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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
    Ola my fellow Winnipegger! I am also going to Cuba, but in June 2010 :)! Happy planning - there are tons of ideas here, you should also check out the Cuba subforum for specific info about Cuba cheesy.gif.
    - Steph
    Sorry I was confusing you with another Canadian bride who's going to Cuba haha, CONGRATS - and happy planning with your MEXICAN wedding cheesy.gif
  2. Hey again!

    I have no big secrets I am sorry - I am big into eye-balling haha. Definitely screwed a few up, but I just re-did them. After I did a few I started getting a better idea of where to start writing depending on how long the person's name was. I tried to be consistent but honestly, some were slightly different than others (like which line the PC was on) but I figured ppl aren't going to be comparing them to each other. As long as they were neat and tidy, decently centered I was ok with it :). Maybe I am not that much of a perfectionist. I would buy a big box of envelopes and practice a few until you get into the flow. Also, a nice pen helps - I got a Sharpie pen, I like them a lot :). Good luck!

  3. Ola my fellow Winnipegger! I am also going to Cuba, but in June 2010 :)! Happy planning - there are tons of ideas here, you should also check out the Cuba subforum for specific info about Cuba cheesy.gif.

    - Steph

  4. Hey guys - just thought I would give a shout out, as I am officially a Winnipegger now (after 3 yrs+ years here), I was new to this idea of socials and found it a little weird at first but its a tradition here - if my FI and I were from here we would probably do one, but I really think you need a big team effort to pull them off right, and our whole family and majority of our wedding party don't live here. Congrats on being done Silverangel, do you think it was worth it in the end?


    I just went to one on Halloween, I one a prize - of 30 scratch tix + some other junk (literally I want to throw everything else out lol). I couldn't believe I only won $20 on 30 scratch tickets ahaha, but I broke even for the night. I think lotto tickets with better other prizes would be good (as it was none of the stuff was related at all, there are like ugly golf shirts and a model car in it). One of their grand prizes was a Wii, they were charging $5 for ONE grand prize ticket (is that standard?) - so I'm guessing they made lots of $$ haha. I think Wii's are still a good prize, not everyone has one yet. If you got it for free then that's awesome! Pizza would be pretty sweet at a social, although I would miss the pickles. Another social I went to they were giving away a trip to Mexico or something, it sounded sweet but it was only for 1 person...and it was leaving like the next weekend...so the person who won didn't use it. I think spa packages are always a good prize too...Also, I think it would be cool to have like a photography prize if you know any photogs who might be willing to give you a deal or something...


    Anyway, I am clearly procrastinating from studying...so back to work for me! Keep us updated with the planning :)

  5. Hey Mel (?)

    I really think you have to be 100% happy with your choice so I don't want to try to convince you too much hehe, I have never been to Varadero OR Cuba period and honestly I was tired of trying to research the THOUSANDS of options out there, I took the advice of several TAs who specialize in DW that this resort puts on beautiful weddings and the prices are quite competitive (but overall Cuba is better than most other places). Also, I don't mind the idea of not being close to a big city - they still have several excursions you can do in the area - you can even do an overnight trip to Havana if you want to. I'm planning to do at least 2-3 day trips off resort (in the 2 wks we will be there). But there are pros and cons to every resort - so you have to really pick the area you like. If you have your heart set on Varadero there are tons of great hotels there too. Good luck deciding!

  6. Hey there, I am going through a similar situation. Friends of ours just got engaged a few months ago - they had been planning on coming to our wedding but also knew they wanted a DW. So, long story short they asked if it would be ok if they got married at the same resort as us...I was at first a bit annoyed b/c I don't want to be a bridezilla, but I didn't want to share EVERYTHING with them, we aren't really even great friends anyway...So, they agreed to do it the week after us (still at the same resort) and we're going to stay an extra week so we can attend their wedding. So, they get a pre-wedding honeymoon and we get a week together after our wedding. It has worked out ok, but I just feel sort of weird about it sometimes b/c I picked this resort and they are just sort of going along with what I picked even though the bride wasn't super happy with the timing etc...I kind of wish they had just planned their own wedding completely b/c if something goes wrong I feel like its my fault. Also, our weddings are going to look so similar, but I know they will at least have unique features (we have very different tastes and I'm bringing my own photog). I am thinking you could do this too - maybe tell her you don't want to share your week (or however long your guests are going) but you might extend your trip so you could attend her ceremony...Good luck deciding! I can sympathize with what you're going through!

  7. Wow that is terrible - so sorry for you and all of her loved ones. Yes, anyone with chronic disease (ie autoimmune conditions such as Crohn's, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, COPD etc etc) is at increased risk of having serious consequences following H1N1 infection. That is really sad news - hope your DH is doing ok. *Hugs*

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this...I can't even imagine how stressful that would be. I agree that you need to talk to your mom ASAP and try to reason with her..maybe try to explain to her that you are happy and even if she doesn't approve she needs to accept it and be there for you. It seems so crazy that she would come to try to put a stop to it...

    Hope that you can reason with her - we are here for you to vent to - do you have other close girlfriends you can talk to also? Stay strong!

  9. Hey Ladies,

    I don't currently take a multivitamin, but I don't see any harm in it. If you live anywhere in the North, you may also want to take an extra Vitamin D pill - a lot of ppl at deficient, especially if you don't drink a lot of milk or go out in the sun a lot (also not a lot in multivitamins). I also take Folic Acid, it does have other benefits - such as boosting your immune response (may not be a huge effect but studies have shown folate deficiency is associated with a variety of infections). I don't plan on getting preggo anytime soon, but it is not a bad idea for any woman. I also eat tums - mostly b/c I like the taste/texture (is that weird?) but you just have to watch that you're not overdoing it on these vitamins. (ie too much calcium can cause kidney stones, unlikely but possible if you eat tums like candy haha). I don't know if there is much evidence that branding really makes a difference in efficacy, but the type of pill I'm sure matters.

    Although I don't take it myself - I know there's a good amount of research that echinacea can boost your immune response too, it's hard to tell how much of an effect it actually has, but it does seem to make people more resistant to viral infections etc. If anyone knows a good brand of this - I would be interested, I know it does make a difference which part of the plant is used...

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IrishgirlinNY View Post
    I was thinking of walking down to my parents wedding song, Annie's Song by John Denver. I originally was going to have them dance to the song at our reception, but my mom passed away this past August. I still want the song to be played and thought it would be perfect to walk down the aisle to.
    That is so thoughtful - I think it's a great idea, there won't be a dry eye for sure...that is so sad to hear about your mom. I got teary eyed just hearing that sad.gif
  11. I agree with the others - it is just a bonus for us as well, I picked our resort because of our TA's recommendations, reviews and the locations for the wedding. It is really well set up for doing weddings, and I like that - HOWEVER, as far as I have heard you won't be getting a beach reception at our resort (Melia Las dunas or Melia csm) - so that might be something to take into consideration. You could also send an email to the wedding coordinators at the resorts you've been thinking about - that way you can ask specific questions (ie what are the options for the reception locations, wedding costs etc) - just an idea. I think that each resort has pros and cons you just have to decide what type of vibe you want (ie is being close to the city important to you? if so, you prob don't want Melia Las Dunas or Cayo Santa Maria...)


    Good luck deciding :)

  12. Hey Ladies - glad to see so many of us on here, I would just like to remind everyone to try to copy the NEWEST list.


    Oct 2009

    LIW - October 28, 2009 - Melia Las Dunas


    Nov 2009

    itsfinallyhere - November 16th, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero

    Blooroze (Beth) - November 25, 2009 - Iberostar Varadero


    Dec 2009

    ltoxopeu (Lori & Don) - December 3rd 2009 - Playa Pesquero, Holguin

    Niclec - December 16/09 - Melia Las Dunas Santa Maria Cuba


    Jan 2010

    Melissa & Kent - January 5, 2010- Playa Pesquero

    Kat & Daryl - January 17, 2010 - Tryp Peninsula

    Amelie & Chad - January 20, 2010 - Breezes Bella Costa

    C & I - January 22, 2010 - Playa Pesquero

    K & G - January 26, 2010 - Iberostar Daiquiri


    Feb 2010

    Kevin and Dwana Feb 03, 2010 Bella Costa Varadero

    Tracy and Colin Feb 03, 2010 Iberostar Laguna Azul, Varadero

    Mark and Lolita Feb 12 2010 Iberostar Laguna Azul, Varadero

    Lori and Travis-February 14th, 2010-Barcelo Marina Palace

    Erin and Grant-February 16, 2010-Melia Las Dunas

    Erin and Francis-February 18, 2010-Melia Las Dunas


    March 2010

    Jenna & Derek - March 1, 2010 - Barcelo Marina Palace

    Lillian & Mike - March 4 2010 - Blau Varadero

    Jennifer & Kris- March 17, 2010- Iberostar Laguna Azul

    jackobelle - March 17th 2010 - Blau Varadero

    Michelle and Jason- March 17th- Location to be confirmed soon!!


    April 2010

    Lana&Craig- April 28th, 2010- Iberostar Varadero

    Krista & David - April 2 - Melia Varadero

    Siobhan & Robin - April 27 - Iberostar Laguna Azul

    Bethany & Jon - April 14 - Playa Costa Verde

    Jenny & Casey - April 15 - Barcelo Marina Palace

    Julie & Justin - April 20 - Brisas Guardalavaca

    Eric & Sylvie - April 27 - Melia Las Dunas

    Stacey & Ron (staceyg) - April 27 - Iberostar Varadero

    Melidell- April 28th - Melia Las Dunas


    May 2010

    Anandie & Peter (Mrsaiello2b) - May 3, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas

    Krista & Josh (K'osh) - May 4, 2010 - Playa Pesquero

    Amanda & Adam - May 4, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Cayo Santa Maria

    Lisa & Paul - May 5, 2010 - Iberostar Laguna Azul

    Grace and Adrian - May 6th, 2010 - Iberostar Laguna Azul

    Mandi & Mark - May 11th, 2010- Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara, Cuba

    Jill & Alex (JTAlberta) - May 19, 2010 - Playa Persquero

    Chantelle & George - May 18, 2010 - Melia Varadero or Iberostar Laguna Azul


    June 2010

    Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara


    July 2010

    truelove4life (Rhea & Curtis) - July 2010 - exact day and resort is yet to be determined

    Sarah&Shaun - 12th July 2010 - Iberostar Varadero


    Oct 2010

    Crystalballl - October 20, 2010 - Playa Pesquero, Holguin


    December 2010

    Krishna69z - December 1, 2010 - Iberostar Laguna Azul


    April 2011

    Janet and Larry(JNL)- Unknown


    Please update if I missed anyone - I was trying to update it :)

  13. I haven't received my books yet but I decided to go with Shutterfly, the program is on their website and the prices are pretty competitive - unfortunately I haven't gotten them back yet (it's been about 2 wks). You could with somewhere local if you were worried about the shipping. There are tons of websites that make photo books, I was going to use Mac (ie Apple) but I read quite a few reviews that people had problems with the picture quality...Good luck deciding, just as an FYI you should probably get to work on it soon (it only takes a couple hours, or more if you want it to) so you can get it before your wedding. Good luck deciding!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BostonBride2010 View Post
    The guys are wearing these gray (tiny pinstripe) suits from JCrew (of course!), black ties, and white converse sneakers!
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Nice!! I was thinking about getting my FI to wear a grey suit...but I know the other guys aren't going to want to wear a full suit in the Cuban sun in June, I was thinking of maybe just a dress shirt (white), and grey pants with a black belt...I can't decide between grey and tan, they both look good with green. I am loving that J Crew suit. Did you FI try it on yet?
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