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Posts posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Hi Thipsy and welcome to the forum!  And please, don't worry, we ALL felt like that lol!! 


    Your best bet is to a list of must haves vs would be nice or not important.  For example, do you need an amazing beach, a place that allows kids, a gazebo for the wedding, great food, etc.  From there you can REALLY narrow down your choices.  Sometimes its just easier to see it in black and white right in front of you.


    Have you seen a TA?  They can be helpful in terms of what $$ you're looking to spend. 


    You also want to research things about the resorts such as vendor rules ie are you allowed to bring a photog or are you restricted to pick from ones they offer, etc.  Those sorts of things could be make it or break it for you.


    Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions!  There's tons of info on here so take advantage of that search function!  Whatever obstacle you have, I'm sure someone has gone through it before too!!!

  2. I think it depends on the details.  Are your parents contributing to the wedding?  I don't know, I live by some important rules to keep drama out.  ie, DH and I pay for everything ourselves, this way we never feel like we "owe" anyone.  So our decisions are ours only. 


    I'm also pretty stubborn and like to set the standard.  I'd tell my parents that if that was make it or break it for them, well stay home.  I guess its more important than the actual wedding itself.  It sets the tone for the rest of your life too - tells them that you don't put up with crap and you won't let them affect your marriage.  But hey, not everyone is as bitchy as me and not everyone wants to risk their parents not coming to their wedding lol.  I guess I'm just unique.


    I hope it all works out, which it probably will!  People seem to say and do crazy things when a wedding is being planned.... I don't understand why.

  3. I just finished a few books that were recommended in this thread.


    The glass castle - good book!  It was one of those books that I just kept thinking "OMG are you kidding me?" while reading, but not in a bad way.  In a way that I just had to keep reading lol.  When I was done I felt compelled to tell someone about the book and what happened in it.  Unfortunately that person was my husband who really didn't care.  But at least I got it out of my system :)


    Diary for Nicholas - I needed a really fast easy read and this was the perfect book for that.  Kept my interest and I finished it in 2 days.


    The next one I'll start this week is the Girl with the dragon tattoo, since all you ladies rave about it!



    Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post


    Hi ladies, I'm after some advise.

    Photographers- who are you using and what coverage time are you having? I'm really not sure how long they are needed for can you help?huh.gif?


    Also does anybody know the dimensions for the sheer for the gazebo near pier? As i'm thinking of taking my own, to get the right colour and save money, Is anyone else doing this?


    Thanks ladies msnwink.gif




    I remember talking about the sheers a long time ago - don't forget to check what they charge you to put them up.  I can't remember what it was but it may affect your decision.


    Originally Posted by skadow View Post


    I am getting married at a different resort in the area. My Photographer is Del Sol. I know they have covered events at this hotel serval times. If you want to see hundreds of their photos of Azul Check out their wiki




    I booked them for 5 hours





    Del Sol can't work on Azul properties sad.gif



    I used Moments that Matter photography (forum members).  I did a review on them and highly recommend them.  I had them for the day and 3 hours for a TTD the following day.




    Originally Posted by nv+gms View Post


    Any B2B or new Brides experience the atmosphere of the "teen club" converted into night/dance club with DJ for adults after 11pm?




    We went a few times.  The first time it was just DH, me and my brother.  It was lame lol.  But I think we just weren't in party mode.  We went the night of the wedding with our group and we had a blast.  So I think the atmosphere is all what you make it.  If you bring a bunch of your friends, how can you not have fun?  But if you're looking for a happening party to join, go elsewhere lol.  The nightlife isn't ideal for young couples looking to party, but hey, its all what you make it :).  Don't worry, you'll have fun no matter what.

  6. I didn't do a private reception, and to fix the first dance problem, I did it at the ceremony site after the wedding since the sound equipment was all there.


    I lucked out because I had such a small group and our hotel gave us our own little room in a restaurant so that solved the speeches problem, but otherwise I was just going to wing it anyhow.  We were a small group so its not like they had to SCREAM their speech for all of us to hear. 


    We took an ipod and idock station to one of the outdoor bars and just set up.  We danced until the bar closed and then we moved to the disco. 


    It was amazing and worked out perfectly for me, but we're all different!!

    Good luck!!



    Originally Posted by JaimeCF2BR View Post


    Hey Nicole - I see tlgnuci on the B2B...is this supposed to be Tisha?  tlgnhci??


    Just making sure before I submit my vote!






    Yes its supposed to be TLGnhci - Tisha!  Not sure how that happened?  Anyway, I know I'm not in here often anymore, but I know you ladies are great support for each other and felt that nominations were in order :).


    I saw someone asking what you win.... no prize or anything, but you're acknowledged as member of the month on the forum.

  8. melib2b - how big is your wedding?  I don't think regular TA's provide that service but you may not need a planner either.  My TA was a destination wedding TA, but they were by no means "wedding planners".  The details were left for me to decide and work out with the resort but at least I knew they were in my corner if sh*t really hit the fan. What sort of things do you think you'll need a wedding planner for?  I like to think of this forum as the planner, but that's just me lol. 


    Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

    What did everyone do for their birth certificates before they left? Did you just get the photocopies certified by a Notary?

    First I had to request the long version birth certificates for both of us as we only had the wallet size ones.

    Then I sent them to the Canadian Ministry of Foregin Affairs to be authenticated.

    Once I got those back I sent them to the Mexican Consulate in Toronoto for legalization.

    I sent all originals, no photocopies.


    Your best bet is to look up the Mexican Consulate website for your city.  It should have instructions on there under "getting married in Mexico".

    Good luck!

  10. Hahahaha, sorry Manders, I guess we overburdened you with book options lol.  Maybe I should have only got a few for you!  I'm the same right now, I have at least 3 on my shelf waiting to be read.  Have you started any of the ones we sent?

  11. Hi Ladies.  I got a few PM's with changes to the date list, so here's a revised one.  If anyone needs to be added or removed PLEASE PM ME!!!!!!!!!


    Happy planning!!!!



    September 2010

    Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010

    October 2010

    amandamarieb – October 10, 2010

    chong – October 10, 2010

    November 2010

    dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm

    dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach

    Ms.H – November 16, 2010

    December 2010

    mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010

    jaimeburns – December 10, 2010

    rkf1046 – December 11, 2010


    January 2011

    Murmel – January 24, 2011

    February 2011

    Less is More – February 19, 2011

    March 2011

    gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011

    April 2011

    dakotaAZ – April 2, 2011

    Mahalo79 – April 25, 2011 – El Dorado Maroma

    May 2011

    TLGnhci – May 2, 2011

    mmc1105 – May 6, 2011

    JaimeCF2BR– May 7, 2011

    Nikki O – May 7, 2011

    amcferron – May 13, 2011

    MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011

    beaz2be – May 27, 2011

    Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011

    June 2011

    jazz04 – June 12, 2011

    July 2011

    LMMDC – July 23, 2011


    February 2012

    msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012




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