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Posts posted by Meandhim

  1. Family can be a challenge! Luckily I don't have sisters, just two brothers but believe me that's no picnic sometimes either. I have one brother who claims he can't go to my wedding because he doesn't like heat! I know he's just saying that to upset me. I really stressed about it at first but I've let it go and maybe he'll go and maybe he won't nothing I can do about it. No matter what happens it's important not to hold a grudge...you will hurt yourself the most.


    I recently planned my friends bachelorette even though I was wasn't the moh just the bridesmaid. I just took control started planning it, the moh was her mom and she was glad I took over.


    I don't think I'm having a Moh, I haven't even asked people to be bridesmaids yet but two of my friends have already started planning my bachelorette.


    I think your party will come together no matter who plans it. I hope you enjoy every minute of it. :)



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  2. @@jaj1230 leaving on Tuesday!!! You must be so excited! I'm sure everything will go as planned ;) please come back and let us know how it went... I will definitely want to pick your brain!


    That $800 tab is crazy! I'm gonna have to keep that in mind! Thanks for the tip!





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    @@1BeachBride the shell bouquet is such a good idea!... I pinned one I like with both shells and flowers but I wasn't sure how to go about it .. Make the whole bouquet with shells and fake flowers or if I should just make the shells wired to go into a real bouquet



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  3. I haven't even really started and I've already changed my mind a million times! I did see that you could have a beach dinner but I don't think it was buffet and it was something like 35 dollars a person... I will have a look for that info for you.... What are you doing for you bouquet... I'm not hot on any of the ones in the package...



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    Here is the front:




    And here is the back:




    I found some inspiration on Pinterest and figured out how to make it in adobe illustrator... I downloaded the free trial version. I blurred/ blocked out the website because it's not finished yet.


    I got the template from vistaprint to make sure it would be printed correctly... I think I love it so much because I'm so surprised that I made it and it turned out! Ha!

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  5. @@1BeachBride I didn't even know you could have a beach buffet! That's something to keep in mind! I also like your idea of doing your own hair and makeup! I think I will be doing that. Just a short time now and you will be able to enjoy the results of all your planning :) so exciting!! I just booked my date so I am just starting my planning...eeeek!


    Just a quick thought on your 30min ceremony... I know that 15 mins seems like such a short time especially when you spend a year or more planning for it...but I recently attended my first destination wedding this past December and I just wanted to share my thoughts as guest's point of view for your consideration.


    If you are having your wedding on the beach your guests are going to be in full sun for the better part of 30 to 45 mins....keep in mind the guests are sitting long before the bride gets there. The heat is very different when you are lying there in your bikini and able to take a dip in the ocean compared to be there sitting fully clothed not able to move around trying to pay attention...it's HARD! The most that they will remember about the ceremony is how hot and sweaty they were if it goes on too long! My friends wedding was a 15 ceremony and we were all in full sun, sitting very close together...it was really stinking hot! By the 10min mark, even though it was very lovely ceremony, me and everyone else were glad it was almost over. I don't think I would of remembered anything past the 15mins anyways, I would of been concentrating on not passing out at someone's wedding!


    I'm not saying you should change you plans of a 30min ceremony, this is your day and everyone does say it goes by so fast! but consider your guests and maybe provide water or shade of some sort...a fan perhaps...something so that they can be be relieved from the heat long enough to pay attention to all of the wonderful things you have planned.



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