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Posts posted by lucy<3woody

  1. Welcome Heather!!


    A bit of advice, start participating in posting in the forums now as you need to make 150 posts to  be able to download attachments. And there are a TON of super helpful for wedding planning!

  2. Lets try this again....


    I am looking for some ideas/suggestions for adding white fabric flowers to my gown.

    Here is a link to see my bridal gown, it is #11511



    I am looking for fabric flowers to add to the spot above the left knee where the fabric gathers. I thought about filling the whole open area on the left side with flowers, but worry that this will look gaudy. I don't have a very clear idea in my mind about what the flowers will look like, so I am open to any/all suggestions. Feel free to post pics, links, suggestions, etc.



  3. Hi Everyone!


    I am looking for fabric flowers to add to my bridal gown. I want to add a cluster of flowers to the spot above the left knee where the fabric gathers. I thought about filling that whole open area with flowers, but that may look gaudy.


    I am looking for nice looking white flowers. The flowers can have a little bedazzle or I can add that myself later, no biggie either way. I don't really have a clear picture in my head of what this will look like and am very open to any suggestions you all may have! Feel free to post pics/links/whatever!


    Thank you!!


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