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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. Despite the TA Fraud Issues http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25592

    and http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25345

    Having No Guest anymore sad.gif

    FI FINALLY finding a solution to why my wedding ring wasn't delivered yet

    Feeling like I just ran a marathon after being up for 1 hour because I am super fatigue (pregnancy + Jet lag is a mutha!)


    We leave for Fiji tomorrow. We also go to NZ and honestly, because I am beat, I dont want to go to NZ anymore.

    I would post my planning pictures but Im too beat to do that! Not to mention Im just really sad about the whole fraud issue.

    When I get back, hopefully a moderator will tell me where to post my review.

    Meanwhile wish me luck! (I have an aqua starfish to send to someone when I get back as well so PM me if you want it.)

  2. Well, I couldnt wait! I told him the day I arrived, Sunday! I CANT KEEP SECRETS! I WAS SO HORRIBLE! plus with all of this fraud going on in my life I figured it would be too much trouble to go to the mall and get something wrapped because he tends to follow me around like a puppy especially since we havent been together for awhile!

    He has been sooooo excited! We even went to look at baby stuff together! He's so happy. I think its sweet.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
    This is absolutely terrible! I would never recommend anyone to use exotic escape.... they've been known in the past to actually scam people's money! My mother used them once and gave them her cc to use... they ended up taking her payment and then every month after that they would take $15 from her cc. It was such a little amount my mom didn't even notice and just paid it for a long time. Fortunately it was her cc so she just called the cc company to notify them of an unauthorized charge. We did some research and found out they had been doing it for quite a while to many people. Could you imagine how much money they would make from taking $15/month from hundreds of people.
    WHAThuh.gif SERIOUSLYhuh.gif
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    oh wow girl. how bad does that suck? hopefully the advice and phone numbers here can get you on the right track to recovering your hard earned $.

    i do have cousins who live about 25 minutes from beaverton, if you have a physical address i can send them to check things out for you, see what the deal is. let me know.
    I have a POBox.... that sucks right?

    Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
    I've been reading this thread all day...and I just wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything will be ok!

    Everything will be OK! Hang in there **HUG**
    I need a hug and someone to wake me up from this nightmare!
    Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
    What a aweful situation to go through. I hope the bank is able to give you your money back. Have you FPIL tried contacting their bank as well?

    I am wishing you all the luck in getting things worked out. No one needs this kind of stress before their wedding!
    I told them too..

    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    You poor thing. I feel so bad for you.

    I hope that TA gets in a lot of trouble. What a horrible person she is to do something like that.
    REALLY! You have to be like super evil!!! I could NEVER even THINK about taking someones money!!! You should have read their last email to me after I sent them the last payment. It was like- you should be very excited, now all you have to worry about is packing- WTFhuh.gif Yeah right!
  5. I only got to page 3.... so I hadnt read everyones response. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!


    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    barefootbride - if you give me info about her facebook account, i will personally contact facebook today on behalf of the forum to see to it that she can't advertise there anymore if she already does.
    Here is a link that you might be able to get to... Tami Ames is the TA that took my cc info, and Heather Holmgren is the owner- Login | Facebook


    Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
    Make sure you file with the Better Business Bureau as well.


    Do you have receipts for the money that is now "missing"?

    Yes I have the bank statements. The Dispute is in order. I tried to file a BBB but during the online process I was directed to a list of Attorneys! (because this is a criminal issue)


    Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica View Post
    Wholly Crap this person was a rep from Destinationweddings.com... I am working with them and they have been great. Geeshhh I am soo sorry for you. That is just horrible!!! Did you contact Quintin directly from DW.com he is the big guy on campus.
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    I warned the girls on the knot. One called destinationweddings.com and they didn't admit to doing this


    this was her response from her TA


    I just spoke with our home office at DW and they assured me it is not us. Many sites have an area called destination weddings and can get confused with us…wasnâ€t us!

    Awesome. Forward me the link and I will be happy to add my 2 cents... since thats about all the money I freakin HAVE right now!!! Well the DW specialist lady is being all nice to me now stating that the VP, Ed Cotton have contacted their attorney on my behalf... YEAH RIGHT! They probably contacted the attorney to cover their butts!


    Originally Posted by MsSunshine View Post
    OMG! I am so sorry to hear what you and your guests went through. You mentioned that you found them on Facebook...have you posted this on there as well? This is a terrible thing that anyone has to go through. I hope they get arrested
    I hope they get arrested too!!! I did... Its all on my status update!



    So here is what I have done after I got off of BDW... I tried filling a report at the BBB... I was stopped because this is a CRIMINAL issuesmile27.gif

    I also called Beaverton Police which gave me the damn runarounds because they could never contact me when I was up.. and when they finally did, we had HORRIBLE connection anothersmile27.gif I did get a message from an officer stating that since there is no Physical Address, they cant help me WTFhuh.gif? They also directed me to IC3.gov which is for internet fraud. its ran by the FBI and some other federal departments. I completed a complaint and got a number. They should be contacting me soon. Im super tired now. Still a little jet lagged since I flew in Sunday. I am going to take a nap. And then contact the military base here to see if I could get some legal assistance. Im just tired. This is making my wedding such a chore.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    ok i know youre in japan - but you can still contact the BBB in oregon via email to get them to investigate. make sure you keep every single email both that they sent to you and that you sent to them to prove your correspondence, even the things you sent that they havent answered. if you make phone calls, get copies of your phone records to prove you called them.

    i'm pretty sure that stealing $10K has got to be felony larceny or something like that.

    i honestly think you should contact oregon law enforcement officials (and i dont mean local law enforcement, i mean federal)
    Thanks Maura! Im on it right now! Gonna do some googling!
  7. Here is my original thread : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25345

    Here is the update:

    1. I immediately "fired" Destionationweddings.com and today I called and emailed the manager of destinationweddings.com requesting my measly $50 back and letting her know what went down

    2. FI filed a dispute for the stolen money from his bank account.

    3. The Resort, Qamea Spa and Resort, have graciously saved my reservations and have been working with me to get it paid off. THIS TIME WE HAVE TO PAY WITH CC! SUCKS! The owner is a CA. lawyer and has been trying to contact the owners. He said that he left messages at their home number!

    4. My DW Specialist, is all sad because 1. She didnt get her commission and 2. She is dealing with other customers who SHE had go through this TA.

    5. I learned that the Travel Insurance doesnt really help in this case!

    6. We will still leave on Thursday. But it really doesnt feel the same. (I could cry AGAIN)

    7. The DW "Specialist" emailed me today stating that the company HAS not filed for bankrupts... which means they have embezzled our money... And that includes my guest 5K as well!

    8. We will have to file a police report- I dont know how!!! Im in FREAKIN JAPAN FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!!! I will take any suggestions!


    So where TF is the TA?

    Im going to give you all the info I know. I found the B%%%% on Facebook and wanted to send them a message but I am not going to!

    Here is the Co. Info:

    (Please Post Maura)


    Exotic Escapes, Inc.

    PO Box 277

    Beaverton, OR 97075

    866-666-8922 (toll free)

    360-666-8922 (local)

    360-666-8934 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Heather Holmgren – Owner, Exotic Escapes

    Tami Ames – Booking Agent, Exotic Escapes

    Exotic Escapes is a WA corporation, and the director is an Oregon resident

  8. Well, as you know, on the thread I posted previously, the TA took my money and never sent it to the vendors and we had to scrap up a whole 10K AGAIN to hold our reservations and rebook our domestic flights. Well the TA also took my only 2 guest, MIL and FIL, money. They have decided not to come. This whole ordeal makes me feel horrible especially since the guest used my TA that I suggested. Now I really dont even want to make a big deal about my wedding. Its just going to be us two.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
    This is so reassuring to know - I hope it all works out. What freakin cowards to not even return calls! That is BS! How do they sleep at night knowing they are ripping people off wtf.gif!!!
    KRISTY! THanks so much for giving me the low down. I will let FI know. His bank told him that it would take 4 business days for the dispute once he submits the forms. Mrs.E I have no idea how someone can do this. I found the agent and owner on Facebook... I so wanted to send them a message but think I should hold off on the harassment and threats!
    NEVER EVER use EXOTIC ESCAPES eevacations.com Ever!

    Originally Posted by IrieBride08 View Post
    Wait, did you use destinationweddings.com as your travel agent? For some reason, I vaguely remember this... If so, I hope they are going above and beyond to make this right and help you get your money back!
    Yes DW is the person who choose this wholeseller agent.... I am EXTREMELY upset that my person didnt know until this week. I think that DW agents should try to check behind the wholesalers they are working with especially when dealing with large amounts of money. Ladies, this is not a 200 dollar a night resort... its like 900 a night... so can you imagine how much we have lost?? Now times that by 2 because now we have to pay it again to keep our reservations!!!
    I was really okay with Nancy and understand that she has used this company before so she had no idea. But seriously, who has money to throw away like that?
  10. Congrats Lizz!!!


    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
    I think you should wrap up a bib or onesie or something that says "I love daddy" and have him open his birthday gift! In my head that is how I want to tell my husband when I get pregnant.


    I was really sick last night with all kinds of tummy trouble. He looked at me with this lopsided grin and said "are you pregnant?!?" NO I'M NOT!

    I was thinking of that. Will go shopping tomorrow. And FI Always likes to assume Im pregnant too!


    Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post

    It only took one try to get pregnant with our son which he will forever be able to say he was made in Cuba with Canadian products! LMAO. I found out 11 days later when my daughter rubbed up against my chest and it didn't feel very good! (Breast tenderness is the first sign I got with both pregnancies). I took the test and it was positive, then I called FI to tell him before getting ready for work. When I was at work, I was walking through the ER and one of our Dr's was pregnant at the time and she asked me if I was pregnant. WTF?!?! What was I supposed to say? I told her I was and she asked how far along I was, I told her I found out a few hours ago. Then the next day we had to call my parents who were in Mexico on holidays to tell them before they got back and heard it through the grapevine!LOL

    WTFhuh.gif? Word travels in a hospital!!!!!! Its like adult highschool!


    Originally Posted by hollisandsteph View Post
    Whooohooo congrats! Babies are even better when they are not expected! Things always happen for a reason.

    I have a funny stories about drinking (and such) before finding out you are pregnant. I was 20 years old and in college when I got pregnant with my first child. I drank often and lets just say I also occasionally enjoyed one of Jamica's favorite pasttime activities...lol Well, I go and tell my OB/GYN cause it scared the hell out of me. Well, my OB looks at me and says "honey, that is how we all get pregnant now isn't it". I will never forget it. I about died. She was not worried at all! My son is now an extremly smart 11 year old! I think it was the brain development in the first month...lol

    Now that is hillarious!!!
  11. Maura, You were soooo pretty on your legal day. Congrats!


    If you havent read my other threads here is my update. My destionationswedding lady called me and told me that the travel agent I have been sending my money too since September, has not sent 1 cent to any vendors. So my resort was about to cancel my wedding and reservations! This was yesterday!!! I fly to Fiji in a week!!!!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    wait a minute - you used a travel agency!?!

    Why aren't THEY taking responsibility and fighting on your behalf? why did they have you put your money with a vendor that couldn't be trusted and wasn't reputable?
    She is suppose to be doing that However she cant call my credit card company. I have to initiate it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    that is just what you DON'T need today!! WTF!?!

    OK - call the bank ASAP and start the dispute - is this just your stuff or your guests too?

    jeez! do you have a direct representative at that company you can talk to ?
    I just contacted FI and told him to stop by the bank today to start the dispute. Oh yeah, AND my 2 guest (THANK GOD ITS ONLY 2) is going through the same thing. Its almost 3am here, I better get to bed. I have class tomorrow.
    The people who ripped me off, wont answer!!!!! I just sent an email. We shall see. I am livid. (yet still calm) thanks ladies for ALL of your support!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
    congratulations!!! This is so exciting and your FI is going to be sooo excited! I would definitely wait until after the wedding to share with everyone, although if you normally drink that will be a hrad one to explain to the guests...maybe you can tell them you are taking medication that you can't mix with alcohol :P

    PS- i think everyone drinks during the first weeks of their pregnancy. every one of my friends was drinking during conception - that's how you got pregnant smile120.gif and we always count back the weeks like, wow you were pregnant that night you drank and fell down at your party....

    in any case congrats - this is such exciting news!!!
    OMG!!! I might have been pregnant when I got drunk and fell down at the bar during my bachelor party!!! OH CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hi Ladies! Got SUPER BAD NEWS ON MY UPCOMING WEDDING... upcoming like in freakin 12 days,

    my poor wedding travel lady calls me and tells me that the booking agent - exotic escapes censored.gif, has taken all of my money and NOT paid any of the vendors... meaning... my reservations were about to be canceled!!!!


    So she found another company, Legends who would do it for me at the same price. HOWEVER I would have to dispute the charges and somehow have the funds held and then recharge the payment to the new company... SERIOUSLYhuh.gif


    First of all, the credit card is a debit card with a visa logo... there is nothing to hold. Exotic Escapes has our Fckin money!!! Its not credit!!!!!! Anyhow, I just called the hotel directly and asked them to quote me the price and do you know what? Its almost 1k usd CHEAPERhuh.gif So I told the lady to book it under my name with NO travel agent associated and we will have to use our credit card for the time being, I am so hoping I can get my interest rate back once we go through the disputing and contacting our travel insurance!!! I cant believe this!!!! I never thought I would be "That Bride" that gets screwed!!!! What did I do to deserve thishuh.gifhuh.gif

  16. Okay, I just took the darn test even though I didnt want to. I really wanted to wait until after the wedding and honeymoon because I didnt want to be a sourpuss. I wanted to skydive or do something daring while in NZ and i just knew that if I was confirmed pregnant then I wouldnt do those things. I told FI that I wouldnt take the test. He REALLY wants a baby. And I do too but I really assumed that it would take awhile since I am getting up there in age so I kinda wasnt like ready - ready. Its a scary thing you know...pregnancy,body changing, labour, raising kids, not being able to travel to exciting places whenever you want to... Gosh I really love my life- I sound selfish huh?

    ANYHOW, we decided awhile back that we would start practicing in Late May/Early June. Honey, when they say it takes only one try... IT TAKES ONLY ONE TRY. (But I really thought that was something adults told teenagers to prevent them from getting pregnant. )

    So about 10 minutes before I posted the first thread, I took a home test... its positive.

    But I really feel bad because 1. I have been drinking for the past 4 weeks while I have been here (UK) 2. I havent taken 1 prenatal pill (didnt even pack them) 3. I was doing the colonix thing.

    You girls are the FIRST to know. I cant hold water... and I was bound to tell someone! THANKS FOR BEING THERE!


    Now on to the planning of how to tell FI who is SUPER excited and says that hes gonna make me pee on a stick as soon as I get off the plane on Sunday. His birthday is Monday, the 21st and I was thinking that would be the best time to tell him. I just dont think I could play it off until the 30th.

    Any suggestions? How should I lay it on himhuh.gif


    *breathing* now that I told someone

    BTW, please wish me a health kid.

    I work with children all the time and I so nervous about having a child. You never know what you get. (Im so serious.)

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