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Group Rates

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Hi Ladies,


I'm planning a wedding for July 2010 at ROR Ochos Rios. Does anyone know anything about group travel? Should I call the airline? I got prices from the ROR and it seems very expensive; I think it'd be cheaper to do package deals with flights (which ROR doesnt offer, they just book rooms). Maybe go through AAA? I have 20-30 people. Thoughts?




PS: My finance is dead set on that jacuzzi room featured online; not sure if I should just book that or if I can get upgraded to that? You probably can't dictate the upgrade room though, right? Maybe I can call and ask nicely... any ideas?

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You really need to work with a TA- a destination wedding specialist travel agent to be specific. They can guide you and assist with all the options available and counsel you on which would be best for you and your group . TA Maureen is fantastic and was a ROR bride herself!

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Why wouldn't you want to use a travel agent? I can't think of any reason....I mean, its bad enough doing your wedding stuff, but to be in complete control of the whole group? I wouldn't want that. We have over 30 people booked now, and I get hounded with questions, half of which I can't answer...so much easier to refer them to someone else....


In regards to the jacuzzi suite (the one with the balcony one) we just went ahed and booked the room, we knew we wanted it--and Ive been so hyped up about it, I didn't wanna chance it;...I didn't want to be let down-I know people say you dont spend much time in your room, but it didnt change my mind.....so we went ahead and confirmed it-we'll pay the price...literally. lol


Surely you should be able to find some group rates for an all inclusive...and with group rates, you should get a discounted rate.....plus maybe even extra bonuses like "every 16th person flies for free" or something.....again, much easier if you had a TA taking care of all this--you shouldnt need to plan it!!!

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