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Posts posted by lucy<3woody

  1. UGH. FM-I-L is giving us a lot of grief for NOT wanting to have an AHR when we get back. Bottom line, I would but FH hates to be the center of attention and we would be inviting about 425 people. He would be horribly uncomfortable....why would we do that?! At least she has come around to the idea of the DW.


    My family is a little less understanding. I have aunts who have made very poor financial choices their entire lives who are telling me that they probably will not be able to afford it, even if we keep it dirt cheap. Then they make me feel guilty because they will not be able to attend my wedding. It used to really bother me but now I am trying to remind myself that it is not my fault that they cant save $40 per month for the next year for a week vacation to the Caribbean, one day of which will be spent on my wedding. Hell, they could come for only three days! I think I am going to start suggesting that! cheesy.gif

  2. Hi! Thanks for the welcomes! No, we haven't picked a resort yet. We are hoping to go this year in Feb. to check out a few and then pick. I have been looking through travel guides and websites, but it is so hard to pick!! I have also contacted a travel agent. The most important thing for us it to have it  somewhere that our families can afford to come. The travel agent said Cancun is the best bet then....we will see!

  3. Ugh. I'm NOT having my dad walk me down the aisle. I cringe at the thought. He is technically my step father who adopted me at 4 yrs old, and he was less than a good father. We have very little relationship, it would be easier for me if only mom came to the DW and he didn't! sad.gif I will NOT be doing any sort of a father- daughter dance either!


    It really depends on who can make it to the DW. If both my parents are there I will have it go like this:

    Everyone is seated and music starts.

    Grandpa and Gma walk up (I am VERY close with them) and are seated in the front row.

    Mom and Dad walk up and are seated.

    FILaws Walk up and are seated.

    FH and I meet in the middle, behind the chairs, and walk up together.


    However, if my dad doesn't come and my mom does, I may consider having her walk me, and having FH waiting at the altar for me. Time will tell!!


    I don't know if I will even attempt to tell my dad that I don't want him to walk me, rather, I will just hand out instructions/itinerary and he will find out that way. He really shouldn't be suprised by my decision, but is one who likes to put up big appearances. Thats why I feel having the parents walking up together would be a good substitue. That way I might avoid having anyone ask why he didn't walk me. If they do, I will say 'Well, who would have walked with my mom if he had walked with me?'


    Sorry, this got long!!!

  4. Thank you brides for the great idea I just got from this thread!! We want to be married just before we leave for the DW. Our friend is licensed to marry us. We will not be having a reception when we get home. This caused a problem for one of FI's grandmothers, who cannot travel. We feel bad that she will not be able to celebrate with us, aside from watching the video when we return. Reading these posts just gave me the great idea to have our friend marry us at FI's grandmother's house! With her as a witness! I really think this will solve the dilemma of her not being able to participate in the DW, and she would be honored. She is has always been so great to FI, and he is one of only two grandchildren in the family. THANKS GALS!!

  5. We were on vacation when we got engaged and I didn't really want to be bothered by calling everyone and having 15 minute phone convos. So instead I texted important people a clever little poem to let them know we got engaged. Most of them figured it was coming :)  This included mom, FMIL, siblings, bridesmaids, aunts and one grandma who gets texts. I then followed up with a text asking that they keep our fun news to themselves and NOT PUT IT ON FACEBOOK because we wanted a chance to tell our families and friends before they found out on a social netwoking site *rolls eyes*.   Everyone was respectful except for FMIL who, within 5 minutes of receiving the text, had already called a couple of her friends and both of FH grandmothers. I was petrubed because I would have liked to have been able to tell the grandmothers....but I think that is a rant for a different thread LOL!!


    Long story short, I waited a couple of days before putting it on Facebook becasue we like our privacy and didn't want the people most important to us to find out on the internet. I feel good about the decision looking back :)

  6. I tend to agree with Technoqueen. Don't make this harder on yourself than you have to!  One drawback of a DW is the fact that many people who we wish could attend will not. It is a disappointment, but don't let it ruin the fun of your planning!


    If she asks you about your planning then I can understand discussing it with her, but don't offer up anymore information to her now because she isn't a positive person to discuss it with. You shouldn't have to feel bad after you talk to anyone about your wedding planning and it sounds like she is a 'debbie downer'!


  7. We want to get married somewhere on the Caribbean. We went to Cancun last  winter and it was so beautiful that I don't want to settle for water that is less pretty! I have been working with a travel agent a little, and she advised that since we want to make the wedding a very inexpensive vacation for our friends and family Cancun may be a good place to have it. She said we can get good deals there. I REALLY hope so!


    Thanks for the welcomes!!


    <3 Lucy

  8. Hey everyone! Just want to introduce myself! I am Lucy, Woody and I were engaged on 8/13/2010. We have decided on a destination wedding! YAY! I am glad to have found this site, I don't even know where to begin to plan this thing. Looks like I will find a lot of guidance here :)

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