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Everything posted by phsexxy

  1. Has anyone used the ipod rental instead of a Dj? If so what were your experiences!
  2. Hi Ladies, I was wondering if anyone used Caribe photos as their photographer and if so what are your thoughts about them? Would you recommend using them?
  3. those boarding passes are amazing. If anyone has the template could you send it to me @ [email protected] I would do greatly appreciate it. Thanks ladies for all your tips and diy projects! It is so helpful
  4. hi ladies, do you think your wedding invited have to march your color scheme of the wedding?
  5. What are your thoughts about registering for gifts for your bridal shower, especially since we are asking our guests to spend a lot of money to come to our destination wedding? what are you girls doing, registering or not registering or other options?
  6. @MK0386 -That's an amazing idea and looks great! Your guests are going to love it!
  7. is anyone familiar with Mori Lee bridesmaid dresses. I have been searching for a Mori Lee chiffon aubergine bridesmaid dresses. I wanted to make sure the swatch matched the dress because sometime they don't look the same. does anyone have a picture or know for a fact that the swatch will march the dress. thanks :-)
  8. Did anyone have or is having there wedding at the beginning of August? Are you nervous abour hurricanes? Also did you purchase travel insurance! I am going back and forth with this but I need to make a decision asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks~ I know I posted this on another thresd but i need advice!
  9. Did anyone have or is having there wedding at the beginning of August? Are you nervous abour hurricanes? Also did you purchase travel insurance! I am going back and forth with this but I need to make a decision asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks~
  10. Do you mind me asking are you rbringing your own decorations or are you purchasing them through lomas?
  11. do you mind me asking if you are bringing your own decorations or are you getting them from lomas?
  12. The semi-private is what is offered in the free package, which consists of dinenr with a fixed menu. This is the wording in the free package "Dinner reservations for wedding group (*restaurant and group size varies by hotel) ". So whatever that means.. I guess Im going to have to ask.
  13. Ladies, If your reception is semi-private but it is going to be at plaza zavas can you still have a ipod rental and how long is the semi-private event? Do you decorate as well?
  14. Ladies, If your reception is semi-private but it is going to be at plaza zavas can you still have a ipod rental and how long is the semi-private event? Do you decorate as well?
  15. I would be able to have the ceremony at 6:30 pm on the beach which is fine. I am just concerned about the reception portion. We have not decided whether or not to have the semi- private event or private event. I am just concerned abou teh location of the recpetion if we decide to do a private event because I asked what locations would be available and the wc was not able to give me an answer...
  16. Are there any specific questions I need to ask the wc regarding having a beach ceremony at 6:30pm? I am trying to finalize my wedding date fro august 3rd this year and need to know if there are specific questions I need to ask. Please advaice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  17. Are there any specific questions I need to ask the wc regarding having a beach ceremony at 6:30pm? I am trying to finalize my wedding date fro august 3rd this year and need to know if there are specific questions I need to ask. Please advaice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. Hello ladies, I am trying to lock in my wedding date. My wedding is going to this summer so I am rushing to get everything finalized. I have a conference call today with the wc and I was wondering if any of you have any advice as to what questions I need to ask. The date I am requesting to get married only has one time slot opne which is at 6:30pm on the beach! Do you guys think that would be a good time. I heard that there are sand fleas and I don't want my guests to get bite, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
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