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Posts posted by ErinB

  1. Vallarta - I didn't see that coming at all! But, this season has been really off book so I don't know what to think.


    As soon as I saw the pig and the dog cross the street, I knew something was up though. I think somehow Tara and Eggs will rescue Sam. They can't kill him off because he is such a major character.


    I;m wondering if it will be Jason that rescues Sookie from the FOTS.


    At first I didn't like Jessica, but now I do! I think she is perfect for Hoyt.

  2. Pasha is a great dancer. It would have been nice to see him dance. However, Dimitri is walking hot sex! I still remember his first solo when he tore his shirt off! I was at a friend's house for girls night (yes there was a lot of wine) but we were all like "did that just happen?!?!" We rewound like 4 times to watch! LOL

  3. Yeah, Tara shouldn't be letting strangers stay at Sookie's house. I wonder where the writers will take that storyline? If it will ruin the friendship or what?


    I am excited to be seeing more of Eric on the show. I have a huge crush on him! LOL


    Sarah was getting a little freaky with Jason! I bet she gets killed by a vampire, maybe her sister. I don't see how they could keep her character around.


    I don't like the casting of Gabe. From the books I thought he was younger and larger.


    We'll see what kind of trouble Sookie gets into on Sunday! I'm excited!

  4. I wonder if Natalie will audition again? I think you can keep coming back until you reach the age limit or make the Top 20.


    Whoever asked about judging, the dancers are eliminated only by votes now the judges can't save them. However, I think their comments are made to influence the people they think should stay. Nigel was all about Jason on Wednesday and was really picking on Evan. I've noticed the same type of comments with Melissa and Kayla.

  5. I have ADD today...When does SYTYCDC start? Can you watch it on hulu or something?


    My fall TV schedule is pretty packed. At some point, I don't know when, I turned into a total TV Whore. The DVR is my evil saving grace! My elliptical machine is in my dining room but I think I need to move it to the living room. If I ran the whole time I watched TV, I'd be as skinny as an 8 year old in no time!

  6. Debs, it was Janette and Jason.


    Kathy, good call on the bottom 4! I was pretty shocked that Evan was saved this week. Maybe he got a lot of sympathy votes cause Nigel told him he was little and droopy?


    I loved the past numbers! Hummingbird & Flower is one of my favorites of all time! How great that Wade himself danced in Rama Lama!


    Katie Holmes was Meh. It felt like a bunch of fluff and "look at me, I donate to charity". It wasn't live and she didn't sing. The only former dancers I recognized were Mark and Josh.


    It was fun to see the old cast members in the audience. I wish they would do a where are they now special or put something up on the website!


    On a sad note, the show must have run over because my DVR cut off right after Jason was announced as the loser. I didn't get to see his montage or anything else that happened after that. Did I miss anything?

  7. I was going to wait for a Kathy re-cap but I can't, LOL


    The first half of the night was AWFUL! I was right there with Nigel thinking it was such a flat night. I would have expected something like that from a first show, not a Top 8!


    Solos were just Meh. Jeanine's was probably the best and new and different for her.


    Great opening number by Travis! I'm really liking his choreography.


    Brandon & Jeanine - Waltz - I think a big part of this was that the music was too slow. The whole thing felt awkward and forced to me.


    Jason & Kayla - Broadway - This was the best number for the first half of the show. I think they were both given characters they could pull off comfortably within the style. To me, that is classic 40's broadway. I would love to have seen Evan dance that. He's only had 1 broadway number and it was really 60's Fosse with Jazz Hands all over the place


    Ade & Melissa - Cha Cha - This wasn't bad but I didn't stay focused and can't really say that I remember much about it. They looked great as a couple but that's about it.


    Evan & Janette - Sonja Jazz - This one didn't do anything for me either.


    Brandon & Jeanine - Pop Jazz (Hip Hop to me) - The turning point in the evening. This was an entertaining piece but Brandon really outshone Jeanine. I felt like she was having an off night or something. I think she held her own but didn't go over and above that. I hate that too because I really like her and want to cheer for her.


    Jason & Kayla - Hip Hop - They did a really good job with this. I thought the trick with the eye make-up and the final lift (strangling thing) was really creative. I don't think this was Shane's best work, but I still enjoyed it.


    Ade & Melissa - Contemporary - Holy Sobbing! I had to rewind the number because I was so teary the first time around. The tears came out of nowhere! When all of the judges were crying that just set me off even more. I wanted to reach through the TV and just give Mia a big hug! The best number ever by Tasty Oreo! Emmy nomination for sure! I think this performance will cancel out the previous lackluster one and save them both. Ade's physical strength was amazing a Melissa showed she was not only a performer but a prima!


    Evan & Janette - Rumba - The Rumba is not my favorite dance. It is basically a bunch of slow sexy walking. That is what Janette did. She and Evan were a good pair because they are both tiny. I really liked the threading lift. The best part was Ellen and Mia standing up for Evan saying that he didn't need to comform to one idea of a dancer. I got a little teary for him too!


    I loved Ellen on the panel. Her comedy was appropriate and actually funny. I wanted to see her dance out to the judges table though, LOL I always like when Mia is a judge too. I think she and Shankman are my favs. Too bad he's only been on once this season.


    I hate Thursdays because someone has to go. I'm predicting Evan and Jason will be the bottom two boys and Janette and Jeanine will be the bottom girls. I'm pretty sure Evan will go home but don't know about the girls.

  8. I'm so sad! My gay BF is gone! And he is a hottie. Why is it that boys always get those dark brooding eyes and impossibly long eyelashes that I have to spend $20 on from MAC?


    I know it was time for him to go but still. He needs to stay on as Kat's assistant or something. He brings such personality. I think that might be why I like him so much. He's really the only one with a big over the top personality, whereas last year everyone was like that.


    I think Randi was ready to go home to her hubby.


    I was surprised at Melissa and Ade! I agree that she is probably the most skilled of the girls. She is also the oldest girl that has ever been on the show at 29. All of the other contestants that are left are between 18-22. Her experience really shows in her performance. Like someone else said, she's done great with all of the other styles and I doubt anyone else could pull off ballet, especially on point.


    Kat was looking a little toussled last night. It was pretty funny that all 3 Kat, Mary, and Debbie all admitted to hair extensions!


    LOVED the opening number. I love result show day and trying to guess the choreographer. My first thought was Wade or Brain but after a minute I knew it was Wade for sure.


    The Black Eyed Peas were not bad. Fergi was boobyliscious for sure! I don't remember her topsys being that big. Was her little dominatrix outfit padded? It reminded me of LC Rachel's Halloween costume!


    And what was the thing in her hand? I couldn't figure out if she was twirling a baton or if it was some sort of S&M whip & tickle thing.


    I am so excited for Ellen! I love her! Not too sure about Katie Holmes. I've never thought of her as a dancer.

  9. I have been waiting all day to have a chance to come here!


    My thoughts...in no particular order...lol


    I'm with Kathy, solos were just ugh. No one really did a stellar job, with the exception of Evan. He is the only one that really "danced for his life" the others were just kind of up there twirlin'. In fact, some of the solos changed my mind for the negative - Jeanine seemed off and all Janette did was that little hip wiggle and stupid faces in Miami.


    Evan and Kayla - Waltz - I was surprised. I thought they did a good job and Evan really held his own. The shoes thing was a given. Did you notice her barefoot sandals so it wouldn't be as obvious she didn't have heels?


    Jason & Jeanine - Holy F-ing Crap! That was one of the best numbers of the whole year. Travis is a fantastic choreographer! Maybe he'll be up for an emmy next year. Mia's addiction routine was the only other one IMO that was the same caliber as numbers in years past. Jason sure does like to cop a feel or steal kisses whenever he can LOL!


    Ade & Janette - It was cute and entertaining. Her facial expressions are just too over the top for me. She didn't seem to hit things as hard as they should have been.


    Kupono & Randy - Um, i heart my gay BF and all, but that was a train wreck! I blame Randi. I felt like from the interview on, she made up her mind she wasn't getting it and she just gave up. I felt like there were times Kupono was trying to push her and she gave nothing back. One person can't do all the owrk and have it be sincere and believeable.


    Brandon & Melissa - I actually really liked this piece, though I couldn't see the ending because of all of the smoke. I thought it was well danced technically and showed off their range of skill. I was waiting for the song to break into the fast paced "let the sunshine in" from the original musical.


    Girl Group - The bollywood was good. I was trying to see who stood out to me and it was Kayla. She nailed it. Something about her does irritate me though. Janette and she facial expressions were distracting so I was able to easily pick her out as soon as she stated making faces. The masks on the backs of thier heads were a little freaky. I don't think I liked it.


    Boy Group - That was a work out and a half! I probably would have died after the first 37 seconds! I did notice Evan, not only because of the whiteness but because he is small and seemed to be struggling. I thought Kupono actually redeemed himself after that disaster of a Paso Doble. Brandon and Ade did a great job but they are both so atheletic anyway. It was nice to get to look at boy bodies!


    Are they still doing a bottom 3? How does voting work at this point? Is it just votes and the judges have no say?


    The frequency with which is vote is in direct proportion to the amount of wine I've had, LOL I did vote last night, but I hit the wrong number so I voted 3 times for the right person! LOL


    My girl favs are Jeanette and Melissa the boys are Brandon and Ade.


    I think Randi and Kupono will go home but I'm just not quite ready to lose my fabulous gay BF!

  10. I agree that Phillip has a huge following and it is amazing to watch him do his own style! I think Caitlyn is a good dancer. Because she was a gymnast she can do some really great jumps and atheletic moves. If she gets her own dance choreographed for her it will be good.


    Also, I guess they have backup dancers for larger numbers. I haven't seen the live show so I am just going with what I've heard. So Phillip and Caitlyn might be more background, kwim?


    Is Evan's brother a finalist for next year? I thought he just made it through to Vegas.

  11. Great find Kathy!


    I'm scared for Kayla and Evan but it will be interesting to see Travis' choreography!


    I think my Gay BF Kupono could be the surprise for the night. He does so well at playing dark and twisty characters, perfect for the Paso Doble!


    It will be interesting to see what Jeanette does with Hip Hop. The last routine that she did, she was really more of a rock star that hard core hip hop. But, Nappy Tabs could pull off some lyrical piece like Courtney & Mark from last year.


    has anyone else noticed the lack of Hip Hop? There has be no Krump, but that would pretty much be the nail in the coffin for anyone who drew it in this group!

  12. I too thought last night's episode was a little slow. I haven't decided if it really is slow or if I am just impatient.


    I am very interested to know what is up with Daphne, yet another character not from the book! LOL And was it me or did she have disappearing claw marks? When she was skinny dipping, holy crap, but at the party she had that low strapless dress.


    During the orgy scene I kept thinking how pissed Sookie would be that people were tearing up her Gran's house and bangin' on the furniture.


    I wonder if/when Tara will find the gift from her mom.


    Lisa - if I had the book I would send it to you. I ended up borrowing it from a friend who read it in one sitting!


    Alcide shows up in book 3. The weres are introduced at the end of book 2 so we might get to see them this season.

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