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Posts posted by skadow

  1. So Ladies! I have an update. After MONTHS of dealing with Zuniga/DecoCancun and being most frustrated by price and how horribly long correspondences take ( 1 - 2 weeks per question) I called my wedding coordinator in Miami, not Wilma, And told her about how difficult it is to work with them and if there are any any any other vedors we could work with. She said their is another decor preferred vendor we can used call "Creative"


    She is going to email me their information tomorrow. I shall update you all with how it goes! =)

  2. I agree, a mixture of white and orange sound beautiful.

    I got mine from Asian Ideas - 12 Inches Snow White  PL12SW       



    40qaunity   1.25 = 

    Subtotal  50.00
    Shipping   9.50
    Tax   0.00
    Total  59.50

    I tried to work with Deco Cancun and See if I brought them if they would just hang them and provide the lights, but they still wanted a couple hundred. They are NUTZ!

  3. All of my lanterns are white. We are having an all white wedding. All the guests will be in white and so on. I am doing Eggplant purple as an accent. The table cloth will be purple and the centerpieces are white Calla Lilly's. ( I am bring real touch ones)



    In regards to your colors I think either would look really good. My first thought would be all white, but I really like the idea or orange lanterns. I think it would depends on what colors your tables cloths and centerpieces are. If you table cloths are white, I would go for orange and white lanters.

    Originally Posted by jszy10 View Post

    Skadow, are you doing all white, your colors or a mix??  My girls are all wearing a "glacier" blue color, so orange is my accent color.  I was thinking of either doing all white, all orange or a mixture of the two.  What do you think?

  4. What was the site you found them on? I couldn't find big lanterns that came in a set so I bought 50 12in lanterns. I also about LED lights for them so I wouldn't have to deal with electricity. I also contaced Lily, she came back with a simlar quote, I passed on it. However I think I am going to go with her and have gold lights on the palms trees near our spot. She wanted $125 for 6 trees.

  5. Hey Ladies! Trish from the Style Channel just got married their. The wedding was on TV. If you go to the style channel website, you can watch the episode were they show the hotel. Also


    Del Sol Was their photographer. Matt and Sol, who were also featured on that episode posted the slideshow. It looks AMAZING!


    It's located HERE ----> http://delsolphotography.com/blog/content/galleries/?gal=285


    If your getting married at La Blanc you need to check it out and see the amazing wedding locations.


    Originally Posted by jystar13 View Post


    is anyone else bringing their own decorations like that....  centerpieces, chair bows???  i might skip out on the chair bows and concentrate on the table decor, but i change my mind every day so who knows! ha! 


    I am bringing my own centerpieces. 5....yes 5 glass vases, with real touch flowers and rocks for the vaces. Also bring my own chair sashes. I found awsome ones online for .70 per. Much cheaper then the resorts. I am bring 50 paper lanters as well. My own rose petals, as well as starfish for each plate.


    My centerpieces look actaully like the picture below. I think the picture below is real touch flowers as well, they look so similar. Same trumpet vaces too. The resort wanted 100 pertable. I bought everything for under 100 at hobbly lobby







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