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Posts posted by Meandhim

  1. My wedding is April 2015 in Punta Cana


    I'm going to be sending out a save the date, it has the Hotel Name, Punta Cana and the Actual wedding Day Date on it. it's also has a line saying: "Check out  our wedding website for all wedding and travel Info." We also have our contact info for the guests who don't have Internet...My Nan...but I'm pretty sure my Parents will inform her.


    I am making my STD's myself and when they are finished I will post a picture


    The website was free at www.mywedding.com...there are other sites where you can get free pages or you can also pay for a site. one the site I have The travel agents contact info and  all the prices. The hotel & destination info, things to do, thinks to pack, schedule of events. Documents / shots needed.. etc. Pretty much anything they will need to know.


    My friend started a facebook group for her travel info because she needed to get the info out fast before the offer expired. Guess it depends on your situation.

  2. My FI is a big meanie and won't let me bring my rings to the DR.  I've got costume e ring and wedding band.  BOOOOOOOOO!

    The store where we got our rings will let you take the prototype so my fake one will look identical to my real one for the pictures and things but I don't have to worry about losing it.


    If I were taking the real thing....CARRY ON for sure! wouldn't let that out of my sight!

  3. I've never heard of a Stag and Doe party to help pay for the wedding until I moved to Ontario, and I must admit that the idea always seemed a little strange and unfair to me, but to each their own, everyone has their own traditions and I'm not knocking it.


    We are going to an all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana,  and our usual traditions are a  bachelor / bachelorette party, and a bridal shower....these are usually thrown by the family / bridal party. I have informed my friends and family that  because they are spending so much money to go my wedding I don't expect any of those things and if they do choose to have them we can do it at the resort where everything is free or close to it :). I'm also NOT registering for any gifts or suggesting Green Back, I'm just going to ask that people share their vacation pictures as my gift, I love pictures...even bad ones.


    We are paying for the wedding ourselves and the budget is tight, tight, TIGHT! I know that I will have to do without some things at my wedding, but being a guest of a couple of DW's, one all-Inclusive and two not,  I understand the financial strain it could have on some guests and I've heard some of the complaints from the other guests. So I just want everyone to have fun and stress free vacation together without extra this and extra that. I want them to look back at our wedding and think of how much fun it was rather than how much money it cost them. 


    It's a always a tough decision when it comes to friends, family and money...good luck!

  4. Until I started planning my wedding I had no idea what an OOT bag was...so chances are your guests wont miss it! I think your favour idea is great! 


    I'm not sure if I will do favours or OOT bags yet until I find out how many people are going. I hoping not to bring too much stuff...extra luggage cost are high these days!


    I've also been thinking that maybe I'll take everyone on an excursion in lieu of OOT or Favours, you get a discount when you have a large group. It will depend on the price and if I can find one that is right for everyone... I think memories are better than stuff. Any opinions???

  5. We are having our wedding at an all inclusive kid friendly resort. I live away from most of my friends and family. I am just about the only one who does not have kids...some of the kids I have never even met in person, or haven't seen since they were born because we live so far apart. So I am giving my guest the option to bring them if they choose. I'm sure I would love to party with my friends and family kids free, but I also want to see the kids too. I know that's not for everyone.


    I just attended a DW in Jamaica at an all inclusive adults only resort. It was great, very relaxing, and a lot of partying and fun! However my friend found that those friends and family who had children some were not able to attend or only 1/2 of the couple were able to attend causing Issues with single rooms, some people also didn't realise it was an adults only until after they had put down a deposit and then had to back out while not getting their money back.


    I would suggest giving plenty of notice, playing up as an adult fun get away to your guests. and maybe suggest sharing rooms to your split couple guests to lower the cost for them.


    Plan the wedding YOU want...and enjoy it! :)

  6. We are getting married either before or after we go just to avoid the huge amount of paper work, and costs. We are not telling our guests because as far as I'm concerned our DW is our REAL wedding with real vows and real meaning, although it's not legal. 


    We were thinking of legally getting married after the wedding as a surprise for our grandparents who can make it down south and are feeling a little left out. So our Idea is that we pick them up under false pretences....go get legally married somewhere with them as witness's....and then take them out to dinner.  


    So is this a bad idea or a good one...opinions needed! please help?

  7. We have a temporary budget of 13k (that's the max that we can afford to spend). We are still in the very early stages of planning so I am just working with averages and estimating on the high side! This will Include everything...dress, travel, gifts, décor, documentation, wedding, reception, photographer, EVERYTHING! and it is tight!


    Our budget will be hugely affected by the number of people to actually book. The wedding package cost is really low, but it's the extras that can break the budget. our wedding package only includes 8 people..every person after that is 20pp...boo


    They say that 1/3 of the people you invite will actually go, so we thought a safe number to invite would be approx 150....50 people going would be ideal and we could lower our budget or upgrade some of our options, but we could accommodate 100 and not break our max budget, but we would have to do with out some extras.  


    I assume the brides who are lucky enough to have 2-3k weddings are having really small guest lists, or are not including everything in their budget, or had their wedding 5-6 years ago when the package/travel prices were much more reasonable and all inclusive. If not, I would love to know how they did it!

  8. April 1st 2015 (hopefully! Waiting on Resort) Grand Palladium Punta Cana. It's is where we had our first Vacation together 7 years ago. We also Started dating on April 1st and got engaged on April 1st. Anyone else getting Married in Punta Cana in April 2015?

  9. HEy i am a newbie from GTA as well. I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace in Mexico in June 2014.

    I'm a Newbie from GTA too, Getting Married April 2015 Punta Cana! Happy Planning :)

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  10. We starting dating on April fools, got engaged on April Fools and we plan on getting married on April Fools (it's be a Wednesday in 2015) I don't think it has to be a weekend to get married! 

    I'm getting married Tuesday April 1st,2014. Got Engaged on Friday the 13th and getting hitched on April Fool's...I think you'll be just fine!

    April 1st  is a great day to get married!! mine will be April 1st 2015 if I can just get my conformation from the resort!

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