got! Good luck with your house hunting! Kelly- I was about to explain the PMI, but Carly explained it perfectly. That's exactly why we ended up having to put down 20%, it made a big difference.
  18. I know exactly what you are going through! We just bought a house last month and we were originally just putting 10% down, but ended up putting 20% instead (we can only do increments of !0% here). I had a total meltdown and really started getting cold feet about the whole thing because including our closing costs, that was $89,000 we were putting down!! I didn't want to buy the house anymore but I'm glad my DH talked some sense in to me. Now our mortgage is even lower than we expected and we were able to avoid the monthly $300 PMI charges (mortgage insurance). So, hopefully you'll be able to come up with the $$ because it will be so worth it!! Good luck and keep us posted!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Aww that is a great name. So strong yet sweet. Great pick!! He is sooo close to being here! Are you feeling ready or totally unprepared? I feel like I'm prepared as far as having the items I need for the baby, but I feel like I have no clue what to do once I leave the hospital. You're going to think this is so strange but I'm more worried about the whole breastfeeding concept than I am of actual labor. I went to a breastfeeding class and I left much more confused because I didn't realize how difficult it actually could be. So, I'm really nervous about that part of it all! I hope he latches on easily and has no problems Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride Just wondering if there are any other pregnant migraine sufferers out there. I have had migraines since I was about 14 and have been on more prescription meds than I can count on two hands, all of which are ineffective or moderately effective for a period of time till I build a tolerance. Thankfully, my first pregnancy was like a "cure" and I did not suffer from migraines the whole nine months, this time however, not so lucky. I made my OB aware of this in my first appointment and advised her that the only thing that has consistently brought me relief lately was a combination of Excedrine and Aleve that I discovered when my last prescription started becoming ineffective, and I was building a tolerance to the Excerdrine/Aleve as well and starting to need more to be effective. She advised that I could not take those things, which I knew, and that I had to stick to Tylenol unless the migraines did not respond to it. Up till now I was responding to Tylenol, however, Sunday night I got a migraine and it held on. I missed work Monday, came to work but had to leave yesterday and finally called the OB. She called me last night and she has put me on medication that at this stage of the pregnancy is "safe" but it makes me nervous to take such powerful stuff, especially since I took it before and eventually did build a tolerance the last time and needed more to get relief. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and what you did or your OB recommended. Any input would be helpful. I have confidence in my OB but I guess I am just scared of hurting the baby just so I can have relief. Before I was pregnant, i would get a minimum of two major migraines a month. Only my prescription (it changed a lot) or Excedrin would work for me. When I first got pregnant, I only had 2 migraine espisodes (only in the 1st trimester) and they both lasted 3 days. It was the worst feeling! I threw up so much and I couldn't even get out of bed, but I didn't take anything other than drinking a Coke (for the caffeine) and tried to sleep as much as possible. My doc told me not to take Excedrin during the first trimester, but it was ok to take extra-strength tylenol (only if I really needed it). I just didn't like the idea of taking medicine unless I really, really had to. But trust me, the migraines were long and painful and I'm shocked that they passed without me taking a thing. So, it's completely up to you and how you feel about taking the meds. Migraines are very painful so I completely understand about wanting to take something!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Mrs. Martin, Thanks...Good thing we live so far apart. She is not allowed to date until she is 25. LOL. Your almost there. I had Miss Kerrington at 37 weeks and 4 days. So your little man can make his debute any time now. Ha ha, I'm hoping my little man doesn't date soon either! I want to be his #1 girl for as long as possible!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 WOOHOO I am so excited for you. I hope I go a week early!! Do you have names picked yet? I can't remember. We decided on the name Matthew. It's one fo the few names that my husband and I liked in English and in Spanish because we know for a fact our families will be calling him in his Spanish name (Mateo) most of the time. I just ordered wall letters of his name to hang in his room; I can't wait to see them!!
  22. Kelly- Kerrington is sooooo adorable! I'm not sure if you posted these same ones the mommies to be thread, but I'm just seeing this thread now. I love her hair band with the flower! You better keep an eye on her because my baby boy might be hitting on her as soon as he comes out!
  23. Hi ladies! Thanks for all the nice comments on the belly pics! Heidi- Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you are feeling well. Tlseege- I'm so freaking out too. I wasn't this worried until now!! I can't believe you are due any day now! I went to my appt last week and the doc stated I wasn't dilated yet, but she did feel his head and she said because he's so low, she's expecting him to show up at least a week early. The doc wanted to take me off work early because of my excess swelling on my legs/feet, but I told her to let me work at least up to the end of this week because I just started training my temp replacement at work. So, now that leaves me just a few more days until the baby arrives (if the doc's right), so I'm in total nesting mode and washing everything and getting car seats, stroller, swing, etc put together. I began having false contractions for a few hours on Saturday and I suprisingly was very calm about it because I knew they were not strong enough to be the real deal, but it still kind of freaked me out to know I will be in "real" labor soon!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker I just wanted to give everyone an update. The wedding coordinator for Riu Palace Las Americas just got in touch with me. I now have Pamela. I just thought I would post some information that she sent to me in reply to a few questions I had. Sorry, its a bit long: 1.What does the "royal" decoration setup for the ceremony include? (This was the package I bought from the RIU) The wedding use to be in the gazebo or the beach. Gazebo: 2 flower arrangements with tropical flowers for the columns- the same as your bouquet (not tulips not orquids). Chairs with covers in color white and ribbon in color white (for all your guest in case to require them) Beach: 1 flower table centerpiece with tropical flowers- the same as your bouquet (not tulips or orquids). Chairs with covers in color white and ribbon in color white (for all your guest in case to require them) 2. What are the choices for flowers? Also, I know I will need to buy bouquets for the bridesmaids, boutonnieres for the groomsmen and corsages for the mothers. I'm also interested in the hair flowers. About the flowers for bride and groom: The bride´s bouquet and the groom´s boutonniere are included in the wedding package but this are only to be tropical flowers (like daisies, callas, roses, gerberas, lilies and more). If you would like a different type of flower it will have an extra charge and all flowers and colours are subject the flowers season and availability. If you would like a different flower, please let me know at your earliest convenience to verify with our florist if the flower will be in season for your wedding date and /or if it will have extra charge. However at our appointment shortly after you arrive to the hotel you will be able to see the flower catalog. If I understand correctly, do all of those need to be paid in cash? The full payment of the wedding package and the extras is done upon arrival after our meeting. The hotel accepts travel checks, visa and master card, NOT AMEX. However we recommend you to bring some cash with you. If needed close to the Hotel is an ATM machine. 3. For music, I was planning to bring my iPOD. Since my wedding is on the beach, will there be speakers or some way to play the music? During the ceremony we use a sound system to play a CD with three different songs: The 1st song is Cannon in D Major from Pachelbel is played when you are walking down to the area(altar). The 2nd song is an instrumental song and is played when your are exchanging your rings /vows. The 3rd song is the traditional marshal nuptial song when the ceremony ends. Or you can bring your own music (3 songs) recorded on a cd, just let me know the tracks and the moment that each song would be played (not mp3 format). In the restaurants is not possible to have any music. 4. When do I need to let you know which restaurant for the dinner and how many people? The Dinners offered in the Wedding Packages are non-private and they have no extra charge. The specialty restaurant of your choice will separate an area for the Wedding Group. The hotel does not offer private dinner receptions at any of the specialty restaurants. The menu is the same that each Restaurant offers everyday for dinner. RIU PALACE LAS AMERICAS/ Restaurants winter/summer schedule: Restaurant El Romero- Steak House- (á la carte) - sitting reservations only if available 6:45 or 8:45pm Restaurant Tio Pepe- Spanish- (á la carte) - sitting reservations only if available6:30 or 8:45pm Restaurant Los Arcos- Brazilian- (á la carte) - sitting reservations only if available 6:30 or 8:45pm You will be able to stay only in the 1° sitting maximum 1hr and a half and for the 2° sitting is possible to stay maximum 2hrs. For the Restaurants: If you already had chosen one, please let me know at your earliest convenience to verify the availability of the restaurant so we can make a reservation for you, I will need the total number of guests and the sitting time of your preference. Please be advised that in the restaurants is not possible to have any music or sound equipments like: microphones or speakers. The restaurants are subject to availability and capacity. At the Restaurants the decoration includes white linens on the table only and usually the decoration of the ceremony location could be used as centerpieces for the table, unless you would like more flowers it is possible however any extra flower decoration will have an extra cost In the information below you will find some detailed information for your wedding. CAKE About the cake: We have a standard cake, the Royal package includes a cake for the couple and 50 wedding guests or less. You may choose the flavor of your cake, it could be: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, marbled or cheesecake. Outside is cover with a white icing decoration of flowers If you wish to bring your own topper, you may be able to bring it, as the wedding package does not include one. You could have the main toast and the cutting of the cake right after the ceremony at the ceremony location or at the restaurant when you are having dinner, however this can be decided at our meeting shortly after you arrive to the hotel. GUEST LIST As soon as you have your total countdown of guests we will need you to send us the total number of guests with their full names and please specify under which names (lead name for room booking) are the room reservations at the hotel. PHOTOS For the pictures; the Royal package includes 12 photos and this are only taken during the ceremony, if you want to have photos taken afterwards (not available during dinner at the restaurants) you may up grade your photos at an extra cost and you may decide this once you are at the hotel at our appointment as well as the other upgrade like: flowers, video or music (subject to availability). RESERVATIONS FOR SPA & SALON For the Royal Package at the meeting we will provide you of a Gift Certificate for the included Spa services upon your arrival to the hotel after your meeting with me. Please, present the original Gift Certificate at the Spa reception in order to receive the services. Please be advised that since Renova Spa is an independent company from the hotel, you would need to contact them directly for pricing and further information. Therefore, we cordially invite you to visit their web site: Renovaspa - Beauty, Health and Spirit You can reserve online or directly at the Spa’s reception upon arrival to the hotel. For online reservations, please contact Paula Casas via email at the following address: [email protected] Thanks for posting that info, it will be very helpful for any Riu brides! How's your wedding planning going? Your date is coming by so quickly!
  25. Good morning ladies! Amy- I'm very sorry to hear about your step-bro and his wife's baby. I would find it difficult to talk to her about it as well, especially because you're pregnant. All you can do is be there for her if she needs to talk. Alyssa- Congratulations on your pregnancy! How have you been feeling? GeminiLibra- Sorry to hear you are on bedrest, but at least you are at the end of the pregnancy already. I received my nursing cover right away after I placed my order, thanks again. Kelly- nice to hear from you! Glad to hear miss Kerrington is a sleeper, I hope my baby is! As for me, my DH finally finished the baby's room. All we need to do now is add some pictures and accents to the walls. I'll post pics as soon as I get a chance. I also had to go to L & D on Friday because I became so swollen (more than usual). My bp and urine came back fine, so that was a relief. I'm so looking forward to having this baby!! I feel huge and it's so hot now (it was 100 degrees this weekend). I hope I don't scare any of you ladies that aren't as far along, but here's a pic that I took about a week ago (please excuse how horrible I look):
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