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Everything posted by rodent

  1. Thanks! I made it friday night with help from people on the forum. There is a whole thread of people giving me feedback on colors, text, etc. It was a lot of fun.
  2. I think I've heard the song. At least I know I've heard a song by Secondhand Serenade on the radio & I love it. But, I don't know any of the words. It has a great acoustic sound.
  3. Thanks for the info. I realized you were in cabo after I googled the cruise.
  4. I am interested in prices Thanks! Are drinks included or can you buy drinks on the boat?
  5. I was also thinking the same thing! I want to wait & see how many people are coming & how our budget is. If there is money left, I'd like to take everyone out on a sunset cruise or something like that. I don't know how much it will be, but our hotel is near a marina. I don't want to pay for meals at the hotel when they are already included in the stay.
  6. Did you have to have your hotel rooms booked before you could reserve your date?
  7. I said Open. then after that I clicked on the file & chose "extract to..." I extracted to a folder I had created. Then i went into "my computer" "C:" "windows" "fonts" and drug & dropped the files into that folder.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 Has anyone else noticed that family is more of a pain then friends?! Sorry that you are struggling with this right now==good luck! Maybe its because friends don't feel obligated to go so just the friends who really want to will be there. I think if family members are acting like they don't want to be there, just celebrate with them when you get back. I'd feel bad if I had a sibling who really wanted to go, but just didn't have the money. But if they can afford it, but just aren't that interested maybe its better to not have them there.
  9. I didn't think about the way my monogram will print. maybe I should do it again in illustrator. I made it in powerpoint. This may be a dumb idea. Can I open it in illustrator & then save it as that file type? Or should I create it from scratch in illustrator. I've used the program before, but I'm much more experienced with powerpoint. I will just be using it to print on my invitations & maybe plastic cups. Do you think it will print OK?
  10. Lisa- If you do go with wedorama, be sure to get the discounted price through the knot. sorry if someone already said that. I didn't reread all the messages. Michelle- Your website is great. I really like the welcome message. I've been struggling to write something similar for my front page. Mind if I adapt yours for my intro?
  11. I think the difference is that when you say you are having a destination wedding, people feel like you made the decision for them of how they will spend their money & vacation time. I think thats why they decide not to go. I was terrified to tell people this is what I wanted to do. I was so scared everyone was going to be mad a me. When I called everyone I said "this is what we really want to do, but I understand everyone has limited vacation time & money to spend on travel so I completely understand if you can't make it. We would love having you there, but if it doesn't work out we'll have a DVD & tons of pictures & we can celebrate together when we get back." After my long speach to try to avoid them feeling pressured, they would say "I'll definitly be there. Sounds fun, I need a vacation." I was so scared, but the response from everyone was great. Really, I think if I changed my mind now more people would be dissapointed. Maybe people were more understanding because I live in a different state than all my family. I still have moments of panic that everyone is mad at me for doing this & just haven't told me yet. So I called my mom and told her to please tell me the truth about how she feels. She said they are excited about Mexico, but worry I'll regret I didn't have a tradional wedding. I can't stand the thought of planning a traditional wedding. I started to plan one just to avoid offending anyone by having a destination wedding. Everytime I worked on it I got sick to my stomach. I'm so glad I didn't go that route. I'm having a great time planning the wedding now! No matter what kind of wedding you plan, someone always gets upset. I think some people just enjoy the drama. PS. Mikki, I used your travel agent questions yesterday. Thanks!
  12. I hope that didn't sound bad. I don't mean that they don't care about going to the wedding, but maybe they are not that interested in visiting Mexico so they would rather save money for what they are really excited about.
  13. I think that often when people say they can't afford something they really mean its not a priority for their money. I will often say I can't afford to do something because I would rather spend my money in some other way. This may not be the case with your family, but its something to consider.
  14. "Crush" & "love of my life" are good DMB love songs. Have you heard the paul simon song "father & daughter." It was playing while I was on hold with sprint. It would be great for a father daughter dance.
  15. Thanks, that is a good website. June ave tep 84, ave high 89, ave low 78. Am I weird? Thats my favorite beach weather. Jamie, I see you are also from Texas. Most of my guest will be coming from Texas & will consider 89 degrees a nice break from the heat.
  16. In most articles I've read they say you should pay for your wedding party's accomidations. I've been in 6 weddings, most of which were out of town for me. I had to fly to 2 of them. I have always paid for my own transportation & hotel. So although in etiquette articles they say thats what you should do, I don't think people actually do. I have never expected them to pay for me. However, I really appreciate when they make an effort to keep cost down. Its not fun to spend $100s on a dress you don't even like. I am in a wedding this year where the bride is letting us wear the same dress from another wedding we were all in. I was thrilled when I heard that. I agree with the suggestion to make sure to spend time with your bridal party & thank them. Nothing is worse than feeling like you were just there to wear a dress & pose for pictures. I will most likely not have bridesmaids. If I do, I plan on waiting until they have decided for sure they are going & then ask them. That way they were able to figure out if they can go first & won't feel pressure.
  17. How far in advance do more people make their wedding reservation? Is that what you call it...a reservation? I just want to make sure I'm on track. The wedding will be a year from now. I picked out my date, I just want to make sure it will be available at the hotel. What is the weather like in the cancun area in June? I thought the highs were in the high 80s. Maybe I just like it hot.
  18. I don't really understand the vista print free postcards. I ordered the free sample package today & they sent me an email to get 100 free postcards. Why do they just give them away? Does the free offer expire? I'm not ready to print stuff, but I'd like the offer to be available when I am.
  19. I started a weddingannouncer site. Someone described the complications with the RSVPs. Can anyone explain this more to me? They said you need a private access code to RSVP. Do you get to pick everyone's access code? Could you make it their initials or something easy so you wouldn't actually have to give them the code? So far making the site has been realy simple. Someone earlier in this thread asked how to make a square picture. I opened mine in photoshop & cropped it until it looked square. I then went to Image-->resize-->image size. From there you can see the height & width to see if you are close to cropping it into a square. Once you get it close, uncheck the "contrain proportions" box. Its right under height & width. Then change you height to match your width. You now have a square picture. There is probably a much better way to do this, but thats all I know. If you don't have photoshop, you can do something similar in word. Morgan
  20. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...g-website.html
  21. I started using weddingannouncer.com last night. So far, I am very impressed by it. I've read there are problems with the RSVP feature because guest have to have a individual code to RSVP. You are also only allowed so many pictures, but its still alot. The best part is its free. It sounds like weddingwindow.com is the best, but cost around $75 for a year. There is a great thread about websites. I'll look it up & post the link.
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