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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. WTFhuh.gif? Uhhhh does she have something against your parentshuh.gif Are they overbearing or something? This is too weird!!! First of all, how much damn bonding does she need? I bet once that kid turns a terrible 2 she will be calling your mom up to babysit!!

    Your sil should thank her lucky stars that she has family supporting her. Your mom did a good thing by leaving that hospital.

  2. You know what? I feel the same way as you. I am so over this wedding stuff. I just would rather believe I am going on vacation to Fiji and just so happen to get married there. Honestly, will the small minor stuff really matter 30 years from now?? Probably not. I have less than 2 months. Im just ordered FI's ring and a picture charm in memory of my grandma and I think Im done. I will discuss flowers and cakes and ceremony when I get there.


    On the other hand...you have 5 months and eventually you will get a bit more interested and start working on some stuff. You really dont have to go overboard and buy too much crap for your oot bags. I think I went crazy about 5 months back.

  3. Gosh I havent even emailed the WC. With 2 guest... none my family. I think I will wait and see.

    Today I ordered FI wedding bands AGAIN... wrong size the first time.

    I am thinking about having snapfish make a picture locket of my grandma so I can put it around my flowers. its 40 bucks. I bought one from JeanM awhile ago and it looks super cheap. Anybody want it? I will sell it for 5 bucks and shipping!I think I ended up paying 20bucks!

    I ordered my boudoir book from snapfish.

    I got my dress back from being altered. Other than that. I almost just dont care about anything else.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by leigh miller View Post
    by formal shot i mean looking at the camera and saying cheese. not like a fashion shoot. sounds like your dads gonna rock it though! dark clothes will make you look slimmer and try to get your photographer to shoot you from above wink.gif youll be fine.
    I LOVE being shot from above!!!! It takes like 20 lbs off!
  5. I know it is hard not to be on the defense. Im just on the other side looking in... I am also speaking from a child of a family who has been in the same situation.... multiple times. My suggestion is to try to trust the system (can be hard thing to do) and the truth speak for itself.

    I would keep your sister very far if she in deed made false accuasition. I think that is very shitty for her to do something like that!!!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Christine View Post
    explain to me why you need to edit anything? You look hot and they are perfect photos-you're FI is going to keel over!
    Maybe change them to Sepia or crop the fat out of them! lol This was such a wake up call to how much weight I need to lose!
  7. Thanks everyone for the kind words... You dont know how hard it was to post these!

    Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
    They look great. I am totally thinking of getting a friend to take some pics of me.
    Honestly, I was going to spend an arm and a leg for these but decided not to because I figured, what the hell will happen to them later on?? And it was more fun taking them with my friend!
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