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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. Hey ladies - oh pull ups - they will be the death of me. They are still really tough for me and I can't do a proper one either with the bars we have at home - at the gym I can do the close grip one but I think it's all in my arms. One thing that helps me is if my FI helps me a little. I do it with one foot on my couch, they still make me out of breath so I figure I'm still burning calories - but like you ladies I wish I could do them like my FI...but I don't really want his huge back muscles lol..

  2. Core is not that bad - it could be worse, I have to do Chest, back and Ab ripper sad.gif. Only a few weeks until I hit the beach though so I'm feeling motivated!


    You can DO it FutureMrsRobert - once you start it it's not so bad - it's finding the motivation to start that is the tough part (at least that's what I find).

  3. Yay, I'm glad I found this group - I'm 8 wks into this program, it's been really tough to balance this - I've never worked out as much as I am right now, and I'm studying for a big exam and trying to do wedding stuff...ugh!

    I am doing the classic, I missed some workouts during my last exam period. I have been pretty consistent lately. I'm not really trying to lose weight, just tone and lose a little fat around the butt/thighs. I think it's working, I definitely think I would be SUPER ripped if I did the diet as well - I agree that this is the best way to get huge results. I just can't devote any more of my life to this stuff right now, and I like to have some womanly curves. I agree that this program does not bulk you up, even for guys (my FI and brother are doing it too) - they have only really been getting more lean/toned - not huge.

    I agree Yoga, is TOUGH - I am getting better. I really think you just have to push yourself to go the extra mile and work at improving every time. I always feel such a sense of accomplishment after I finish doing a really tough work out, but sometimes it's so tough to get motivated!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by purpleshells View Post
    k....week 4 of tanning beds 3 x/week still not very much color..mostly freckles in the face....the body has A SLIGHHHHHHHHHT tone difference..but for 4 weeks...really not impressed!

    Do some people just not tan in tanning beds? With the sun I tan, not a lot but def. darker than this...much faster results with the sun.....

    whats up with my skin?
    Hi there,
    I think it probably has to do with how long you are actually going for - if you aren't burning you can continue to increase the amount of time you go in for (slowly). I am finding the progress to be slow but there is a definite difference (after about 2 wks) - people are starting to notice. I don't ever get very tanned (I usually wear lots of sunscreen...) so maybe my expectations are lower...You should be seeing a difference though, maybe see if you can go for longer amounts of time. Good luck!
  5. I wish I was going to be there the same time as you ladies, it would have been nice to have a steamer :).


    You're going to be there soooo soon! I'm excited for you, I can't believe I only have 40 days left! I feel like time is going pretty fast now.


    Question for you Meli, I think I remember reading that you ordered mugs from discount mugs - I ordered mine a couple of weeks ago - I haven't heard anything from them (ie about the art or anything...), how long did they take to ship them and were you happy with them?

  6. I was thinking about this too...I think I would be more stressed if we don't spend the night together the night before the wedding - like others have said, it's all about what the 2 of you want. My would probably rather not be forced out of our room, and I can kick him out in the morning and have my girls/mom come over, go to breakie with them then start getting ready :). Yay - I'm getting excited thinking about it cheesy.gif

  7. I am a little irregular right now, but when you're starting they told me most people go 2 days on and 1 day off, and I'm only at about 7 mins. I've gone 4 times, starting to see a change but nothing too crazy. I think if you go 3-4X/week you should be good (maybe even less near the end, like 2X/week)

  8. I have moments of stress about the wedding too, especially since we just sort of show up without a lot of formal bookings - and because my mom and others keep asking me about the details and I have to keep explaining that we won't know everything until we get there, they don't seem to understand lol.


    When I talked to my FI when I was stressing out - basically he told me - stop trying to make everything perfect, it's not going to be - and just go with the flow. I mean that was the whole point of doing this for us (a DW) to be less stressful, and I think it has been for the most part. I just have to stop worrying about other people and just go with the flow a bit more. DW (especially at this resort) are definitely hard when you are a planner like I am!

  9. Yay Mel - your day is coming SO quick!! I'm sure you'll have a blast no matter what, if worst comes to worst I figure I could have an a la carte and then rent that conference room if I can't get the snack bar for some reason. I'm excited for your review and to see how all your wedding details come together :), are you incorporating your own vows into the ceremony?

  10. Hey ladies,

    Thought I would try to revive this thread - how is everyone's planning going? Anyone care to share a review or helpful tips if you've already had your wedding?

    I still haven't been able to contact the WC, I'm hoping that we get the pool side snack bar for our reception...I'm getting pretty excited, hope that the weather cooperates for us while we're there :).

    Hope to hear from the rest of you brides out there...

  11. Jackobelle, that sucks! I'm sorry you had to go through all the stress a couple of minutes before your wedding, hindsight is 20/20 - so knowing this info now and the reasons why the resort did this don't really help you feel any better. I'm glad you have some great photos and I hope you had a great time regardless. Cheers -Stephanie

  12. Hey ladies, I can't believe how quickly this is all happening - it seems like it was only a little while ago that I was getting excited that our wedding was less than 1 year away - and now here we are just a little over 50 days away! I feel like I have most of the major stuff handled - and I'm pretty sure we've got our final guest list now. I still have to get my dress fitted, but I think I will try to wait a little longer bc I have been trying to work out lots so I want to make sure I'm not going to change too much before the big day. I've also just started tanning :). We also have to write vows and finalize music choices but I'm not worrying about that until it gets a bit closer.


    Hope everyone's planning is going well!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by carolina24 View Post
    trust me babe, it doesnt get any better as your date gets closer...i've finally just let go of trying to get him involved, i make decisions and then show him whats happening or what ive chosen and (fingers crossed) he likes it. it's not that they don't care, they just think differently. all he cares about is that you are going to be his wife...not the flowers, cake, colors, etc. thats what you have us for wink.gif!!
    Totally feel you guys here - I mean I'm not going crazy with how much stuff I'm doing for the wedding but my FI has not had too much input. I told him our colors and he has no idea what the flowers look like - I did the invitations (with help from my friends) and designed the travel mugs. Whenever I ask for input he just says - whatever you like, he really doesn't get the whole wedding planning business. He said he would have been happy to just elope, but it's not what I wanted. I think he's happy with everything, he did pick out his own clothes (with my help lol)...The only other thing I really want him to do is write vows - and I would like them to be a surprise...but we'll see how that goes! Glad I am not the only one!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
    thanks Di! FI and I are getting through things a lot better now than we were a few weeks ago when it all happened, and you're right that he's most definitely learned his lesson. The issue I have right now is all the other guys that were there (every single one is a mutual friend and in committed relationships!) and it'll just be a matter of time to be able to forgive them again. I think one of the parts that bugs me the most is one of the guys still hasn't bothered talking to me or even tried to apologize for (accidentally?!?!) hurting my feelings - and he's in our wedding party!!!!! Basically FI is the one who's had all the contact with him and I hate to admit that I'm stubborn enough not to bother talking to this guy unless he comes to me first. And that includes going right up to and through the wedding. It should be interesting since his wife and I are friends and I talked to her about all this and we agreed to keep my issues with her husband separate from our friendship as much as possible.

    Stupid, stupid actions with difficult consequences. I just don't need them!
    I understand what you're going through - and I totally get why you are upset. My FI's bachelor party is this weekend in Vegas...I am a bit apprehensive, even though I know he's more excited about the casinos and shopping/nice weather than the Strippers of clubs - it's still hard to deal with when you're not there and you don't know everything that's going on. His friends almost like to bug me about getting a lap dance, I feel like if I tell them I really don't want him to have one it won't make any difference and will just make me look like an idiot. I am sure lap dances are sexy and all that (hopefully she's not very attractive lol), but really - I know I'm sexy and the one that he wants forever. I am sure it'll be a little tough to hear about, but like you I would rather know everything that goes on.
    It's over now - you have told him where you stand, and now you can move on - just try to focus on your relationship and your upcoming wedding. I'm glad I'll have a little time to decompress before between his bachelor party and the wedding.
    The thing that gets me is that he always says he couldn't care less about whether or not I have a bachelorette party with a male stripper (which I DON"T want btw) - it's just not the same, why can't they be as jealous as we are lol??
  15. Echo - I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this, I definitely understand why you are upset. I am still a bit worried about this whole Bachelor party weekend - they are going next weekend. I have told him I really would rather him not get a lap dance, but I'm wondering if I should tell his friend who organized it...It makes me mad that they are all going to spend $1000 on this trip and most of them aren't even coming with us to Cuba...grrr.

    I would also be very hurt if they hired a stripper to come to the room, that's pretty sleezy of his friends. I'm glad you've been able to work through it, I think I'll have one more serious talk with my FI before he leaves. Ugh - boys, why do you put us through this! I'm going to the spa with a girlfriend that weekend, hopefully I can not be constantly thinking about this stuff...I'll be so happy when this is over.

  16. It depends a lot on what your needs are - as the other ladies have said several meals that are smaller is most often ideal. If you're exercising lots you may want to increase your protein intake, if you want to burn some fat quickly then higher protein + veggie (and lower levels of carbs - not NO carbs) is usually a good plan. But you need to make sure you eat enough, if you try to starve yourself then you may end up pigging out without meaning to. I typically have 3 larger meals and 2-3 snacks a day. But, if I'm not hungry - I might skip a snack, if you're working out in the am you might want to have a bigger breakfast.


    I think you just need to figure out your goals (ie weight loss, or maintenance) - that will also help guide you. Good luck :)

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KPEG View Post
    I started my tanning March 1, and after only 2 sessions I'm already tanned! My wedding is mid May. It's crazy, I have a feeling that I am going to end up wasting a lot of money since I paid for a month unlimited. Their beds are crazy powerful compared to what I've used before.
    Hi fellow Winnipeg-ger- wow that's crazy, do you tan easily?? I don't usually...I'm thinking of starting in April (leaving at the end of May), where do you go? I am thinking of TanFx cause there is one right by me...
  18. To me this is one tradition worth keeping - I like the surprise, since I'm usually so bad about surprises this is a big accomplishment for me! I hope he cries when he sees me! hehe

    I kind of wish his clothes would be a surprise too, but I have seen them all and had a big part in picking them out, I guess that's the way it goes though. I think it helps if you leave your dress at the store (if they offer that option) - way less temptation to show him! I've only seen it once myself since it came in, I'm most excited to see if after the final alterations are done :).

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tonir View Post
    Ugh even though I knew he was picking Vienna I still had to actually WATCH it to BELIEVE it. Not to be catty, but really? He kept saying how "sexy" she is, but I just DO NOT get it. Am I the only one? My fiance doesn't find her attractive either, but maybe it's just us?? I just cannot get over her eyes, horrible dye job, and fake voice. Wow okay yeah that was catty!
    I know what you mean, but if you ignore the above her body is pretty smokin', pretty sure he's into fake boobs. I found Tenley's voice pretty annoying too lol...

    I guess he wants someone who is going to open/honest, I guess she fits that bill, but I don't think their relationship has the legs to last, time shall tell. It's pretty unrealistic to expect good things with a start to the relationship like that, and a proposal after only a couple months (whilst dating many other girls lol)

    Do you think you guys would go for the televised wedding spectacle if they offered it to you? I don't think I could do it...it would be so rehearsed/cheesy...I dunno, maybe that's just me.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by wendyjd View Post
    I have no problem with bachelor parties. I personally think you should trust the person you are marrying enough to let them go and have fun. I do NOT want male strippers at any bachelorette parties, they are GROSS!!
    I do trust him, it's just my own insecurity and jealousy basically. I want one of my friends to plan one for me that I "have to go to" lol...I feel better getting it off my chest, he knows how I feel now, even if he's not happy about it (cause it makes him feel guilty - too bad!). He knows he has to call me/update me throughout the weekend, and I now have something to hold over his head if he complains about my spending lol.
  21. This is tough - he asked me today if I wanted to call this friend and tell him to call the whole thing off, he says I am making him feeling guilty and terrible and now he doesn't even want to go...I mean what does he expect, I'm going to be happy about it? He's told me time and time again I have nothing to worry about - and he has never done anything to make me not believe that...So why can't I just be ok and secure in that fact? I think for me I feel that it is unfair, there is a trip I turned down to Mexico with all my single friends cause I thought that we were trying to save money (and the fact he didn't really like the idea). Now he's just like - do whatever, I don't care - I know he doesn't really mean it though. He feels like me and his friend are both pulling him...but he feels like an ass telling his friend he doesn't want this bachelor party...

    I'm glad I told him how I feel, I think he's probably still going to go but he's going to have to make it up to me - I am going to Vegas one day (probably in a year or 2) with my friends too and there's nothing he can say about it.

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