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Everything posted by Maggietron

  1. Wedding extras: Wedding Celebrations.pdf Wedding Packages 2015: Wedding Packages 2015 ok.pdf
  2. @@llimaa On the package detail sheets the first line says "30 ppl max" and the second line right under it says "additional guest supplement $35.
  3. eek! A couple weeks isn't much time! Is that even enough time to get the shots from the photographer?
  4. This is my interpretation of the packages: Sunshine - your basic package if all you care about is a ceremony, champagne toast and dinner. Basic 10 photo package. Unforgettable - middle of the line, live music, more photos, upgraded champagne for the toast, 15 photos, flowers for the bridal table for the ceremony, candlelit dinner and breakfast in bed. Romance Extravaganza - Going all out. Ceremony, champagne toast, cocktails and canapes, dinner, then two hours of open bar for the reception after dinner. Free mani/pedi and massage. 25 Photo package. Parents also get upgraded. For us, it made the most sense to go with the middle package and add on a poolside reception. I hate going to the spa and we didn't think it was worth it to pay for a lot of extras that didn't matter to us.
  5. Woohoo! I have my quotes back! LaurieLee came through in the end! Air Canada was around $1500 with connecting flights. Westjet is around $1275-1350 with direct flights. It will be a little bit more hassle with Westjet because I will have to get deposits collected by Nov 19, but even if the rates weren't so much better, the convenience of direct flights makes it the obvious choice. Once the airlines started responding to quote requests and I managed to get a hold of LaurieLee from a different email address, everything has suddenly gone much smoother!
  6. I'm doing a trip to Ann Arbor to look for bridesmaid dresses and wedding gowns. I've got appts booked at David's Bridal and Mimi's wedding boutique, but are there any walk-in places that carry bridesmaid dresses we could check out between appts? Macy's nearest bridal store is an hour away, I don't know what else to look for.
  7. I'm considering a compromise. One of my bridesmaids dropped out because she just started a new job. I can go over with the best woman in the morning, check out the brides project, then go grab some lunch. My sister and mother can come out in the afternoon and meet us at David's Bridal in the afternoon after my sister gets off work. They can even invite my older sister along, since my older sister and mother are the ones who are so damn convinced that I'm going to find *the dress* at David's Bridal, since the prices are *soooo amazing* that how could I not?
  8. Thanks, @@calgarybride2015. My older sister is on her side because apparently they consider David's Bridal to be the bridal store to end all bridal stores and don't consider it possible that I can go there and not end up immediately buying the dress, and therefore if I don't invite my mother she will miss out on everything! The whole purpose of this trip was to look at bridesmaid dresses, we're only going to look at gowns if when I get down there all three bridesmaids like the convertible dress I bought.
  9. I live in SK. My family and bridesmaids live in Ontario. I have a trip home planned for this November, likely my only trip before the wedding next fall. I asked my bridesmaids (one sister and two friends) to book off the Saturday so we could go shopping in Michigan. I asked them not to tell anyone because I wanted it to just be us. I talked to my mother a few days later and told her that I would be going shopping with my bridesmaids on the Saturday and that we could go shopping in my hometown another day when she's free. Fifteen minutes ago, I booked an appt at David's Bridal and forwarded the email confirmation to my bridesmaids. My sister lives with my mother and apparently told her about it IMMEDIATELY because within two minutes I have my sister on the phone telling me that I've upset my mother by not inviting her and she's feeling left out. This may sound callous, but I am not going to be responsible for my mother's feelings. I told her that this was happening months ago when I booked the trip. I told her that we would go shopping together on another day, but that Saturday was a day for me to spend with my bridesmaids. She knew all of this. I am not going to apologize for spending time with my friends. She also pulled this for mother's day last year. She apparently told each of my siblings individually how upset she was that I hadn't called her. She ignored the fact that 1. I sent her a gift 2. I sent her an email 3. I always call her on sunday evenings AFTER dinner 4. SHE WASN'T EVEN HOME WHEN I CALLED FOR HER. When my older sister got married, she tried to talk her into letting both parents walk her down the aisle so she wouldn't be "Excluded" GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
  10. @@starbx123 With a big group you're unlikely to have too many stops, when I went it was a van with like 10 seats or something in it, we were only a group of two and we had maybe four stops, but all the resorts are on the same road, so it's not like you're running all over the place. I don't think that getting a private charter would save you much time.
  11. Thanks, @@Ellia123. I've finally heard from LaurieLee, she remembered emailing with me before, but didn't have any of the emails I had sent to her recently, so I don't know what happened there. I emailed her from my work account and she phoned me at the office.
  12. @@calgarybride2015 Air transat doesn't fly out of Regina during November, and Sunwing doesn't have the resort we want. Looks like it will probably have to be Westjet.
  13. My quote from Air Canada made everybody transit through toronto and was a couple hundred dollars more expensive, and Westjet has direct flights from Regina and I believe London Ontario as well. I'd look into flying the Windsor group out of Detroit, but then we wouldn't have enough leaving from Canada to even get a group rate.
  14. I GOT A RESPONSE! A local travel agent here (the one who kept pushing the grand sunset princess on me) has finally gotten rates from Westjet! The perks aren't great, it's $450 credit for every 8 adults booked, but it's a start! I wonder if I could get LaurieLee to check into it for me now that I know the rates are released?
  15. Has anyone rented a Charter bus to get their guests to the airport? Most of my guests are travelling from Ontario, and the nearest airport that Westjet flies out of is 2.5 hours away. I'm trying to find a way to get 20ish people to the airport. It looks like long term parking is $50-65 dollars, and by leaving from that airport they're saving themselves a couple hundred dollars each, so maybe I should just put that information on the wedding website and let them sort it out?
  16. @@kmk2016 Are you using LaurieLee? I'm really disappointed because everyone talks about how great she is. I might try shooting her an email from another account, hopefully it's just a spam filter issue?
  17. What the hell, Air Canada? I got a quote from them that was just rife with spelling errors and made absolutely no sense, the first page says 1252 plus taxes and fees for double occupancy junior suite, then the second page says 1691 double occupancy junior suite. Then I gave them the departure points and told them I would be willing to go from a different one if it was necessary and they quoted everything out of Toronto and quoted me supplements for my alternate but not primary departure points. If you have a good travel agent, please PM me the details, I'm getting so sick of people who don't respond!
  18. Excellent! We have around 28 invited from Canada between the two departure points, and probably three who are not financially secure at the moment, so if we can get some sort of freebies to go towards those ones, that would probably help out a lot!
  19. How long did it take you to get responses to your initial inquiries to travel agents? I emailed LaurieLee in July, she said she'd get back to me the following week, and has not responded since, even to confirm if she is receiving my messages. I emailed her again Sept 30 and Oct 6th with no response. I know she's busy, but I think 3 months is a little excessive. I emailed a couple local travel agents on Sept 30 as well, and one of them keeps trying to convince me to go with the Grand Sunset Princess instead, and went so far as to send me quotes for them instead, and the other one sent me an email on Oct 7 just to say she was still working on it (which I really appreciate after LaurieLee disappeared on me!). It seems like the airlines haven't released their packages for next year yet and that's what the holdup is, and I realize that a wedding next fall isn't a very high priority and I'm trying to be patient, but I'm going insane! I just want to get the dates locked in so that I don't feel like I'm in a holding pattern anymore, but I can't book the wedding date until I know what days the flights are on so I meet the requirements for the number of days spent there before the ceremony. I've contacted Air Canada vacations directly, they've been a little more responsive, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some sort of information soon! I think I just needed to rant a little bit.
  20. We'd avoid all of it if we could. We're not doing the bouquet or garter toss, and we're not planning to do speeches. We won't stop someone if they want to do one, but we're not planning any and won't have a mic or anything set up. We will have to do the first dance and father/daughter & mother/son dance, mostly for our parent's sake. His mother gets really emotional about things like that so we figured that it wasn't a big hassle for us to do something like that for her benefit.
  21. How do the perks work if you have two departure points? Is it every X number of people per departure point or for the group in total?
  22. @@Shannonandangelina You can find the locations in google image search. I'm going with the Akumal Hammocks site, so we can get married in the sand, but at a seawall so that there won't be people in bathing suits hanging out in the background of our photos.
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