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Posts posted by lucy<3woody

  1. Pink and Green are two of the colors in my wedding too. I did a lot of google searches like 'pink and green color schemes' and came up with tons of good stuff for inspiration boards. Doing this really helped me find cool decor ideas.


    And as for finding inexpensive decorations, the best place I have found is here!! Watch the buy/sell/trade/freebies thread and I am sure that another Bride will be looking to sell something you are interested in!! And prices have been very reasonable.

  2. I have 5 colors!! :)


    My bridesmaids are in the same dress, but different colors: Yellow, Orange, Peach, Dark Pink.  Their shoes are multicolored floral with all those colors and accented with pale spring green (picture a hydrangea flower).


    Groomsmen are in khaki and pale green.


    Mothers are wearing white dresses with oranges, greens, and pinks in the print.


    Bouquets are yellow lilly, pink and orange hibiscus, green and pink hydrangea, white and pink orchid, and some green jewels for some bedazzle cheesy.gif


    Men's bouts are the same orchid and hydrangea colors. Mother, grandmother, and female readers bouts have the same flowers, but bigger with more pink Hydrangea and have the jewels too.


    The picture in my head is a bright spring bouquet.  I think it will turn out okay....I hope! LOL.

  3. I was at Target yesterday (finishing up my wedding gift registry, yay!) and took a look at the area with the travel size items. I got a great deal on two ounce hand sanitizer bottles! They are regularly .99 cents but these were packaged together, 2 for $1.87. Then, they were marked down to .44 cents per package!!! I got all I needed for $15.50! That sure beats $35, what I would have paid if I had bought them for .99 cents!


    We have about 70 guests. Each room will have one survival kit and they are double occupancy so I am making 35 kits total.


    Here is a pic of the item, sorry it is so big!!!

    up & up#amp##153; Hand Sanitizer #amp##45; 2 oz#amp##46;

    I wanted to pass this along, so if you are looking for hand sanitizers you could take a look at your local Target and see if they have the same great deal :)  The teenage girl at the checkout must have thought I was a major germ-aphobe when she as ringing me up! LOL!

  4. I guess I have to play the other side here....sorry cdc150....but she did 'help.' You said that she helped with the cost of your dress, which maybe isn't as much as paying for half of the wedding, but it is something. I am sure she sees it as significant, even if you don't.


    Where I am from it does not matter who helped pay for the wedding, if you list one parent on the invite you list them all. My future in laws are paying about half of the wedding costs, we are covering the other half. My mom and dad are not at all able to contribute financially. Never in a million years would I leave my mom off the invitation. Around here the reason that we list parent's names is to show respect for our families, show our guests what families we belong to, etc. I can understand your grandmother being upset...you have just excluded her entire family.


    I can understand your mom being mortified that she is not on the invitation, you have basically just told everyone on your invite list that you mom didn't contribute financially to your wedding...and that is no one's business except you two.


    Sorry if my opinion is not what you want to hear, but maybe a talk with your mother is in order. Explain to her that you followed supposed 'wedding etiquette' and that is why you listed those who were 'contributing.' And if she is still hurt, apologize for hurting her.  Maybe that will help to ease your upset feelings.


    Good luck to you, none of this wedding planning stuff is easy and we all make mistakes!



  5. Hi ladies! Looking for some suggestions on when to have my bridal shower (bachelorette party will follow that evening). It will need to be on a Saturday.

    We are getting married January 28th in Cancun. We have about 65 guests coming along. There will be no at home reception. I will be having one large shower, inviting both families. Sorry this is long, but I am a visual type gal so I need to put the calender on paper :)

    Here is what we have going on:

    19-My Birthday weekend

    17-Christmas Events
    24-Christmas Events
    31- New Years Weekend

    28- Wedding Day

    I think that October and November are too soon, since the wedding isn't until the very end of January. I want the parties to be fairly close to the wedding. However, we run into holidays in Dec. and Jan which is a very busy time for people. I also don't want the parties to be too close to the wedding as our guest are traveling a far for the wedding. I don't want to be more inconveniencing than necessary.

    Any suggestions? When do people usually have their parties, roughly a month prior?? Any feedback you DW Brides have would be much appreciated!!

  6. Hey ladies! Our wedding is going to be laid back and casual, on the beach, barefoot. Bridesmaids are in brightly colored sundresses, yellow, orange, peach, and dark pink. I am working on the groomsmen outfits now. I need to get these ordered soon, like today, because everything is on clearance and going out of season and I have really good coupons.  I don't want them to be too dressy because the girls are casual. The shorts are a bit lighter than this picture in real life. The shirt is white with very small green pinstripes. Fiance likes pinstripes a lot. Also, he will be wearing all white and wants to look a bit different than the boys. I wanted to incorporate the green color as the bouquets have a lot of green in them, along with the orange/yellow/pink. The theme or idea is that everything will look like a bright spring bouquet. PLEASE give me some feedback!! Do you think the pinstripes will be okay? I haven't seen many groomsmen in pinstripes. Will this look fine with brightly colored dresses? I don't want the colors to be too out of control or distracting. Fiance says it is great, but I tend to obsess.....HELP!! Feedback wanted! :)


    These are the items.

    Here is the link if that helps:

    shorts http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?productId=0132_5540_874&catId=cat90074

    Shirt http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?productId=0152_8390_300&catId=cat90068


    0152_8390_300_f?wid=292&hei=327&canvas_s 0132_5540_874_f?wid=292&hei=327&canvas_s

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