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Posts posted by Essential0929

  1. The person I spoke with honest didn't know. I will call back on Monday and see what they say.

    Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

    Thanks for the update!!! I have until February so even if they got them back in this summer it would be great! Did it sound like getting them back in stock was a possibility?  I was planning a trip to the states tomorrow but have to reschedule, so disappointing because I had mapped out the 15 closest dollar trees to where we'd be! I planned on tracking down my OOT bags!! haha



  2. Lindy S, that's so exciting! I can't wait to know how your wedding turns out. How has your experience been working with the Miami office?

    Originally Posted by Lindy S View Post

    We just had our date at Cancun Palace confirmed today! Febraury 24, 2012...Let the planning begin!



    I called Dollar Tree today, and unfortunately they do not have any updates as to when the bags will be in stock sad.gif. I wish I had good news for you all, but hopefully you can find them in the stores before you wedding.

    Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

    Essential0929 that is great news!!!! Please update us Friday if you call as these are exactly what I am looking for and I am STILL kicking myself for waiting!


  4. Hi!!! I'm Essence, and I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm getting married April 28, 2012 at the Cancun Palace. I just sent out my DIY postcard STDs last week and all of our guests have received them. I'm so excited, it's all starting to feel real now!

  5. I plan on calling on Friday, and I hope to have good news to share with all of you. My mom and sister went driving all around the Houston area today and found mine (I live in Chicago). A bit of advice from a kind Dollar Tree employee, try the stores in the more distant suburbs, they generally have the bags---this has been my family's experience. Also, they were featured in the store circular this week, so if you see any grab them.

  6. Hi!!! My fiance and I were engaged at the Royal Playa del Carmen in April and have decided to get married at the Cancun Palace on April 28, 2012! I have found a wealth of information on this site already and wanted to take the time to introduce myself. I am looking forward to learning from the experiences of all of you. Are there any other Cancun Palace brides here?

  7. Hi!!!


    I am new to the forum, but have found a wealth of information already. My fiance and I were engaged at the Royal Playa del Carmen in April and have decided to get married at the Cancun Palace on April 28, 2012. I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and just wanted to introduce myself.


    Are there any other Cancun Palace brides here?

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