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Everything posted by terrihugg

  1. I used a guy named Allison Knowles. He was absolutely fabulous! Here is his email address: [email protected] I HIGHLY recommend him.
  2. We had the people at the front desk hand them out as guests checked in. Getting the bags down there weren't so bad because dedicated one suitcase to be specifically for the welcome bags. On the way back home we just had one empty bag!
  3. HI there, I had my wedding at the Breezes resort in April. Everyone had a great time! I've been meaning to write a review for the longest time. let me know if you have any questions!
  4. Another idea would be to do a video save the date. Or maybe a comic strip. The comic can have a box each describing what happened to postpone the wedding.
  5. I got my beach mats from a seller on Amazon. Here's the link:http://www.amazon.com/Carry-Straw-Beach-Price-Mats/dp/B003N6JD8S/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1368456620&sr=8-16&keywords=beach+mats He sell them in different bulk prices. You can search his store to find the different options. The mats were great quality and they got shipped to me in less than a week. the only downside is that their shipping cost is pretty high.
  6. Hi Jess, I feel you on the OOT bag dilemma. For a while I was torn on getting them because our group was filled with veteran travelers so a lot of them would know what to bring already. I made a very very simple OOT bag maybe two weeks before we left. I did one bag per couple and all the singles received their own bag. I included a beach mat, an electronic fan, bottle of sunblock, welcome note, and our magnet favor. I was worried about not having enough in them, but found that simple was the way too go since most people didn't expect to get anything at all. EAch guest received one at check-in. I got rave reviews for them despite the small selection of items included. We thought about giving them out before leaving but it wasn't really feasible considering I did them only two weeks before leaving. Plus, not everyone was local and we wanted everyone to enjoy the surprise of getting a treat when checking in. We fortunate though, because we didn't have too many to carry since we only had 25 guests. We were able to put all of them in suitcase.
  7. Wedding is over and we go the DJ! He was absolutely fabulous. It was a great decision to hire him!
  8. To be honest, you may not need to hire a DJ if you are hosting an afterparty. I think you will be good.
  9. My Something blue is my garter belt. And something old is a handkerchief from my grandfather who passed away. Not sure of the borrowed.
  10. This may be a dumb question, but what is the point of them? I've already decided on getting my BM's Miche Bags. When I told my FI this he asked why. His logic is that since we are covering two hundred dollars from both of their hotel rooms, and allowing them to wear dresses they already own there's no need to get them anything other than the items in the welcome bag everyone else is getting. He also went on to say that they didn't do an engagement party, shower, or bachelorette party, didn't help with anything planning related and didn't really bond over anything special wedding related. So I tried to give him a good answer and said, it's just to thank them for being there and being in our lives. He said, then thank them with the same favors you are already giving the guests. There is no need to do anything extra. So it makes me wonder, doe he have point? What is the purpose of giving the bridal party an extra gift.
  11. What restaurant are you going to? And where are you holding your ceremony?
  12. I've never been to it but i hear curacao is really nice. Trinidad is also amazing!
  13. Thanks for suggesting the app. I'll look into it.
  14. Including my fiance and I there will be 33 people at the wedding. We are having a private reception. However, I'm wondering what we should do about music. For some reason, I feel like with only 33 people it doesn't make sense to pay for a DJ. But if I don't hire a dj, I'm not sure what would be the appropriate route for music. What do you think is the best route? How are all of you approaching music?
  15. I just wanted to add. That if people do try to ask the reason behind your cancelation and you aren't comfortable sharing, you can say that it is personal. Or you can say that after considering (financial situations, circumstances, etc.) you found that it wasn't a viable option. Then go on to say, that as loved ones you would still want them to be part of the union and festivities so you are having a party in the summer to celebrate which they will be invited too. P.S. I was almost in your shoes around christmas time to .Me and the FI were seriously thinking about canceling the DW to have a private ceremony in Barbados because it's what we really wanted.
  16. I think rather than only telling the people who were attending the trip about the cancelation, you should have told everyone who was invited regardless of attendance. I would hate to be the person who was left out of the loop intentionally. So I suggest, alerting the people who weren't attending anyway. It's better they hear the news from you than someone else. As far as explaination as to change of heart, I don't think you need to give one. Just explain that you appreciate the love and support received. However, due to personal circumstances you decided to make the difficult decision to cancel the destination wedding. But if it isn't too private, then go ahead and give the reason why you canceled it. In terms of gifts, I think the gracious thing to do is offer to send the gift back when telling them the news. It's possible that when you make the offer, the family members will stay say they want you to keep it considering you are married anyway. By the way, I know this is a tough situation but know that your friends and family will love and support you no matter what. You need to do what makes you happy. Good luck!
  17. Hi everyone, Since we are staying at an all-inclusive resort with free flowing drinks, I was thinking of putting a drink book in our oot bags. I can't seem to find any good ones that are inexpensive. Any suggestions? Anyone know where I can find a good one. Or know of good titles?
  18. Originally, we were going to rent out a room at the resort and have a private dinner. But we only have about 30 people and don't think it makes sense to pay $500 to rent out the giant banquet room plus $40 per person for the meal. So were are debating just going to a nice restaurant with everyone or doing some type of dinner cruise excursion. I would prefer a sunset dinner cruise but the food on those things are never that great. I'm wondering what everyone else is doing for the "reception" right after the wedding.
  19. Most of our guests seem to be staying at a different resort, (I'm not too happy about that because it makes it harder for us to plan stuff.) Plus , we had to be an extra $30 per person for these people to get on the resort for the wedding ceremony.
  20. Hi fellow brides, I am so excited and I just had to share the news. I wrote an etiquette ebook! It's called 100 Things You Should Never Say - Bridal Edition. It basically tells you the things you should never say to your groom, parents, in-laws, bridesmaids, and guests to keep you from losing friends and looking like a bridezilla. I know it seems obvious but sometimes there are things that just aren't that easy. It's on sale for $2.99 but tomorrow it will be free! I just had to share because I am so excited about it! Thanks so much ladies and happy wedding planning.
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