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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. That sucks Karen, I just found out our flight times (also with Air Canada Vacations) includes a layover from 12 am to 8 am in Toronto. Our TA found a deal with Sandman for $99/room I believe...and we can leave later that day for no extra charge. I am going to recommend people do this, just in case they can't check their bags etc at 12-12:30 am...I wonder what time all that stuff shuts down. It sucks that we can't get a direct flight, but I'm very glad its on the way home, I'm staying an extra week so I won't have to deal with grumpy ppl haha - just my FI/DH lol. The only good thing about ACV is that they allow 2 checked bags, which is pretty sweet. I am still hoping that miraculously they will change our flight times so we don't have an 8 hour layover...but unlikely I'm sure.

  2. Hey Ladies,

    I like this idea! Honestly when I started planning I was thinking that Cuba would be down on my list - but after researching and being so frustrated with high prices in other countries I decided to look into Cuba (after talking to TAs and friends). I think Cuba gets a bad rep sometimes, although I'm not sure why! I have never been but I have only ever heard great things from ppl who have been there.

    I am trying not to have unrealistic expectations of what to expect, but I'm sure it will be fun and beautiful (I have only ever been to Mexico which was very fun as well). I chose the same place as Melidell - for similar reasons. It is relatively new, and looks beautiful and is well known for weddings. The only down side is that there is no night life off resort, which is ok with me, there are still lots of excursions and things to do in the area. I am excited to experience a new country too.


    PS - Itsfinallyhere - let's see some pics!!

  3. Well in the end it's your decision and if you want to keep it really small I can understand that - as you mentioned we all have different ideas/expectations that others may not share and that is fine. It might be hard to tell those people who are coming and have already planned on bringing someone...maybe you could prevent it by stating it somewhere on your webpage. It's hard to put it gently - maybe something to the effect of wanting to keep this an intimate group, please do not invite extra guests (on the page where they RSVP)...Something a little more delicate than that could help solve your problem...

  4. I guess I understand that it is a cost issue...but for me I WANT all the single people to bring a +1 if they don't have a ton of friends coming. I just really care that my guests have a good time, it is a vacation for them - they are paying a lot of money to be there with us...I understand the situation (ie offending your extended family), but if you invite someone who is really close to you, I think they should be able to bring a plus one. If you're not that close to your extended family, how would they even know you didn't know the +1s anyway?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    I have this issue too!! My sister in law is due next week, one of my BEST FRIENDS planned the whole trip and found out she was pregnant and due 2 days before my wedding. It's so hard being happy for people when you're disappointed in the circumstance.

    Also, one of my bridesmaid's husbands is constantly telling her he's going to get her pregnant and I hate to have to be weary of this!!!
    LOL like she doesn't have a sayhuh.gif :P

    I know what you mean - in some ways I regret picking my MOH because she has 2 kids (well one will be popping out either today or tomorrow, she's 41+ weeks preggo!). She planned it around our wedding hehe - the only problem is she is planning on bringing her kids...but her husband is one of my FI's groomsmen...I just dont know how its all going to work. She might bring her mom to help out! I sort of think she should leave the kids for the week with her parents...they would be so much more stress free...but I understand this is not easy to do. I just wish she was more available sometimes - she is so busy that I can't see her planning my bachelorette etc.

    PS - Kittenheart, that sucks about your family. Are they boycotting it, or not going for other reasons? Besides that it will look a little weird, is it bothering you that they won't be there?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chelymo View Post
    My wedding theme is a damask print I saw these dresses back in July for $198 each and didn't want to spend that kind of money since I am buying them for our 3 daughters who will be our bridesmaids. I was lucky enough to find them while on vacation at an outlet Mall for $29.99 in Sept. These are from White House Black Market. The girls will each carry a teal parasol and I am making them some cute flip flops.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Awesome deal!! I love those :)

    On another note, for those of you who are using J Crew they have a sale on currently, it is 20% AND free shipping! :)
  7. You guys actually take HCG hormones? That's really interesting - doesn't it make you nauseous?? (It is the cause of morning sickness in pregnancy). Also - can you guys by diuretics (ie prescription strength - like say a thiazide diuretic?). These are not available in Canada without a prescription, though I'm sure ppl get them online. Although it sounds tempting, I would really stay away from these - they have a lot of potentially negative side effects ranging from mild ones (like dizziness or low blood pressure) to more serious ones (like kidney stones, or electrolyte imbalances). I am not sure about dandellion root but it's probably got a mild effect at best so its most likely safe. The problem with using things like these "water pills" is that you are only losing water weight - and they can actually make you extremely dehydrated (unlikely if you are taking small amounts but still). In case you guys are wondering I am a medical student - so I just worry when I hear about these sorts of things (also I just finished learning about the kidney lol).


    I think its great that ppl want to get into shape and that the wedding is motivation, but I really hope that it does not become an obsession so much that you start to associate your success/self worth only with weight loss...I think its a fine balance. I guess what I am trying to say is - set realistic goals (like the OP said - she reassessed what she could realistically achieved and is satisfied with the outcome, I think that's the way to do it!).


    As for losing weight around the Abs - I don't think there is any magical solution, but if you don't do much cardio I would definitely suggest it (you could start with something low impact like the elliptical) - and also add in some strength training, and ab exercises. If you enjoy dancing - you could take a Zumba class, or yoga etc etc. Whatever you can do to increase your calorie burn and target those core muscles SHOULD help you lose weight. Sometimes I think your body gets used to the same old exercises, so its good to switch it up once in awhile, you may see some results!


    Good luck everyone.

  8. You look great vday bride!! I totally know how you feel, I was freaking b/c according to the manufacturer's measurements my dress was supposed to be too small (even though it was the size the bridal shop recommended), I was having a panic attack! Feels so much better knowing it fits and you still love it right??


    PS - What are honey buns?? THey sound cute - I don't think we get them in Canada...maybe its better, I don't think we get twinkies either...I could be wrong though :P



  9. This is so great - thanks ladies for all the great ideas. I have been compiling my fav songs for a long time, I am such a dork - I get emotional listening to these all the time.


    Some of my fav love songs (besides a bunch that others have mentioned)

    Old 97s - Question

    Joshua Radin - I'd Rather be with you

    Qiuetdrive - Time after Time (Cover of Cindy L)

    Sam Roberts - Uprising Down Under

    Beach Boys - God Only Knows

    Plain White Ts -

    Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I am

    Sarah Harmer - Open Window


    There are lots of other songs I love, that's all I can think of for now :). Keep the ideas coming - its fun to listen to new (to me) songs!

  10. Have you also looked at JCrew's bridal selection - they are more fun/casual, but most I would say are pretty flowy/do not form to the body (depends on what styles you like), they might have some that you could work with! I don't know where you can find them to try on, I think you might have to order it - but they are quite reasonably priced. Good luck cheesy.gif.


    PS - Have you tried on any Nicole Miller dresses, some of those are really gorgeous!

  11. Hey there, not sure if you will like this designer - but your description sounds a lot like the style of the designer who makes my dress - Paloma Blanca (not, not all of the dresses are simple, lots have accents etc) but I think they are quite flattering on. Most are in the 1500-2000 range. You should check them out - they are based out of Toronto so I'm sure lots of stores carry their line(s). I think Maggie Sottero makes some beautiful dresses, most have lots of detail, but they don't ALL - you should just look at tons of styles. I think you need to try on a bunch, and then you will know what is the most flattering on you :)


    Good luck, let us know how it goes!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by *Heather* View Post
    My hugest stresses were getting people to RSVP and book (again, we had a number of people saying "we'll be there" but I never really believed it until they booked). Even so, a number of people booked on their own and were doing different travel dates so it was tough for me to organize the one group activity I wanted to do (sunset cruise) because I didn't know who was there on what day. It ended up working out but we paid for like 10 extra people on the sunset cruise than we needed to (no-shows). Oh well.

    The RSVP situation also made it really hard to budget since we had no idea what our final number would come in at, and everything is pretty much based on a per-person cost. I just picked my best guest and used that and hoped it wouldn't be more.

    I totally agree with this, I really want to order travel mugs ASAP but I feel like i should wait b/c I have no idea how many people we will have in the end.

    My last stress was my irrational fear of people not having a good time. I just really wanted to make sure that everyone would feel that the trip was worth it and that they didn't spend all that money to go to Cabo for nothing! It was a dumb fear though. Our guests are all amazing and super fun and that made the week one of the best weeks for everyone who went I think. People are still talking about it now and everyone wants to go back to Dreams again next year!
    That's awesome, I hope our guests have a great time too! Congrats on your wedding - it looked amazing!
  13. Totally agree with you ladies who are stressed about people booking, half of our wedding party has yet to book...It is crappy, I don't trust that people who agreed to be standing with us will even be there. I have several friends who want to come, but they are anxious about booking before they know how many other people that they know will be there. I understand b/c most of them are single, and I wouldn't want to go if I didn't have a few friends for sure going...There are about 19 confirmed guests, and about 20+ 'probably', I don't like trying to convince ppl they should come. Also, a few of our close friends won't be able to make it - which is totally understandable since they all have other commitments that week, but I am still sad they won't be there. I really want everyone to have a great week - so I'm stressed that my guests won't like the resort I picked too...I really hope we all have a great time!

  14. ahhh, so many good ones...I cannot decide....I am thinking, maybe Coldplay - Fix You...but I am going to ball if I use that one :P. I just like that is sort of a modern take on the traditional wedding-type music, but...I can't decide! I also really like James Blunt - beautiful, and Joshua Radin - I'd rather be with you. Gah! So tough...wink.gif

    Loving the ideas though - keep them coming!

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