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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. i am an alli person. I started right when they came out. I think i had mine on preorder! No joke about the TE (treatment effects). I have pooped on myself enough times to change my diet or get off of the pills! First time I tried it I had alot of TE because i was on MY own diet - what I thought was low fat.... then I started on the MYAlli.com eating plan. I lost about 10 lbs and everyone was commenting. Alli was meant to help people change their diet. Once you are on it you will think twice before you put ANYTHING in your mouth!!!! lol Now that I am not on it I gained 5 lbs back.

  2. Im on my 2nd day of Colonix. Guess where I am with my laptophuh.gif YEP... You guys are closer to me than you probably want to know. Im not a regular person so this is great. I have pooped 2 days in a row. The only I time I do that is when I am on Alli. Maura, Alli will help you shed at least 5 lbs between now and the wedding but you must continue it. It makes me so bloated and sick the first few days but If I actually diet and reduce my caloric intake I start to feel good and I lose an average of 1.5 lbs per week. If I work out everday sometimes I lose more. Im not doing Alli now because of the Colon Cleanser. I havent gotten bloated yet. I am praying!

  3. Got my BD Book in today. Still trying to figure out what I am going to wear after the wedding ceremony. The UK has the cutest dresses (expensive but cute) and I might just wait until I get there on the 21st. Im not truly happy with my wedding dress and SOOO cant wait to trash it! I also ordered the memory frame from snapfish. Its really bracelet and I plan on wearing it after the ceremony.

    I originally bought one from Jean M for about 20 including shipping. I will sale mine for 8 bucks (Free Shipping)

    Click the image to open in full size.

    PM me if you want it!

    Right now I am printing out all of our wedding and honeymoon reciepts and info so that when I get back from the UK I will be ready to go.

    Today was my last day at work! YEA! I LOVE SUMMERS! On the 19th of July I graduate from graduate school and fly back to Japan AND then fly to Fiji 4 days later... boy will I need a vacation!

    Heres pictures from my book.

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  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hollisandsteph View Post
    I know people hve piped in and said everything I wanted to say..lol Especially Rachel!!! I was gonna say tan tooo!! I know it is not a healthy solution but it will make you feel better- I swear. I am 2 inches shorter and outweight you by 20 pounds (get a mental pic..lol). I HATE my arms. Arms and secound chin. I was really really worried about both in my pictures but really there are only a couple where I even pick either of them out. Also I did buy a bunch of tank tops for the trip and I wear them now with confidance! I guess I got over it too. Find a dress that brings attention to your new boobs (I am jealous...lol) and you will not even notice your arms! Who looks at arms anyways?? You are gonna focus on your dress, make up and hair and not even look at your arms! I am serious-look at my signature pic. It is a close up of my arms (I know his hands are on them but you can still tell how wide they are) and I still love the picture! You will look and feel beautful. I am 100% sure of that!
    I HATE MY SECOND CHIN TOO!!!!!!!!!! Serious - I think it appeared in May...w here the heck did it come fromhuh.gif
  5. I hate my arms too. Lately I have noticed how fat they are and how much better I look in long sleeves. I have been considering getting a reception dress with sleeves so at least I wont look so fat in some of my pictures. My wedding dress is halter style. (no way do I need to be wearing a strapless dress) I understand how you feel. I have your same physical dimensions!!!

    I totally LOVE the dress with the sleeves. A seamstress could do that for you no problem. If you think long sleeves will be too hot go for cap sleeves.

  6. Morgan your plan sounds great. Right now we are doing what Starchild is doing. It works great. We have a really weird living arrangement. FI lives and sleeps here and he stores his crap at his apartment. So for the past 3 years we have been paying 2 rents and 2 sets of utility bills. Some things like internet, phone and cable has been disconnected at his house. Since he unofficially lives here, he offers to pick up the utility bills. To me this living arrangement is wasting money but our jobs give us $ for living expenses... but still its silly if you ask me. We did open up a joint savings when we got engaged but right now nothing is going into it except for monetary wedding gifts we have gotten. Since planning our wedding, he pretty much paid for it. I am so happy its paid off! Right now we are looking for a house that is worth both of our living allowances put together so we can move in right after we get married. I think when we do finally merge I will suggest putting our living expense money in one joint checking and using that to pay bills, then put x amount of money each pay period in our joint savings. I do have my own personal savings that I plan to build up while we are married. I dont want to be that woman that cant leave my husband if I need to because of money reasons...HEAVENS FORBID!

    Im not really looking forward budgeting but I know its coming up soon!

  7. I got my dress back. I think I would like to wear something like nubra or cup instead of the altered corset.... Any suggestions for low backless dresses?

    I think my wedding might be early in the morning due to afternoon showers.... and the traditional Fijian Ceremony and Dinner will be around 4 ... what should I wear? I think I might do TTD shots between the ceremonies 11ish and 4ish. Do you think I must wear white or can I wear any color for later?

  8. You are not alone and never will be! I have had some of the ugliest remarks made. Your family and friends will have witnessed the most fun wedding they have ever been to once they come to yours! And if they dont - you got to say screw them! They missed out! (or it was an excuse so they wouldnt admit that they couldnt afford it or didnt like to travel)

  9. OVERSTOCK.COM has the BEST and cheapest RINGS! FI LOVES his so much I just ordered 2 more... Now hes going to have 3 wedding bands. They are so cheap that you can order a bunch and keep them or send them back if you like... Overstock.com: Online Shopping Bedding, Furniture, Electronics, Jewelry, Clothing & more

    this is the first one I bought that was too big but he insisted he wanted to keep it and sweet FI wore it everyday until it flew off his finger! He loves this ring...

    Click the image to open in full size.

  10. I bought my clip ins about 2 months ago. My wedding isnt until the end of July but since I had never done had extensions before I figured I better get some practice at wearing them. I ended up with a head full of human hair. I paid about 300 for them. Because I have lots of hair already, I really didnt need all of the clips so I use only some of them. In may I took BD photos with them in...See pictures below....


    Its really easy. They are like hair clips ... the black ones that snap except these are like combs that snap near your roots. Maybe about a quater inch at the furtherest. They stay pretty much in and it can be tricky to make sure they are blended. Again... wear them a few times before you wear them on your wedding day! Here is where I got mine. they come in all hair textures and if you arent sure what your hair texture is like - send the owner a sample of your own hair and she will match it! The Best Easy Custom Celebrity Clip in Clip on Hair Extensions



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    Sorry for the big ass pictures!

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