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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. Ugh, I have to revive this thread. My FI's friends are back to bringing up the bachelor party in Vegas idea. I think it's not such a great idea, my FI doesn't even want to go (well he's torn, I think he does but could go without it). One of his friends is pushing him to do it and has essentially already planned it and told him he has to go...Ok, that's fine, but I saw the itinerary and his friend has Strip clubs planned as nightly entertainment like 3/4 nights....SERIOUSLY?? Ugh, I know it's cause this guy is a virgin and that's the closest to action he gets (he's religious seems like an oxymoron I know...), but i am not really comfortable with them going that much...I guess I shouldn't really care if they go once of 3 times in a weekend, I haven't talked to my FI about it yet b/c I "accidentally" looked at the email...I don't know what to do, I wish they just wouldn't go...why does this make me feel so uncomfortable? I think it would be different if all of his friends weren't so ridiculous/immature...this sucks!!

  2. The spoilers were right...ugh, well as much as I am not a huge fan of her (and think she has about 5 brain cells) if she makes him happy then whatever, I guess good for them - I think this show is so fake anyway, I predict they never end up getting married but you never know. Tenley is just too much to take - she's thanking him for "letting her fall in love" and for the experience, how can she be sooo forgiving and nice about it? I mean good on her, but I feel like she must not have had that strong of feelings if she can let him go so easily...But who knows, maybe she was just trying to bow out gracefully, I just feel like she's fake somehow. Still, I'm surprised they picked Ali over her for the next bachelorette..

  3. I have never tanned before in a tanning bed...I am wondering what you ladies do, do you wear sunscreen on your face (like a lotion with SPF in it) when you go in?

    Also, do guys usually strip down or do they wear underwear lol? My FI wants to go with me and he doesn't know how it works either lol (I don't like the thought of stepping into one right after a guy's junk was laying directly on it eewww...)

    I thought a month before would be ok...What do you guys think? Should we start earlier?

  4. I agree with what the other ladies have said, I am working on my MD and my FI will have his when we get married, I think it's sort of pretentious to introduce yourself as "Dr". I think it would sound even more ridiculous to be Dr. and Dr....lol


    Ultimately it's up to you though, so as long as you and your FI are happy with whatever you decide then that's all that really matters.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by michelle10 View Post
    Thanks so much for the photos! I'm interested in knowing how you are going to get them to the DW as well.
    I am going to put mine at the bottom of my dress bag most likely, they are pretty flexible and will be ok if they get a tiny bit squished, I think some ppl put them in suitcases as well.
  6. I tried to email the WC too, no response....maybe she's using a different address? On the plus side I have been stalking tripadvisor daily and the last bunch of reviews have been awesome (generally most are great but for a little while I was getting worried cause there was a bunch of negative ones - I think there was either food poisoning or a nasty virus going aorund).

  7. I honestly was shocked to see we have 3.5 months left, for me it's crazy how fast time is going. I still have some stuff to do - I have about 4-5 people who still haven't booked yet but I will be happy at this point if even if no one else books. I need to order my mugs pretty soon, I think I will just get a couple of extra just in case they end up coming. I am starting to pick up my workout routine a bit, my FI and I are going to do the 90 day P90x challenge. I am not really going to stress about my diet, I figure I eat pretty healthy already and if I work out 6X/week then I will probably get a bit more toned which would be sweet.


    Have any of you gone for your dress fitting? I'm not sure when I should go - my dress is a bit big now but if I start working out more it's probably going to be even bigger on me...What if I shrink after it's been fitted??

  8. Hey ladies, ok I'm going to shut up and back off - at first I felt like I had to go over all the time and try to talk to her about it but I have since started to give her some space. I'm glad he's (her husband) moved out of our place (living with another friend for now), it was driving me crazy - in front of my FI he acts like normal (like fun/joking) I think he must be hurting too - but it's sure hard to tell.


    I will just wait and see - we need to order the groomsmen clothing soon, but I guess we won't ask her hubby about it yet. She already has her dress. It would actually be so fun if she came without him and let him take care of the kids for a week while she just relaxes...But I will let them decide. Thanks for the advice. I just want to help her to see that she's a beautiful woman with so many great qualities and if he's not going to appreciate her he doesn't deserve her....maybe he will do a 180 and realize everything he will be giving up.

  9. Hi Ladies,


    I just need to vent a little about the terrible situation my MOH is currently going through...A little background, her and her hubby (my FI's good friend) have been married and have 2 kids (one is almost 3 the other is 12 WEEKs old). Things have not always been the greatest between them - mostly because he can be a selfish pr*ck a lot of the time, and he has even told her before that he is not sure if he still loves her (that was a year ago before they got pregnant for the second time). She has sort of shrugged it off when he has said these things (she tells me, seemed sort of like she didn't really believe it or maybe thought he was just in a bad mood..). Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and he came home from a trip and told her that he wanted to move out and he's seriously considering divorce...SO - he ends up crashing at my house for a couple nights (he guilted my FI into it), he would go there during the day and then leave after the kids were in bed...


    Now they have been going to counseling a bit but it's not really fair - he is blaming everything on her, when all she has done is be supportive of him while he has gone through med school....I think this is also because he has started having contact with an ex and feels like the passion is gone (HELLO she had a baby 12 wks ago and you just left her what do you expect!). Anyway, I'm just so sad and I don't know what to do...she still wants to make it work but I don't think he does....She feels like sh*t, but she's willing to put up with him and take all of his crap (I think even if he cheated on her, which he almost has) just so the kids will have their dad (which I don't think is right either)....I just don't know what to say to her, I think she needs to move on and figure out how she can survive without him, it's not fair to her that he's doing this but if he's not willing to at least try to make her happy then they shouldn't be together, even though they have kids....


    AHHH - I just wish he could have waited to tell her this, is it really the best timing when your wife has a 3 month old and a 2 yr old to tell her you're just not in love with her anymore and you don't like the person she's become?


    Now, I don't know if either of them are coming to Cuba - I haven't brought it up to them, it will be so awkward if they are both there - trying to put on a happy face for us, I think it would probably be better if they stay home, but it breaks my heart!!


    What do you ladies think, should I tell them I think that they should stay home? I might be able to get someone else to take their spots so they wouldn't lose money. Also - do you think she's better off on her own, if it was you could you stay with a man who basically told you he doesn't love you anymore and has been emotionally unfaithful??


    Sorry this is so long...this is so awful, i wish I could just turn back time...

  10. Hey ladies,

    Meli - are you bringing your own ipod dock? I have one, it's not super loud but it might suffice, hope that there is somewhere to plug it in in the pool snack bar.

    I am debating renting the conference room, I am leaning towards no - mainly b/c I don't think enough ppl are going to want to dance super late, I have a big mixture of older/younger people - so at most we might have 15 or so younger people who want to stay there late, I just think it would be kind of silly to have a huge conference room (undecortated) so that 15 of us could hang out there....I think we will try to go to the lobby bar/disco. I have heard you can bring CDs that they will play for you at dinner, I like the idea of an ipod though...let us know how it works for you Meli! Maybe the DJ will play my CDs :)


    PS - someone on the facebook group sent an email for Marie Elena (the WC), I haven't heard a response yet, let me know if you guys want it.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
    I went to a wedding this weekend -- and I defiantely blew my diet. It made me sad...but back to the gym tomorrow!!! :) And diet started again today!! lol
    You're allowed to have a cheat day here and there, no worries - just stick with it. I know what you mean, I'm not really strict with my eating, but I feel so bad when I pig out on junk (ie my birthday was this weekend - cake, candy, lots of alcohol lol). I won't be doing that too often before the wedding though...so that's ok. :)
  12. Hey Roxy!! I have a Paloma dress too, I bought one too - mine is so simple, but I think it really fits and flatters me well. I don't have any good pictures on my computer, mine is in the dress shop now, I'm waiting to get it altered - can't wait to see it when it fits me perfectly. The Mikaella line makes almost the identical dress to the Paloma one I purchased (Style 3906). I will try to post a link to the post I put of me in my dress on the "Show us your wedding dress" thread....


    Oh - question, what are you doing for jewelery? I can't decide what to wear...I have a very sparkly necklace but I am unsure if it's me...I picked it because I wanted some more "wow" factor (my dress has no beading, and a deep sweetheart)...i can't decide!!

  13. You should check out the Melia/Paradisius/Sol resorts, they often have wedding packages which are free if you have a certain number of people. For instance, at the resort I chose (which isn't in Varadero) if you have more than 17 guests your wedding and reception are free. You get a private dinner at set location. It depends on the resort, I would talk to some TAs who are familiar with destination weddings in Cuba and look around on various resorts' websites.

    Here is one for the Melia etc resorts (you have to look for the Free Wedding package, it does include your dinner).


    Good Luck!


    Wedding package - Wedding and Honeymoon programs in Sol Melia Cuba hotels & resorts

  14. I am going to the legal wedding, it is quite easy if you've never been married before - the only downside is that you may have to get your marriage certificate translated, but other than that it is legit and quite easy. Also, it takes up to 6 months for you to receive the official marriage certificate, so it can take awhile to change your name. Do you know how much it costs to legally marry in Canada (I'm just curious)?

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
    I have never heard of p90x - I just googled it, but the guy looks pretty intense! lol...what is it exactly?

    Wow!! Kudos to you all for going to the gym 5-6(or 7) times per week!! BAHH!! I've been working out at home and doing stairs in my building every day this week -- but I have not been pushing the hard cardio on the treadmill or eliptical.
    Do you think it'll still be okay? How often should I start going? 6 days/week seems SOO overwhelming right now!! ahh lol

    Hey there - p90x is basically a total body workout plan, that is very dynamic and is basically designed to keep "tricking" your muscles so they keep responding (ie getting stronger). If you do the same workout all the time you eventually plateau and won't really improve, I like it because it's something different. Another option for you would be to incorporate something like a yoga class 1-2X week if you find the idea of a gym overwhelming (just to mix it up and keep you motivated). How often are you working out at home?

    PS - I won't look like that guy after I'm done hehe.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
    But I've started my bikini beach diet -- lol....I'm tiny (short and small), so it's not so much of a weight loss diet but definitley toning.

    If anyone else wants to start a support group on that -- I'd love it! lol
    Hey there - I am also getting into the work out mode. I am not trying to lose weight, I am also just wanting to be more toned. I always exercise but I'm going to try to do 5-6 days a week (maybe even 7). I have the P90x dvds and I'm thinking of starting the 90 day challenge (basically it's 7 workouts/week, 1-2 hours/day - it's pretty intense). I'm going to have to get on a better schedule though cause I'm already super busy! I'm also going to try to cut out most junk food, I eat pretty well already but I'm sure I could do a tiny bit better :). What are your plans?
  17. Hey there,

    I sort of know how you feel. Our friends (who I don't really know, my FI was close to the guy but neither of us really know his FI) asked if they could join our wedding weeks together, so that they could attend ours and we could go to theirs (since we were both doing DWs). We compromised, they are doing theirs the weeks after ours now (works for us since we don't have any other friends/relatives in common), at the same resort (I picked it, hope they like it lol). So far I haven't ran into too many problems except that the girl wasn't too excited about having it in June, we can't do it any other time unfortunately.


    I think it could work doing it the same week as your cousin, but I agree with the others that it will be a little weird in some ways for guests (like do you plan to have completely different guest lists, will people who don't know you expect to go to yours since everyone else is going?). Will people have the exact same experience at both of your weddings, if so are you ok with that?


    Also, it is kind of tough to decide on a resort you're both happy with, and a date...But if you can work together I think it would be ok - just a few logistical issues. I know of people who have done it, and I think it's a practical thing to do. Good luck deciding, let us know how it works out :).


  18. This is kind of funny, reading these has made me realize that I am more traditional (in some ways) than I thought. I haven't been to that many weddings before, so I don't really know the drill all that well.


    Here are some of the things I want to do that are not so traditional:

    - May sleep in the same room the night before, then go our separate ways (I like the suspense of not seeing him, but hopefully the 6 hours leading up to it will be enough)

    - Short, non-religious ceremony. No sand ceremony etc (maybe our own vows to each other)

    - No traditional place settings, I assume people will be able to work it out for themselves

    - Ipod/CDs for the reception music

    - Wedding dress is off-white, very simple (no beading, tight fitting)

    - No formal rehearsal dinner (may just plan to meet at the buffet)

    - Do my own make up

    - No wedding programs

    - Gifts for parents will be photobooks after the fact


    **I do want my dad to walk me down the aisle, mainly because I know it means a lot to him, and it will be a bonding moment for us (not that we aren't close)

    **I am changing my name, I have mixed feelings on this, but for me it comes down to feeling like we are starting our own family. I want to have the same last name as my kids, and our names are way to long to hyphenate.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
    I've been worried about the same thing, honestly. I have 26 people so far including us but that's not really a lot. I really hope we get it. I think I may check with the wedding co-coordinator at the resort a bit closer to the time (once we have the final head count) and see if she can let me know how it's looking. I wonder if they'll do that or if you just have to wait and see.
    Hey Meli, do you have the email of the wedding coordinator? I only have Melissa's contact...Thanks!
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