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Posts posted by Essential0929

  1. I finally looked at skinnytaste, and I think I'm hooked! Thanks for sharing this jewel!

    Originally Posted by deniden View Post

    So ladies, what are some of your "go-to" Weight Watcher meals?


    I've been getting a lot of good ideas and recipes from www.skinnytaste.com


    Some of my favorites are:


    Chicken Burgers (4 points), a scoop of pasta sauce (1 point), a slice of italian mix cheese (1 point) and a whole wheat/light bun (1 point) = 7 point chicken parm sandwich

    Mahi Mahi Burgers (4 points), a scoop of peach/mango salsa (1 point) and a bun (1 point) = 6 point mahi mahi burger

    Sweet potato (5 points), drizzle of olive oil (1 point), pinch of nutmeg/cinnamon/salt = 6 point sweet potato fries



  2. LOL, You can do it!!! I know what you mean, I am very clear on what I eat vs what I don't. Let me know how you do over the long weekend. I have complete faith in you! As far as the hurt, as my MOH says, that's your sexy coming out!

    Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

    I hurt so bad but it feels so good.  I am totally scared for this weekend and cookouts.  I eat "funny" as FI said to begin with so typically people don't have the food I eat (I'm a sushi, thai, seafood person).  Then I usually eat the food that they have there hoping someone will save me with a turkey burger LOL





  3. Congratulations!!!

    Originally Posted by mrsrrobinson View Post

    This week I hit my 25lbs mark on WW! I was really excited and I'm hoping to lost another 40lbs before my wedding in March 2012. I'm also about to start looking at skinnytaste.com -- it's a revolution LOL.


    Below is what I eat on most days. I drink tons of water...usually ~80oz. I also workout 5-6X per week.


    breakfast: instant oatmeal, fruit

    snack: fruit, fiber one bar

    lunch: either big chopped salad OR turkey sandwich; fruit

    snack: pretzels

    dinner: fish/chicken with tons of stir fry or steamed vegetables...no rice

    dessert: skinny cow ice cream


    Like most people, I tend to loosen up a bit on the weekends and allow myself 2 "bad" meals total on Sat/Sun. 


    I'm excited to find some new recipes to mix things up! :D



  4. From one Texas girl to another, Welcome!!! You have done quite a bit! I sent mine out at the 11 month mark, just to give our guests the proper notification after we signed a group room agreement. Prior to doing that though, I read that some brides send them out 3-4 months in advance. It just all depends on your guests, you know them better than anyone else. As long as those who you know for sure will attend are in the information loop, that's all that matters. Good Luck!

    Originally Posted by sojahseh81 View Post

    Hey all! I'm from San Antonio, TX. We're having an intimate backyard wedding. We're getting married April 20, 2012. So far, I've picked out my invitations, bridal party outfits, location (that was easy!), and food....I'm now kind of freaking out because most of you have already sent out invites and STD's, I was going to wait until Jan. but is that too short of a notice? What is the typical time frame for that? 


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