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Everything posted by LCBride2007

  1. i didn't look at shipping time, but i'd think you would have time ... let us know if you need more ideas - we love a good challange!
  2. the Marriage License sign is what the woman in Hawaii had at her house, she works out of her house. apparently Jessalyn and I got our marriage licenses at the same place in Maui!
  3. lol - if i had time to watch it, i'd have time to figure out how to post it. work stuff is crapping all over me right now, so i may end up cancelling plans to head out of town for the weekend. if that happens, i may get time this weekend!
  4. well, i will probably at least wait until I have time to watch it! lol a.s.a.p. - i promise!
  5. you have plenty of time! you should be able to find one online, or definitely a salon or even david's bridal. some craft stores might have them too - they always have little bridal sections. how about any of these? Keepsake Hankies for the Bride and Family - Exclusively Weddings Selection of custom linen products for the bride, including handkerchief, bookmark, bunwarmers, aprons, table runners, and more Wedding Hankies - Mother of the Bride gifts-Wedding Handkerchiefs -Mother of the bride hankies- Hankerchiefs - Wedding favors
  6. you might be surprised - we were! most people used it as an excuse to take a vacation! where are you staying in Maui? fyi - we saw this priivate little beach, not many people on it - lots of rocks. we saw a wedding there too - just the couple. i might be able to describe where it is
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller ann use the DVD ripper and please cut me out of any places i might show up. did they edit it or just send you the entire thing? most US videographers edit us (photographers) out but im not sure how high tech this company is. now why would i want to cut you out? lol he did edit it, but i do think i saw you in there a couple times. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 How exciting! I want to see it too!! BTW, nice siggy pic!....that house and sign look so familiar...Cynthia Wolfe's house, huh? do dang funny - I think that was her name!
  8. scratch that - i just tried again, and i was able to donate you point
  9. i wasn't able to donate points ... it said "you don't have enough points to perform this action" - well, if i don't have enough points, not sure who would! i'll let Tammy know ...
  10. you should be excited - for many reasons! it's a gorgeous dress, you found it together while shopping in NY, and SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER! lol you have every right to be excited! she's your only daughter, right? even more reason!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Y R U playing games. YOu tell us you got the video and it is really cute but we cant see it. What kind of frankennackle bull is that. (trying to stop cursing along with my diet IT AINT WORKN) i haven't even got to watch it all myself - and won't have time before we leave! grrrr ... oh, and bad idea to stop swearing at the same time you're dieting - wouldn't work for me!
  12. oohh - i love her dress! she bought the one we see in the first picture, right? i bet that's stunning in off-white! when does she get the dress?
  13. Paul got his shirts at Macy's (after the one he ordered online he didn't like) - I can't vouch for sizes though, since Paul is so NOT a 2X
  14. any video whiz kids out there know how i could share it? i have a feeling it's going to involve YouTube! i am leaving for the weekend in a few hours - but i promise to work on it when I get back! Courtney, Sarah - if you have tips on how to share, lemme know!
  15. ... shipped via DHL! I debated posting this, because I can't share it quite yet. We won't even have time to watch the whole thing before we head out of town for the weekend. We've watched the first part, through the ceremony, and it's really cute. It's fun for me since I missed all of that (the boat ride over, the mingling beforehand, etc.). I'll work on trying to find a way to share it if you're all interested - we just got the videographer package that Vallarta Adventures/Las Caletas offered. Added: Our Las Caletas Wedding: 06.08.2007
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by 101855 anyone know why i can't access the list of pv photographers in this thread? says i dont have enough points (i don't even know what points are!) thanks! it takes 50 points every time you want to open an attachment - if it's an attachment you'll use more than once, i'd suggest saving it locally! you can see your total points to the left of all of your posts. you earn by posting, reading, and just generally participating on the forum. i will donate some points to you so you can open attachments for now!
  17. CONGRATULATIONS! Where will you be getting married?
  18. i know i am late, and this is kind of what Maria already said - but my ex always threw crushed up saltines into the mix - just gives it more "meat" and soaks up the flavor. yummy!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 Did she take flowers from the wedding to press? It sounds like a great gift. I might try to make something like that. i don't think she did - or at least not for the one she made me. but she did do a really good job of staying with the "theme" of the wedding - the colors, etc. i will go try to take a picture of mine soon!
  20. one of my favorite gifts i got for my first marriage (and that i gave for almost every wedding i've been at since!) was my wedding invite really nicely framed. my best friends mom did it (a little company) and she would dry flowers, press them, and then put them in a nice frame with the invite. i am not explaining it well, but it really looks nice. i could take a picture of my first wedding - it looked awesome! not sure if she still does it - but it would be something that a good ol' DIYer could do for not very much $$
  21. Welcome to the forum, Rose! The Cancun brides will definitely be able to help you out. In the meantime, here are some threads to get you started (you may have already seen them): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ried-here.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ar-photos.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-review.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ms-cancun.html
  22. Here are mine, I had 2 cards in there - 1 was the invite to the welcome dinner as well, and then the RSVP card, which was printed on both sides - one side to RSVP for the wedding, and one for the welcome dinner. Oh and the RSVP card also asked for guests arrival date, and hotel.
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