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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffiney01 Does anyone know how to get rid of cellulite without surgery? I'm starting to get it on the back of my legs...That Nivea Cream DOES NOT WORK!!!! Thanks a lot Tyra Banks. wwaaaaaaaaiiiittttt?? i find this hard to believe.. a beauty product advertised on tv to magically help cellulite go away without excercise and surgery? AND IT DIDNT WORK? heheheheh sadly exercise and/or surgery... your two options. those exercises recommended earlier are good ones
  2. if you're like me and ZONK out on the plane soon as you sit down its not worth it. my rule is if its cross atlantic or pacific its worth it. or if you are loaded (like me... jk hehe) otherwise save the mooola and put it to something more memorable or worthwhile. it is nice but not that nice that you cant enjoy another extra couple days somewhere at a htoel or something
  3. ijust think the crisper bevel will give it more of a photo mat look. try it but if you still like the soft bevel then go with it. its not my album its yours
  4. i think they are GREAT nicely done for your very first album okay so to be brutal.. and its really not that brutal.. the very first page of the second post with the flowers that i dont care for. and its simply just the color doesnt quite match with the majority of the album and that page. perhaps try more of a sand color and not such a dark one. most of the other pages are all very soft colors almost pastels so i feel it is a bit too dark. also the soft beveled edge around the picture id want to make a little crisper.
  5. i stayed at the sandos playacar for a wedding i shot there. they allowed kids and was pretty reasonably priced from what i heard from the couple. they had the reception around the pool which was a lot of fun
  6. maybe this is a cop out but i sort of consider myself a guest to every destination wedding i photograph...
  7. ahh man.. i cant wait till im on here posting about my up coming wedding.. hmmm i think i need a gf first of all. congrats
  8. ahhh damn it... there goes my idea for this weekends shoot. HUFFF ps.. was that DD die (proper plural form there ) i spoted there?
  9. real quick. i PROMISE ill redo my siggy size. i didnt know it changed to a new size. hahah. sorry one and all. just got slammed with wedding season.. im getting back in the game now.. cant wait to show you the pics from the wedding in ensanda. not your typical get away but that house was amazing. and i also have 3 weddings in the MR in the next two months to share
  10. wow... so ive been slammed the last month or so playing catch up and dealing with the busiest month of all August.... so needless to say i havent been on much.. missed you all. promise to be on more now these days and get to know the new people and share all the weddings ive recently shot with anyone who wants to see
  11. so hey hey there travel agents ... i need help. i might be shooting two weddings in one week in the virgin islands. well one for sure but the second is on anguilla. and i need to figure out the best way to get this travel worked out and make it work for all three parties may 6th and 7th i need to be in anguilla and may 8th-10th i need to be in st thomas.. im flying out of and returning to seattle. it looks like 350 bucks extra to fly in between the two. is there a ferry that goes in between from anguilla to st thomas at all? help me out thanks
  12. well okay so the city itself is not all that suuuper great but the private house we were in was AMAZING... Bono stayed there while he was writing the last album and i can see why. personal cooks and servants keeping everything in line and the house was gorgeous and so amazing for the photos. Casa de los Siete Patios - Oceanfront Ensenada Weddings thats the website ill have lots and lots of pics soon to share
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kcaulfie How did you like the Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa? I'm considering getting married there. Do you have photos? THanks! i liked it. but i am still always so biased with dreams resorts hahaha. i dont know if there is one in playa though. i do have pics but the gallery is down now. i should try and dig them up
  14. i get back the late sunday the 17th.... so i should know by the 18th..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB That's great. I love Dali. If you're ever in St. Augustine FL, the Dali museum is there and well worth the trip. When do they announce the winner and what is the prize? they judge the prize on the 16th.. ill be in mexico so i wont find out till i get back... and id love to go ... find me a wedding there and ill be able to come hahaha
  16. go get that tatoo this weekend and show us pics hehhee
  17. k so I just finished a piece i did for a modeling/photography competition where my theme was "salvador dali" jean-marcus strole photography: Photo Project: Salvador Dali Theme thats what i created... the title is "The Seven Doorways"
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Go on Alyssa slap his legs lmao mind you he'd probably like that wouldn't you JM lmao i wouldnt hate it hahaha
  19. ahh lame... well not lame that it exists but lame that i didnt know about it already.. well i guess close this one hahaha
  20. "Pear" and "washington apple" jelly bellys are the best falvors EVER okay.. since i always seem to hijack threads or threads of mine are always hijacked with random thoughts i figured id just start one where you can be as RANDOM as you want... here are the rules.. 1. It has to be totally random 2. it has to be something about you like some secret, or the first thing that pops into your head (me.. just happend to be thinking about jelly bellys) 3. you HAVE to respond to the persons random thought before you
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by cendcar Hi! Question for Laura....Did you pay extra for the "trash the dress" pictures or did they do that as part of the package? Your pictures are fabulous, the one of you looking at the water....WOW I am so amazed! Thanks! it was part of the package. always is
  22. so i brought this up over my sisters birthday dinner today with my dad (cause he is OB/GYN) and he definatly agrees with the IUD thing... and then he proceeded to go into great detail about PCOS so now ive learned a little bit about that.... once again i hope it all works out and that this little one is a real blessing.. which all children should be actually
  23. you know what they say... its not hard to quit. its hard to not start again... just hang in there
  24. i found a guy on craigslist that was selling it for cheap... [email protected] email him and ask if he still does...
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