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Everything posted by msmarmar123

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Quote: What is wedit? I tried pulling it up and it just had Facebook stuff which I can't pull up from work. Â http://wedit.com/about/ Â Wedit is a company that basically sends you 5 flip video cameras so you can have one and pass them out to other guuests to get video of things normal videographers might miss. You mail these back to the company and they download all the video and you can edit it into your own video.... Depending on the package..they can also make a wedding video for you....I think they are $499, $699 and $999
  2. what am I supposed to say to that!!? :: pretty much the response to use in any uncomfortable conversation
  3. George Michael::was sooooooo hot when I was in 6th grade in the Faith video
  4. Has anyone heard of wedit.com? Â I know that I am not paying for a videographer...but I think this is a great option to get video of all types of moments that you wouldn't get with a normal video....
  5. One more suggestion..I think this is what I 'm going to wind up doing.... http://www.guestbookstore.com/ Â I think they are really cute... Â
  6. Jennifer's Body::Amanda Siegfrid (totally spelled that wrong!)
  7. That's so funny Transformers::Megan Fox Â
  8. But shouldn't Biggest Loser be about overall health and things that can make us feel good inside and out? Â
  9. Christina Ricci::Addams Family
  10. scuba diving:: really weird woman sits next to me at work...does a trip every year....she looks like Mimi from Drew Carey
  11. My confession is I had entirely too much wine this weekend....Thursday...Friday (skipped Saturday as apparently I become a mean wino to FI after getting home from a party on Friday night...can't remember a THING after leaving the party but FI says I was calling him a DoucheBag and an A$$-Hole..I don't seem to recall that......so....that would be confession #2) and Sunday.... Â Think it's time for a wine break....
  12. Josh Harnett:: Pearl Harbor
  13. Heaven on earth:: Belinda Carlisle
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