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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. Dont buy her anything that has to do with your wedding (sorry Alyssa), Sometimes people really get annoyed with us brides. We sometimes get besides ourselves and cant think pass it. Get your sister something strictly with her in mind. Ask her what she wants. If she says nothing get her a spa treatment if she likes girly stuff, or a maid for a month, or just treat her to an event or dinner. It appears that she is pretty settled at 30 so she probably doesnt need alot of things.

  2. Hi Ladies, it seemed like just a few days ago we were all still planning. Now its my time. I think I might be the last of the July brides. You girls have had such amazing weddings and I hope mine will be just as nice.

    Right now I have been in the UK finishing up my graduate degree so I havent had any time to plan. In fact, I just put the planning on hold. I fly out this weekend and will be leaving for Fiji next Thursday. I figured that I will plan the flowers and ceremony when I get there. I wont get to post until I am in New Zealand or back in Japan in August but be looking for it!

  3. there is nothing between my diamond and the setting since the dimension of my diamond is almost the same depth wise as it is on the face. I notice that other women that are en engaged always look at my ring from the side to actually see how big it really is... wtf is up with thathuh.gif I do have the similar ring and the 2 arcs on the sides can get dirty. sometimes soap or stuff can get caught but its not that much of a hassle.

  4. Wow! Since we have been engaged there has been no doubt. If any, its me hoping that I will a good wife. FI is SUPER excited to get married. He brings it up all the time! I purposely don't bring wedding plans up. I think we discussed it about 4 times since October and in 25 days or so we will be married or as he say hes gonna "Marry me REALLLLL GOOD"

    HOWEVER - before we got engaged we broke up for a few months. I started doing "my thing" and somehow after a summer of being apart (we still communicated often) we got back together with the intentions of getting married and nothing in between.

    If your FI feels trapped, maybe he really needs to have control over his future. What I mean is, usually when people feel "trapped" they feel as if they are not being valued in some way and have not voice. I cant suggest anything but I wish you two luck!

  5. Just a thought: Have your party now and if your parents or friends want that didnt make it want to throw you an informal AHR, then go for it, otherwise... start saving your money for your new life as husband and wife.... I say, if they want an AHR, they should throw it for you to celebrate in your happiness... its kinda like throwing your own bday party... I just dont get that... kinda makes you wonder...

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Davematthews16 View Post
    On our website we have a "honeymoon fund" That's it. Some may think it's rude but it's what we really want. thewave.gif
    OMG I have had this issue too! People see this so differently. I did not want gifts AT ALL...and people just couldnt understand that . I set up a charity registry and I had people complain about it. I even had one person come to me and ask if someone gave me money would I send it to charity.... go figure. I told people, that we have everything and so we didnt need to register for towels or china (heck we live in JAPAN... I can go straight to the mikasa factory)Anyhow, I ended up doing a registry at an airline that I frequent. Only one person gave but I got a shit load of crap that I dont need. I honestly cant wait to regift. ... now thats being honest.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    What are you doing there for a month?
    Originally Posted by xandrafaye View Post
    I've never been, but have always wanted to go!!
    What are you there for a month for?
    School. Thankfully I am not in London - which I like but I am in south England - Plymouth. Its so beautiful here. Im doing an overseas graduate program through MSU for international school teachers. Its a great way to get PD and a masters in 3 years... and travel.
  8. Yes. Im staying at Heathrow Sheraton right now. Whats the best place to get a decent rate to exchangehuh.gif

    Tomorrow I head to Plymouth (LOVE that place) so things wont be so expensive... I cant believe I just ate a shitty 40 dollar sandwich...

  9. I just got here about a few hours ago... customs and immigration... I was so looking forward to it... ironically this time I didnt get the 3rd degree. They are sooooo strict about immigration. I dont know... with the lady at the exchange place telling me that I could get some pence for a 5 dollar bill..and me just paying 40 bucks for a sandwich and coke for dinner...who wants to live here? This place is expensive!!!

    Okay just had to vent... am I the only person that experiences this every time I come to this country?

    BTW, Im not knocking it... I actually love some things about it.

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